Thank you @dosdude1 After Legacy iSight Patch my iSight camera starts working again on iMac 9,1. 
Alright, got everything figured out! To get acceleration working under 10.14.4 with a non-Metal GPU, just download this archive, extract it, cd into the extracted directory using Terminal, and then run ./ Please ensure you have the Legacy Video Card Patch installed properly (you can re-apply it with the post-install patch, or re-install it using Patch Updater after running the script just to be sure). After rebooting, you should now have full graphics acceleration!
/sbin/mount -uw /
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD3000*.*
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHDGraphics*.*
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla*.*
View attachment 824764
What is the proper way to revert a system back to the latest supported OSX? (MPB 13 8.1 back to High Sierra)
Hello dosdude I’m thoroughly confused about these steps, not a big terminal guy. I installed 10.4.4, restarted in safe mode, Command-S, entered the terminal commands and couldn’t boot any longer into Mac OS, my boot directory actually disappeared, had to do a Time Machine restore. Maybe I am entering the wrong command into terminal or something. 10.4.4 is the first time I have had problems updating, usually its quite easy and straightforward. I’m on an iMac 7’1.
So one more time the steps are as follows
1. Install macOS 10.4.4
2. Restart in Safe Mode (Command+S)
3. Enter these terminal commands
/sbin/mount -uw /
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD3000.kext
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla.kext
From the installer you have to run the command patch and go through the steps. This is listed on the tutorial.Absolutely not a dumb question. I did not run any post-patch command - as it was not clear where/when/how to do this.
If it is one of the options in your script, it might be misleading ("Patch Update package" is not it, is it?).
So there is hope everything is fine and I just don´t get it ;-)
From the installer you have to run the command patch and go through the steps. This is listed on the tutorial.
Do you actually managed to do a Mojave Time Machine system restore on an unsupported Mac? Or you did a TM restore of a supported OS on your Mac?
Thanks for the tip. I tried it, but unfortunately it didn't help. Still looking for a solution...
My iMac is 7’1, so it’s unsupported. I restarted, entered the USB installer created from dosdude when originally creating the Post Install Patch, then select the Time Machine menu option and selected a restore point already on my startup drive. It’s whats saving me with not getting 10.4.4 to install properly. I am able to easily revert to 10.4.3 this way.
Did you run the post install patch?Hi Julian I have a MacBook pro 8,1 running macos Mojave 10.14.3 and it is working fine.
So I am trying to update to the new version 10.14.4 using the same procedure as I did when I installed the version 10.14.3 but it is no working, after the installation when the Mac is initializing I saw just the gray screen with apple logo for a long time freezing. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could you help me please? Thanks again.
Yep, exactly.How do you create a restore point on your startup drive? Is it APFS local snapshot?
When running 10.14.4, my Macbook5,1 sees the laptop screen as a 21" monitor and the keyboard as some sort of external keyboard. I tried completely wiping the hard drive and re-installing a freshly patched 10.14.4 from scratch, but the end result is exactly the same - no keyboard backlight and no ability to sleep, and Preferences shows the laptop screen as a 21" monitor and the keyboard as a non-backlit keyboard (with no "adjust keyboard brightness"... checkbox).
Again, any help with this problem would be appreciated.
Yep, exactly.
But your machine does not natively support APFS? Did you use any patches or fixes? I am unable to create an APFS local snapshot on my MacBook5,1.
I believe for me with Mojave ever since 10.4.1 I had made my SSD drive an APFS drive and been using it that way ever since.
I use APFS since ages ago as well.
Do you use "local snapshot" command in terminal?
I use APFS since ages ago as well.
Do you use "local snapshot" command in terminal?
No, no terminal commands. It seems the system automatically backs up at different times and when I want do a restore I can see different dates and the time I want to select to install back to.
Probably @CNiles38006 did a full timemachine backup instead of a local snapshot or maybe dosdude1 has fixed the "TimeMachine app" inside his Mojave Patcher to support restoring a TM APFS backup over a APFS-firmware-patched machine.
Probably @CNiles38006 did a full timemachine backup instead of a local snapshot or maybe dosdude1 has fixed the "TimeMachine app" inside his Mojave Patcher to support restoring a TM APFS backup over a APFS-firmware-patched machine.
Do you have used the APFS-ROM-patcher or APFS software efi script patch for your machine ?
Yeah, I know it’s definitely not the full time machine backup to say an external disk. I have that as well but it dates back to November, so it may be the second option you mentioned, because I can select the Time Machine restore option from the external USB stick that has the Post Install Patch for Mojave.
May beI asked for help in post 3153, but no answer. Here is the question again.l I installed the latest Mojave on my MacMini 3,1 but the fonts and graphics have the jagged edges. Any fixes for this?