APFS, for Hackintoshes, has an issue. Support from Clover it is still in infancy. We need to copy apfs.efi manually into Clover in order to make it boot. Of course, a good way to make this would be for the Clover developers to add build-in support for APFS, how they did with HFS+, years ago, but that will take time. I have installed High Sierra on APFS instead of HFS+ a little while ago, as a preparation for Mojave. It went well for a time then, suddenly, at one boot, FakeSMC failed to configure the DSMOS and boot failed. DSMOS is a kext, placed in macOS and iOS, short for Do Not Steal Mac OS, meant to block the boot of the OS on unsupported hardware (in case of macOS, Hackintoshes and unsupported Macs). FakeSMC, configuring the SMC, on boot, configures this kext and allows the boot. On verbose boot, DSMOS first says „Waiting for DSMOS”, then a few lines, some unrelated to it, appear, then „DSMOS has arrived”. After the first message, if FakeSMC fails, the boot is stoped. Sometimes, after the second message the boot stops. DSMOS after the kernel finished booting and before the GUI of the OS. If APFS affects FakeSMC and DSMOS, this shows there are clear, structural differences between HFS+ and APFS in how macOS works and how it relates to hardware.