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Thank you, i try these files right now.
Mouse and trackpad is working, just problems with MM1.

Also Files where created after restarting. everything allright in this case.

Just replace with those HS files into your Mojave /System/Library/Extensions

Then very important!!! Type from Mojave Terminal:

sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions && sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions
sudo kextcache -i /
sudo reboot
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Hello. I decided to try to apply the ROM patch on my Macbook Pro 2009. Faced with the options given by the patch software, I opened the computer and found the chip reference, but I still have doubts about the correct option. Attached I send the options the patcher gave me and a photo of the chip itself. Can anyone tell me the right option? I bet on the second one, but my computer wants me to be sure :) Thank you all, Ivo.
View attachment 777870
View attachment 777871

Just an update from my previous post. I patched my computer choosing the second option, and now it is dead as a dodo :S Already send it to repair... just out of curiosity, what was the correct option @dosdude1 ?
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Just replace with those HS files into your Mojave /System/Library/Extensions

Then very important!!! Type from Mojave Terminal:

sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions && sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions
sudo kextcache -i /
sudo reboot

Yes, what i did - no changes...
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Yes, what i did - no changes...

Weird, do you have tried previously to install the continuity activation tool patch? Because this patch can alter your USB bluetooth internal device in particular affecting:

IOBluetoothFamily.kext and IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext
and mainly /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework

Could you try another external USB bluetooth device adapter and pair Magic Mouse with that one?

Anyway, since Mojave beta 9 is upcoming, I'd wait and upgrade, this eventually should fix your MM1 issues.
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@dosdude1 as I wrote earlier, I use an external USB SSD Mojave both on unsupported and supported Mac.
I'm still on Mojave beta 6 and since haven't upgrade yet to beta 8 I never plugged it again into the supported Mac.

Yesterday, when I plugged it recently I noticed that have no more QE/CI (Metal) on a supported Mac, then I've discovered the issue, for some reason I had replaced the IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from High Sierra, then I have re-replaced this extension with the Mojave beta 2 one (the only backup I had) and QE/CI has worked fine again. While the same kext didn't caused any issues to others unsupported Mac, neither re-replacing with Mojave stock one.

Haven't you tried to non-patch the IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext leaving the stock Mojave one for AMD5000/6000 series?

Maybe this could work too for enabling acceleration on those video cards.
Apparently this kext is required both for OpenCL/GL and Metal GPUs.
I attach my stock IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from Mojave beta 2.


    232.4 KB · Views: 215
Weird, do you have tried previously to install the continuity activation tool patch? Because this patch can alter your USB bluetooth internal device in particular affecting:

IOBluetoothFamily.kext and IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext
and mainly /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework

Could you try another external USB bluetooth device adapter and pair Magic Mouse with that one?

Anyway, since Mojave beta 9 is upcoming, I'd wait and upgrade, this eventually should fix your MM1 issues.

I´m sorry, there is no other bluetooth adapter to test.

What is continuity activation tool patch?
found it.
but with bluetooth it says my internal BT fro MBP 5.4 is not BT4.0 and quits…
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I´m sorry, there is no other bluetooth adapter to test.

What is continuity activation tool patch?
found it.
but with bluetooth it says my internal BT fro MBP 5.4 is not BT4.0 and quits…

Drop it, since it causes other side issues effects, Mojave DP9 should be tomorrow on a weekly basis, upgrading main system core files you should auto-fix your MagicMouse1 issue.
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@dosdude1 as I wrote earlier, I use an external USB SSD Mojave both on unsupported and supported Mac.
I'm still on Mojave beta 6 and since haven't upgrade yet to beta 8 I never plugged it again into the supported Mac.

Yesterday, when I plugged it recently I noticed that have no more QE/CI (Metal) on a supported Mac, then I've discovered the issue, for some reason I had replaced the IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from High Sierra, then I have re-replaced this extension with the Mojave beta 2 one (the only backup I had) and QE/CI has worked fine again. While the same kext didn't caused any issues to others unsupported Mac, neither re-replacing with Mojave stock one.

Haven't you tried to non-patch the IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext leaving the stock Mojave one for AMD5000/6000 series?

Maybe this could work too for enabling acceleration on those video cards.
Apparently this kext is required both for OpenCL/GL and Metal GPUs.
I attach my stock IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from Mojave beta 2.

tried that with DP4 and IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from Mojave Public Beta 2. Result was AMDX3000 was omitted from pre linked Kernel - and of course no OpenGL for HD5870.
tried that with DP4 and IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from Mojave Public Beta 2. Result was AMDX3000 was omitted from pre linked Kernel - and of course no OpenGL for HD5870.

Thanks for you feedback, maybe also IOAccelerator2D.plugin could be required in conjunction with, but I can't test it on AMD/ATI, so don't know the exactly behavior, anyway I still retain a complete Mojave beta 2 backup (mid June), so, if required for testing, I do have all the beta2 preliminary extensions/frameworks and so on.

Do you have re-renamed your AMDRadeonX3000.kex in AMDRadeonX3000.kext ? And chown/chmod recursively its subfolders?

Anyway, try replace also this other kext/plugin from beta 2 (18A314h) into your current Mojave /S/L/E/


    11.9 KB · Views: 260
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Thanks for you feedback, maybe also IOAccelerator2D.plugin could be required in conjunction with, but I can't test it on AMD/ATI, so don't know the exactly behavior, anyway I still retain a complete Mojave beta 1 backup (mid June), so, if required for testing, I do have all the beta1/beta2 preliminary extensions/frameworks and so on.

Do you have re-renamed your AMDRadeonX3000.kex in AMDRadeonX3000.kext ? And chown/chmod recursively its subfolders?

Anyway, try replace also this other kext/plugin from beta 2 into your current Mojave /S/L/E/

Yes, of course. I have 3 Mac Pro 3.1 on different locations and at least 3 Systems to test. Now updating to dp8 and duplicate the unpatched extensions folder to have matching kexts - and do further testing. Should be neat to get HD5xxx to run openGL.

Odd thing is that HD4870 runs almost perfectly
Yes, of course. I have 3 Mac Pro 3.1 on different locations and at least 3 Systems to test. Now updating to dp8 and duplicate the unpatched extensions folder to have matching kexts - and do further testing. Should be neat to get HD5xxx to run openGL.

Odd thing is that HD4870 runs almost perfectly

Once I uploaded this PrivateFramework from Mojave beta 1 and it still works with current Mojave beta if replaced: IOAccelerator unix exec from Mojave beta 1 (compiled by apple on 9 June)

or better till Mojave beta 6 it works, not yet tested on next beta releases, but it should work too.

If you try this too, keep a copy/backup of your current Mojave IOAccelerator.framework in case.

While this I'm attaching now is the full PrivateFramework IOAccelerator from Mojave beta 2 (compiled by apple on 16 June):


    62.5 KB · Views: 185
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So here goes a blow by blow account of how this worked (for me)
View attachment 776077
READ THIS PANEL! After doing so I heard a long Beep! Then your machine will boot up normally...
View attachment 776078
View attachment 776079 View attachment 776080
View attachment 776082 View attachment 776083
Your backed up roms are here...
View attachment 776084

I haven't installed APFS yet. Will do so tonight...

Very clean manual !
Many thanks.

Now, I am on High Sierra with APFS (patched with DosDude tools) : all is OK.
My system : Mac Pro 3,1 with GeForce GTX 680.

Can I run, on High Sierra and in this configuration, the APFS Rom Patcher ?

Best regards,

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Once I uploaded this PrivateFramework from Mojave beta 1 and it still works with current Mojave beta if replaced: IOAccelerator unix exec from Mojave beta 1 (compiled by apple on 9 June)

or better till Mojave beta 6 it works, not yet tested on next beta releases, but it should work too.

If you try this too, keep a copy/backup of your current Mojave IOAccelerator.framework in case.

While this I'm attaching now is the full PrivateFramework IOAccelerator from Mojave beta 2 (compiled by apple on 16 June):

installed dp8

copied Extensions folder unpatched

did DosDudes patches

got false 30 bit colour depth, btw

copied both IOAccelerator2d.plugin and IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from unpatched copy into patched active Extensions folder, checked privs and run kextcache. Same problems with x3000 kext:

Last login: Sun Aug 26 17:22:24 on console
Mac-Pro:~ test$ sudo kextcache -i /
Kext with invalid signatured (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2e289e030 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2e283f5c0 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "LegacyUSBInjector.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.LegacyUSBInjector" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67054) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2def84750 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "AppleHDA.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7fd2e289e030 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
Link failed (error code 5).
Prelink failed for; omitting from prelinked kernel.
KernelCache ID: 86BEF23309846F8D161F639575043652
Kext with invalid signatured (-67054) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee04328810 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "AppleHDA.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee06082970 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "GeForceTesla.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67030) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee06296320 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "NDRVShim.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.NDRVShim" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67030) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee0629da00 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "NVDAResmanTesla.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee062caa10 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "LegacyUSBInjector.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.LegacyUSBInjector" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee0632a310 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
Mac-Pro:~ test$
installed dp8

copied Extensions folder unpatched

did DosDudes patches

copied both IOAccelerator2d.plugin and IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext from unpatched copy into patched active Extensions folder, checked privs and run kextcache. Same problems with x3000 kext:

Last login: Sun Aug 26 17:22:24 on console
Mac-Pro:~ test$ sudo kextcache -i /
Kext with invalid signatured (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2e289e030 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2e283f5c0 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "LegacyUSBInjector.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.LegacyUSBInjector" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67054) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fd2def84750 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "AppleHDA.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Invalid signature -67050 for kext <OSKext 0x7fd2e289e030 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
kxld[]: The vtable 'vtable for AMDRadeonX3000_AMDAccelDisplayPipe' is malformed. Make sure your kext has been built against the correct headers.
Link failed (error code 5).
Prelink failed for; omitting from prelinked kernel.
KernelCache ID: 86BEF23309846F8D161F639575043652
Kext with invalid signatured (-67054) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee04328810 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "AppleHDA.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee06082970 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "GeForceTesla.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67030) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee06296320 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "NDRVShim.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.NDRVShim" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67030) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee0629da00 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "NVDAResmanTesla.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee062caa10 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "LegacyUSBInjector.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.LegacyUSBInjector" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67050) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fee0632a310 [0x7fff82dd18e0]> { URL = "SIPManager.kext/ -- file:///Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.parrotgeek.SIPManager" }
Mac-Pro:~ test$

Well, you're right, in few words the "vtable/headers error" means that AMDRadeonX3000 requires its Legacy High Sierra IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext, if you try replacing with HS one at 99% the X3000 kext will be not omitted from kextcache/prelinkedkernel.


Anyway I re-ask to @dosdude1: Since it's involved by AMDRadeonX3000.kext, do you have tried to replace, apart HS IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext, also the previous Legacy HighSierra IOGraphicsFamily.kext ?

I remember a similar thing to bring full QE/CI on Legacy Tesla Nvidia was been done by @ASentientBot , replacing from HS IOGraphicsFamily.kext and IONDRVSupport.kext to fix the missing legacy symlinks

Maybe could be the same for AMD with AMDLegacySupport.kext or AMDSupport.kext , don't know just my suppositions.
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Quick question~ can you use an installer file in the patcher from another disk? Once I get my SSD, I plan on installing Mojave on it and keeping my HDD as external storage (and supported El Capitan), and since it’s a 120gb SSD vs. my 250gb HDD, I want to keep large files on the external El Capitan disk. If possible, I want to keep the 6gb installer files on my HDD and use the patcher tool on my SSD. When it asks you to select the “Install Mojave Beta” file to verify it before writing it to a flash drive, can you select a file from another drive, and will the writing time be the same as if the installer file was on your startup drive?
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Very clean manual !
Many thanks.

Now, I am on High Sierra with APFS (patched with DosDude tools) : all is OK.
My system : Mac Pro 3,1 with GeForce GTX 680.

Can I run, on High Sierra and in this configuration, the APFS Rom Patcher ?

Best regards,

It is best to ask @dosdude1 that question. I did not flash a previously flashed rom (as in your case), so a slightly different use case. This is delicate stuff, so don't proceed until you get @dosdude1 's opinion on the use of his tool in your case. Best of luck.
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@pkouame take a look at this old app:

This app in High Sierra will "paint to grey" the opacity of the Finder menu bar, the interesting part is that it includes the source code, useful to understand how the Finder bar was drawn until HS.

Already tried launching this app from Mojave Terminal and it does crash, giving issues on CoreDisplay and IOAccelerator Frameworks, already did tried replacing, but IOAccelerator from HS will produce WindowServer crashes on Mojave, the oldest working IOAccelerator is the one from Mojave beta 1.
@pkouame take a look at this old app:

This app in High Sierra will "paint to grey" the opacity of the Finder menu bar, the interesting part is that it includes the source code, useful to understand how the Finder bar was drawn until HS.

Already tried launching this app from Mojave Terminal and it does crash, giving issues on CoreDisplay and IOAccelerator Frameworks, already did tried replacing, but IOAccelerator from HS will produce WindowServer crashes on Mojave, the oldest working IOAccelerator is the one from Mojave beta 1.

I tried it on Mojave and it works but it actually worsens the problem because it's just putting more transparency there which patched Mojave can't handle.

Screenshot 2018-08-26 at 19.50.21.png

Screenshot 2018-08-26 at 19.50.35.png

Thanks to everyone for your hard work on this, it's looking good!

I've been searching for a 4.1 or 5.1 to replace the 3.1. However with the rumors of Apple switching from Intel chips and making a T2 required - combined with the ability to run Mojave (on my 3.1) that search is on hold. At least until these rumors become facts. Considering that Mojave hasn't been released to the pubic yet, it will be a few years before security updates for Mojave end.
As someone who used a PPC G5 until about 1.5 to 2 years ago, I'm well versed in the risks and challenges of running older Apple hardware and software.

It goes without saying that a new Mac will be more costly than a used machine, not buying a 4.1/5.1 right now provides a down payment in that new machine fund and will minimize sticker shock when its announced.

Regardless of what the future holds, I want to extend a big thank you to all involved in getting Mojave to run on my 3.1 and to DosDude1 for his APFS rom tool.
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Alright, I've finally finished it... APFS ROM Patcher is finally done! Some precautions:

- APFS ROM Patcher is to be used AT YOUR OWN RISK! There is always the possibility that your machine could become bricked as a result.
- DO NOT apply APFS ROM Patcher if your machine already can boot from APFS volumes
- If you get the following dialog, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you open your machine, remove your logic board if necessary, and verify the exact EEPROM type your machine has. Selecting the wrong EEPROM model will MOST LIKELY result in a bricked system!

View attachment 776034

Download here. Please be sure to post results!

I have a few questions with regard to using this on a MacPro 3,1 which has...

Boot ROM Version: MP31.006C.B05

1) Later messages here indicate that the ROM patching is completed from within the running APFS ROM Patcher program. So is it correct to say that the process will be finished after you quit the program and that nothing is done during the next reboot? I ask because my understanding of dosdude1's earlier ROM patching programs was that the ROM patching was done during the next restart (like Apple's own ROM patchers) which is entirely different from how the 2.0.0 release seems to work now.

2) Has anyone running an APFS ROM patched MacPro 3,1 checked if the ROM patches cause any issues with booting Windows or Linux on a separate drive? I vaguely recall from the early testing that one user was complaining about the boot selector no longer working after APFS ROM patching. Is that all ironed out?

3) Is the boot time for a SSD APFS volume roughly the same as an HFS volume on the APFS ROM patched systems? I recall some users complaining that the APFS boot time was significantly slower than the HFS boot time on unsupported systems but it was unclear if all of those users were using the APFS patches or the APFS ROM patches.

Thanks in advance for any clarifications.

ps I assume that the MacPro 3,1 only has one variant of EEPROM to deal with.
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I tried it on Mojave and it works but it actually worsens the problem because it's just putting more transparency there which patched Mojave can't handle.

View attachment 777982

View attachment 777983

If you click on the transfer app more than once a menu pops up to adjust transparency, brightness, blur, etc

Yes, I know, @TimothyR734 is right, just move/place the on the Desktop, double tap again after launch and you will see funny features like "Show Menu Bar Caps", top/bottom line, and others image effects that of course will not work properly on Mojave, but the most interesting part is that the author included the source code, useful to understand something else.
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