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As for 10.4.4 I’m stuck at the grey screen even after following dosdude’s terminal commands for Single User Mode. When I exit the Single User Mode it’s not booting to desktop to let me install the graphics acceleration patch I downloaded.

You followed correct procedure here, but I guess your iMac7,1 does have instead an ATI GPU so you should remove before applying the 10.14.4accel patch some kind of these:

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/ATI*.kext


rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AMD*.kext

but if I am right you should remove only this one to allow GUI booting so try only remove this:

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext

if still can't boot maybe these too needed to be removed but I am not really sure of them:

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Updated my MacBook Pro Early 2011 (MacBookPro8,1) to 10.14.4 and couldn’t boot anymore. Thanks @AlexyFoxy and @dosdude1 for your instructions. Although the “” script gave me quite a lot of errors:

cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Resources with non-directory GPUSupport.framework/Resources
cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/Current with non-directory GPUSupport.framework/Versions/Current
cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Libraries with non-directory GPUSupport.framework/Libraries
cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources with non-directory OpenGL.framework/Resources
cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current with non-directory OpenGL.framework/Versions/Current
cp: cannot overwrite directory /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries with non-directory OpenGL.framework/Libraries

But after that I reinstalled all patches with the Patch Updater and now it boots just like before and has graphics acceleration. I think you should put these instructions on your website @dosdude1.
As for 10.4.4 I’m stuck at the grey screen even after following dosdude’s terminal commands for Single User Mode. When I exit the Single User Mode it’s not booting to desktop to let me install the graphics acceleration patch I downloaded.

You might need to rename an OpenGLDriver.bundle related to your GPU in a Single User mode. I am not an expert on this unfortunately.
For Font Smoothing you can find it in System Preferences => General => Use font smoothing when available.

I had it ticked and did not even knew about it!
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Hi Julian I have a MacBook pro 8,1 running macos Mojave 10.14.3 and it is working fine.
So I am trying to update to the new version 10.14.4 using the same procedure as I did when I installed the version 10.14.3 but it is no working, after the installation when the Mac is initializing I saw just the gray screen with apple logo for a long time freezing. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could you help me please? Thanks again.
Did you boot back in to the bootable drive and reinstall the post-install patches?
Did some testing with today´s version of your script, installer 10.14.4 final and MacBook 4,1.
Good news: The patch creates a bootable installer that runs on MB 4,1.
Still not so good: The outcome of the installation boots on MB4,1, but has wrong prelinked kernel (does not contain the USB fixes) and shortly after initializing the window manager crashes/reboots (as if C2D fix and/or HS telemetry plugin are not there).

Took the drive to another working Mac,
did one round of dosdude1-installer post patch (for MB 5,2 without audio, USB, graphics patches), supplied the MB4,1 specific kexts and rebuilt the prelinked kernel.
Drive back into MB4,1 -> now it boots to the finder desktop.

Same experience here on my Macbook4,1. The USB installer now boots correctly with no changes, directly after making it from the patch tool. Full Keyboard/Mouse/USB support when booted to the installer, but after install and patch, still no Keyboard/Mouse/USB. Replaced with kext package listed earlier in the thread and everything is back. Siri seems to work fine on mine, it's a little slow to come up but "open google in safari" does what it says. We're getting close! Also if the machine goes to sleep it won't wake up, so I turned off all the power management and even reboots seem to work correctly now. I've attached the verbose patch logs as requested, the one marked old was with your patcher tool from a week ago, the one marked new is the latest one you uploaded yesterday.


  • Terminal Saved Output new.txt
    27.4 KB · Views: 177
  • Terminal Saved Output old.txt
    19 KB · Views: 174
Same experience here on my Macbook4,1. The USB installer now boots correctly with no changes, directly after making it from the patch tool. Full Keyboard/Mouse/USB support when booted to the installer, but after install and patch, still no Keyboard/Mouse/USB. Replaced with kext package listed earlier in the thread and everything is back. Siri seems to work fine on mine, it's a little slow to come up but "open google in safari" does what it says. We're getting close! Also if the machine goes to sleep it won't wake up, so I turned off all the power management and even reboots seem to work correctly now. I've attached the verbose patch logs as requested, the one marked old was with your patcher tool from a week ago, the one marked new is the latest one you uploaded yesterday.
The same drivers that are in that package are in my tool. I can’t investigate the issue as I don’t have the hardware.
[doublepost=1553697078][/doublepost]Update: The only issue I can think of is due to the renaming. I'll change that and send you a test build.
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I faced the same problem(using your same machine), but I did this:

(dosdude1) suggested it on page 498 and you can download the patch on page 497.

The Patch

The Instructions

I hope it helps you.

That is helpful to know but I also see something else, the SSD is only able to boot into safe mode, I may have to run system repair on the SSD by connecting it to another MacBook via USB, this is really odd behavior.

When I boot back into normal mode it stays stuck on the Apple logo with the progress bar stuck at half way with a loading circle beneath it.
You might need to rename an OpenGLDriver.bundle related to your GPU in a Single User mode. I am not an expert on this unfortunately.

I had it ticked and did not even knew about it!
The "use font smoothing" tick is not the same as using the mentioned tools to enable "old style" sub-pixel font smoothing.
On our old non-retina screens this works wonders!
Same experience here on my Macbook4,1. The USB installer now boots correctly with no changes, directly after making it from the patch tool. Full Keyboard/Mouse/USB support when booted to the installer, but after install and patch, still no Keyboard/Mouse/USB. Replaced with kext package listed earlier in the thread and everything is back. Siri seems to work fine on mine, it's a little slow to come up but "open google in safari" does what it says. We're getting close! Also if the machine goes to sleep it won't wake up, so I turned off all the power management and even reboots seem to work correctly now. I've attached the verbose patch logs as requested, the one marked old was with your patcher tool from a week ago, the one marked new is the latest one you uploaded yesterday.
I use the "NoSleep" tool with additional kext (v.1.5.0 is the latest, but 1.4.x and 1.3.x work also) to avoid crashes/no wake when lid is closed. Even a setting to req. password to login after lid opening is included. Fine tool!
From the installer you have to run the command patch and go through the steps. This is listed on the tutorial.
OMG, I´ve been blind and did not scroll down your elaborate tutorial far enough!
Will redo this final step on a new installation and report back.
Sry, hope my fault did not keep you up at night, sleepless ;-)
@Larsvonhier @jowaju I released an experimental update to macOS Patcher. This update should fix issues on 4,1 systems where certain fonctions don't work correctly. I believe this is caused by an issue with renaming kexts so I have fixed that. If one of you could test it on a stock install to verify functionality that would be awesome. Thanks for your help. The dev build is available here.
The "use font smoothing" tick is not the same as using the mentioned tools to enable "old style" sub-pixel font smoothing.
On our old non-retina screens this works wonders!
I use the "NoSleep" tool with additional kext (v.1.5.0 is the latest, but 1.4.x and 1.3.x work also) to avoid crashes/no wake when lid is closed. Even a setting to req. password to login after lid opening is included. Fine tool!
OMG, I´ve been blind and did not scroll down your elaborate tutorial far enough!
Will redo this final step on a new installation and report back.
Sry, hope my fault did not keep you up at night, sleepless ;-)
Please read my post above about the issues. Ideally you should try both but idk if that’s practical or not. I guess if it just doesn’t work with the public (old) version but does with the dev (new) one then we know. It wouldn’t work the other way around though. Try that order with both versions I guess. Thanks for your testing. Btw, I didn’t see it until this morning. I had school so I couldn’t have fixed it even if I had hardware. We both make mistakes. No biggie :)
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guys, i am at the end of my ideas. can't get the 10.14.4 installed...

- have a macbook 6,1 running Mojave 10.14.3. (installed via mojave patcher)
- no software update via settings available
- downloaded dosdude1's 1.3.0
- booted into the created installer stick and installed post install drivers again. then rebooted.
- still no software update via settings available
- downloaded the 10.14.4 update .dmg manually and tried to start: "this update is not compatible with your system"

any more ideas for me?

guys, i am at the end of my ideas. can't get the 10.14.4 installed...

- have a macbook 6,1 running Mojave 10.14.3. (installed via mojave patcher)
- no software update via settings available
- downloaded dosdude1's 1.3.0
- booted into the created installer stick and installed post install drivers again. then rebooted.
- still no software update via settings available
- downloaded the 10.14.4 update .dmg manually and tried to start: "this update is not compatible with your system"

any more ideas for me?

Convert your drive to apfs.
thanks for the quick answer :)

is that possible without losing data?i assume I do that after booting into the installer stick and opening the partition manager?
It is possible without data loss. Just boot from the installer, go to disk utility, click edit, and then click convert to apfs. You can't install updates on hfs drives with Mojave.
It is possible without data loss. Just boot from the installer, go to disk utility, click edit, and then click convert to apfs. You can't install updates on hfs drives with Mojave.


its greyed out for me. i guess because i have a bootcamp partition on that ssd... will erase that first and reboot into the installer again...

update: option to convert is still greyed out. no clue why...looks like i need to erase and do a clean install..
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I manually replace those kexts as well. However, I expect that may eventually cause problems as other kexts get updated further. That is when NDRVShim may be valuable.

For now, though, I agree with you. @parrotgeek1's solution is very clever, but unnecessary and its implementation of _VSLGestalt symbol is just a stub to prevent a linker error.

I am trying to figure out if manually replacing IONDRVSupport and IOGraphicsFamily kexts from High Sierra will enable clamshell mode under Mojave? Did somebody already uploaded those kexts?
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Updated to 10.14.4 on a Mac Pro 3.1 (APFS-enabled ROM) with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 without problems. This is simply great! :)

One question: Could somebody please tell me, which exact purpose the LegacyUSBInjector and USBOHCI Support Patches do have? Thanks in advance for enlightening information about this.

I ask, because I've finally found out that one of the both patches makes a Pioneer DJ controller unusable with this machine. If I install Mojave without applying these patches, the controller works as expected.

Also I have to remark that this Mac Pro so far doesn't show any issues without these patches.

Hi, on my mp3,1 running 10.14.3 did not patch them as one of the two or both, broke the image in my usb camera. Without them usb camera is working perfectly. No other issues because on not patching the LegacyUSBInjector and USBOHCI, at least in my case.
I'm going to upgrade to 10.14.4 and will follow same steps as 10.14.3.
Will report back.


Many thanks for your time spent for making our old machines "revitalized" .
Many thanks also to other contributors, but also to all members that with their findings help all of us.

Many thanks again.

PS. Dear fellows do not forget the donation :) It is deserved !
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You followed correct procedure here, but I guess your iMac7,1 does have instead an ATI GPU so you should remove before applying the 10.14.4accel patch some kind of these:

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/ATI*.kext


rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AMD*.kext

but if I am right you should remove only this one to allow GUI booting so try only remove this:

rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext

if still can't boot maybe these too needed to be removed but I am not really sure of them:

Thanks a lot for the suggestion, was finally able to boot into 10.4.4.

Does anyone know now that I’m on the desktop how do I install the Graphics Acceleration Patch from dosdude.
GPUSupport.framework and OpenGL.framework.

Is there a folder I have to go to and drop the two files into. Thanks.
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Hi! Did u apply any other patch because I've an imac 9,1 with Mojave and isight doesn't work.thanks
No, new patch updater integrity finds this patch when I boot my machine earlier morning. I just patched and after restart, its start working. Photo Booth and Facetime is working now.
Can I just ask for an update to why :apple: iMac 12,2 Users can't upgrade to Mojave? I know it's a non-metal supported GPU but I've seen HD4000 series boot it so how come the HD5000/6000 can't? Just an honest question if somebody could give me a reply & and I hope somebody finds a fix for it soon, I don't want to give up hope as I'm seeing late 2008's taking Mojave :( watching everybody update is killing me!! :mad: - I know I can do the 765m upgrade but I'd rather stick with the original card for the boot screen and brightness control, and this machine outdoes most newer Macs anyway!! - Do we have any movement updates? is it trying to be done/are people working on it? Is it even possible or should I give up all hope now?
Hi, on my mp3,1 running 10.14.3 did not patch them as one of the two or both, broke the image in my usb camera. Without them usb camera is working perfectly. No other issues because on not patching the LegacyUSBInjector and USBOHCI, at least in my case.
I'm going to upgrade to 10.14.4 and will follow same steps as 10.14.3.
Will report back.

@dosdude1 @dosdude2

Many thanks for your time spent for making our old machines "revitalized" .
Many thanks also to other contributors, but also to all members that with their findings help all of us.

Many thanks again.

PS. Dear fellows do not forget the donation :) It is deserved !
Just FYI, this "dosdude2" is completely fake, and has no correspondence with or relation to me whatsoever. I'd recommend reporting him if you do come across him again.

its greyed out for me. i guess because i have a bootcamp partition on that ssd... will erase that first and reboot into the installer again...

update: option to convert is still greyed out. no clue why...looks like i need to erase and do a clean install..
No, you just have to unmount the volume first and then the option is not greyed out any more. Then do the conversion...
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