I know. It's too bad the graphics industry is jostling for position. Metal hopes to squash Vulkan (unfortunately cause the high level architectural design is similar). Apple of course wants to gobble everything...they hardly attended/participated any of the OpenGL consortium conferences and have been trying to replace GL for almost 10 years. I haven't played with MoltentVK, is it worth it?
Yeah, Jobs was hesitant on supporting OpenGL and John Carmack kind of convinced him to reconsider.
The issue is no one cares about gaming on macOS, and OpenGL was kind of for that.
Metal is only on Apple devices/OS's so no one is going to adapt it anywhere else since it's a closed garden system.
Vulkan is open ended unlike DirectX and Metal.
MoltenVK easily translates Vulkan to macOS, because before if a game was developed for DirectX it would require a lot of work to translate over to macOS. Now it's super easy. But who has the incentive to do that?
If you look at the latest Doom (not Eternal) and Wolfenstein II, they are on Vulkan and could be ported to macOS easily...but will they?
Apple has hired a lot of AMD engineers to develop Metal, but it's still very closed source.
Apple needs to work with Adobe to make their apps not suck on the Mac. It's REALLY saddening. I don't know anyone who doesn't use Adobe apps on macOS.