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I have 10.14.4 running on my iMac 9,1 and my MacBook 5,1 my MacBook only crashed once but that was before I could install the updated patches from the patch updater makes me wonder what is the difference from the Nvidia 9400 and 9400M GPU :) one drive seems to be working on my iMac 9,1 syncing folders now after syncing no drop down menu darn

Same issue with OneDrive. No Window.
Well I tried installing 10.14.5 on my iMac 9,1 but it came up with a prelinkedkernel and kernel cache error so going back to 10.14.4 and hope I can get it work again
Thanks to @0403979 questions about RAM in a MB5,2 (and pointing me to actual differences between early/late 2009 models) I found a surprising fact:
The late´09 model can handle and really use 8GB of RAM instead of the "inofficially" claimed 6GB (MacTracker, lowendmac and others).
Now my question would be: Is that related to the 6400S type (800MHz) 4GB DIMMs I used for testing and only in combination with Mojave? I think I´ll contact LEM, but to be sure - can anyone reproduce this? (The 4GB modules are not too common and quite pricey so perhaps not a large user base can test it, even under macOS "supported" conditions).

Speed difference between 667 and 800MHz RAM in real world (Geekbench total score, #core independent) is around 5-8%, but the max. memory throughput bandwidth between a single module 667MHz and two 800MHz modules ranges from 25-30%.
According to the MacTracker utility, which is a more reliable source for info on the maximum amount of RAM a Mac can really see, the Late 2009 (MacBook6,1) can see 8GB. MacTracker claims that both the Early 2009 and Mid 2009 Macbooks (both are 5,2--that's what's in your screenshot) can see only 6GB RAM maximum. But I've been running two 4GB RAM boards in my Mid 2009 (5,2) Macbook since March 2017, first under Sierra, then High Sierra, and now Mojave (all installed using dosdude1's Patcher) and I was surprised (and pleased) to see all 8GB recognized under each of these versions of MacOS. I bought these RAM boards from eBay seller "atechcomponents" for $99.99. The listing described them as PC2-6400, DDR2 800mhz, but "About This Mac" and System Profiler on my Macbook both say these boards are running at 667MHz. I don't remember how they're marked (maybe I'll pull one out later and see), but it's possible the seller actually sent me 667MHz boards. I was disappointed to see them running at 667MHz, but if I had to choose between 6GB RAM running at 800MHz, or 8GB of RAM running at 667MHz, I'd choose the second (so I'm lucky that's what I got).
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Well to those interested about "bring back OpenGL on 10.14.5 beta1" testing MacBook7,1 here is one bit more observation:

I've compared the outputs "line by line" of the kexts dependancies between HighSierra (supported) and Mojave (unsupported), you'd be surprised that they are exactly the same, almost identical, and that's not over, even comparing the verbose boot lines when NvidiaTesla are loaded (they are typically the latest before reaching the IOconsoleusers loginwindow UI) there are no differences.

You can notice the transition from stage2 apple logo loading bar from a cold grey to a warm-yellowished grey (or from grey to dark boot with white apple logo) followed by very smooth fadeout/fadein and lastly resulting no OpenGL acceleration.

Hence (they are no my conspiracy theories) looks like apple have voluntary disabled its OpenGL rendering GUI (maybe Metal-izing it) on our unsupported mac.
Ouch! You must take a look at the .5 SkyLight framework. That's where most of the OpenGL "magic" happened (at least up until now...). That framework has(d) a lot of OpenGL acceleration function/methods and even tons of embedded OpenGL shader code. I can scan if you send me the binary.

EDIT: there are specific methods in SkyLight that set OpenGL acceleration (or not). I still happen to have the disassembled/pseudo-coded version of GM Skylight to compare with.
I didnt even realize we had to do the retro patches separately. I just updated on my 2010 MBP 6,2. Did the usual 1.3.0 patch and everything worked (thought those patches were already baked into the 1.3.0 patcher)
You're right. The 1.3.0 patcher applies the graphics retro-patches for us. There's a in the latest patcher that copies the old frameworks in. For example, the "official' .4 OpenGL is version while the patcher copies back in.
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I reinstalled 10.14.4 after trying to get 10.14.5 to work but the steps I took to get 10.14.4 on my iMac 9,1 did not work but here is my install log maybe someone might take a look


  • install.txt
    727.3 KB · Views: 1,053
Ouch! You must take a look at the .5 SkyLight framework. That's where most of the OpenGL "magic" happened (at least up until now...). That framework has(d) a lot of OpenGL acceleration function/methods and even tons of embedded OpenGL shader code. I can scan if you send me the binary.

EDIT: there are specific methods in SkyLight that set OpenGL acceleration (or not). I still happen to have the disassembled/pseudo-coded version of GM Skylight to compare with.
You're right. The 1.3.0 patcher applies the graphics retro-patches for us. There's a in the latest patcher that copies the old frameworks in. For example, the "official' .4 OpenGL is version while the patcher copies back in.

I've already tried to replace SkyLight Framework (Windowserver included) from 10.14.3 the latest known OpenGL working, but same results, it still boot but w/o OpenGL Acceleration.

I confirm that OpenGL.framework version 17.3.1 is from 10.14.3 (18D109) , while OpenGL version 17.7.2 is from 10.14.5 beta1 (build 18F96h).

From my supplemental tests about "at least booting 10.14.5 beta1 on unsupported macs" here are the results:

- There is no need to delete or rename any GL Driver bundle;
- The trick replacing GPUWrangler.framework will allow booting 10.14.5b1 on any (Penryn SSE4.2 CPU) Mac equipped with single iGPU but except those with Dual Graphics GPUs.

Dual GPUs Mac require the AppleMuxControl.kext that is contained inside the AGC (AppleGraphicsControl.kext) that contains also the AppleGPUWrangler.kext , AppleGraphicsDeviceControl-Policy and so on.

Actually I guess there is no way to boot 10.14.5 beta1 from a Dual GPUs Mac, I did tried to figure it out here.

These could depend also from GPUWrangler.framework but I don't know another way to allow booting 10.14.5 beta1 other than using GPUWrangler.framework from 10.14.3 .

I guess the "failed booting of Dual GPUs Mac" and "no OpenGL Accel of single GPU Mac" is due to these kexts: IOGraphicsFamily.kext and AppleGraphicsControl.kext , but using previous versions they are refused by new kernel or omitted from prelinked , especially the AGC is a very tricky group of kext, but without them correctly prelinked you cannot nor reach the loginUI.

So I discourage anyone who own pre-2011 MacBook 15/17" or dual GPU iMac to updating to 10.14.5 beta1.

The only chance to boot 10.14.5 beta1 is from any (Penryn CPU) pre-2011 Mac equipped with a single Graphic Integrated GPU, typically all the 13" MacBook and iMac lower than 27".

Other tests than these I've attempted are beyond my capabilities.
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A long time back, when it was common to install Snow Leopard onto a MSI Wind laptop, I remember the developers rolling back to a previous kernel when updates became too difficult.
Would it be worth trying the kernel from 10.14.3, or am I talking absolute rubbish?

Cheers :)

A long time back, when it was common to install Snow Leopard onto a MSI Wind laptop, I remember the developers rolling back to a previous kernel when updates became too difficult.
Would it be worth trying the kernel from 10.14.3, or am I talking absolute rubbish?

Cheers :)


Already tried to use a previous 10.14.3 /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
but when rebuilding the new kextcache "prelinking" against it there are thousands of unresolved symbols, so it will crash during kext/framework loading or get an instantly kernel panic.
Thanks to @0403979 questions about RAM in a MB5,2 (and pointing me to actual differences between early/late 2009 models) I found a surprising fact:
The late´09 model can handle and really use 8GB of RAM instead of the "inofficially" claimed 6GB (MacTracker, lowendmac and others).
Now my question would be: Is that related to the 6400S type (800MHz) 4GB DIMMs I used for testing and only in combination with Mojave? I think I´ll contact LEM, but to be sure - can anyone reproduce this? (The 4GB modules are not too common and quite pricey so perhaps not a large user base can test it, even under macOS "supported" conditions).

Speed difference between 667 and 800MHz RAM in real world (Geekbench total score, #core independent) is around 5-8%, but the max. memory throughput bandwidth between a single module 667MHz and two 800MHz modules ranges from 25-30%.

View attachment 829707
"Best Apps WebCrack" readme file in the archive speaks a clear language.
Moderator is informed to take post down.
According to the MacTracker utility, which is a more reliable source for info on the maximum amount of RAM a Mac can really see, the Late 2009 (MacBook6,1) can see 8GB. MacTracker claims that both the Early 2009 and Mid 2009 Macbooks (both are 5,2--that's what's in your screenshot) can see only 6GB RAM maximum. But I've been running two 4GB RAM boards in my Mid 2009 (5,2) Macbook since March 2017, first under Sierra, then High Sierra, and now Mojave (all installed using dosdude1's Patcher) and I was surprised (and pleased) to see all 8GB recognized under each of these versions of MacOS. I bought these RAM boards from eBay seller "atechcomponents" for $99.99. The listing described them as PC2-6400, DDR2 800mhz, but "About This Mac" and System Profiler on my Macbook both say these boards are running at 667MHz. I don't remember how they're marked (maybe I'll pull one out later and see), but it's possible the seller actually sent me 667MHz boards. I was disappointed to see them running at 667MHz, but if I had to choose between 6GB RAM running at 800MHz, or 8GB of RAM running at 667MHz, I'd choose the second (so I'm lucky that's what I got).
This has been talked about a lot. The reason that the MacBook 5,2 supports 8GB of ram is due to it's nvidia nForce MCP79 chipset. It was the old intel chipset that had the limitation. The 5,2 MacBook does indeed run at full DDR2 800Mhz. There are more technical explanations on these forums if you search.
Well I tried installing 10.14.5 on my iMac 9,1 but it came up with a prelinkedkernel and kernel cache error so going back to 10.14.4 and hope I can get it work again
Hi TimohyR734! have u got ur isight cam working on imac9,1. I installed dosdude1´s patch updater 1.3 and my isight cam doesn't work. Thanks in advance
Shift key on unsupported Mojave mac doesn't work most of the times, you need to set exactly that nvram you're to going to type, then you can boot everything.

MBP6,2 15", i7 2.66ghz, Samsung evo 860 ssd, 8gb ram(mid 2010)

Well, i went back to 10.14.3 (with superduper - i have always disk backups in usb disks), as was facing issues with 10.14.4.
Not only the safe boot with shift key was not working, but also other issues as other users have posted, ie onedrive and similarities, run very very hot most of the times, and occasionally kernel panics.

With 10.14.3 no such issues. The shift works and can enter in safe boot, siri works whithout any patch, onedrive works, screen savers work, and not kernel panics, which did not have before and hopefully will not have now.

Had also to run in terminal "defaults write AttentionPrefBundleIDs 0" for getting rid of the red number of the settings/software updates and unchecked the "check of updates" as well. Of course if you do check for updates the red number of new software will be back again.

And with @jackluke apfsrecoveryfix the recovery (command+r) works too.

Seems that my MBP6,2 is too old for 10.14.4. Will try again on a later stage if these issues are resolved.

Thanks everybody for your hard work, creators and testers.
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Already tried to use a previous 10.14.3 /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
but when rebuilding the new kextcache "prelinking" against it there are thousands of unresolved symbols, so it will crash during kext/framework loading or get an instantly kernel panic.
It makes no sense, in my opinion, to change the kernel. I f so, you could stick to 10.14.3 . The point is to move forward, so the kernel needs o be up to date.
Hi, is it possible that the APFS patcher collided with any updates in the recent Mojave beta releases? My machine won’t boot and I have no clue why
I've already tried to replace SkyLight Framework (Windowserver included) from 10.14.3 the latest known OpenGL working, but same results, it still boot but w/o OpenGL Acceleration.

I confirm that OpenGL.framework version 17.3.1 is from 10.14.3 (18D109) , while OpenGL version 17.7.2 is from 10.14.5 beta1 (build 18F96h).

From my supplemental tests about "at least booting 10.14.5 beta1 on unsupported macs" here are the results:

- There is no need to delete or rename any GL Driver bundle;
- The trick replacing GPUWrangler.framework will allow booting 10.14.5b1 on any (Penryn SSE4.2 CPU) Mac equipped with single iGPU but except those with Dual Graphics GPUs.

Dual GPUs Mac require the AppleMuxControl.kext that is contained inside the AGC (AppleGraphicsControl.kext) that contains also the AppleGPUWrangler.kext , AppleGraphicsDeviceControl-Policy and so on.

Actually I guess there is no way to boot 10.14.5 beta1 from a Dual GPUs Mac, I did tried to figure it out here.

These could depend also from GPUWrangler.framework but I don't know another way to allow booting 10.14.5 beta1 other than using GPUWrangler.framework from 10.14.3 .

I guess the "failed booting of Dual GPUs Mac" and "no OpenGL Accel of single GPU Mac" is due to these kexts: IOGraphicsFamily.kext and AppleGraphicsControl.kext , but using previous versions they are refused by new kernel or omitted from prelinked , especially the AGC is a very tricky group of kext, but without them correctly prelinked you cannot nor reach the loginUI.

So I discourage anyone who own pre-2011 MacBook 15/17" or dual GPU iMac to updating to 10.14.5 beta1.

The only chance to boot 10.14.5 beta1 is from any (Penryn CPU) pre-2011 Mac equipped with a single Graphic Integrated GPU, typically all the 13" MacBook and iMac lower than 27".

Other tests than these I've attempted are beyond my capabilities.
Have you by any chance captured any logs (kernel or panic)? SkyLight has error messages like these:

"Instructed to forcibly ignore acceleration. Disabling acceleration.";
"No matching context for device (%p) - disabling acceleration.", &var_30, 0xc);
"Display Context initialization failed - disabling acceleration.";
"Acquired display context (%p) - enabling acceleration.", &var_30, 0xc);

So the system may be leaving some helpful clues before it borks. Always a good first step.
I'm not sure I follow the whole single versus dual gpu thing, but I'll take your word for it. I guess a way to confirm this would be to disable gpu switching or a secondary gpu entirely. There used to be some nvram settings controlling gpu capabilities (like power prefs) a long while ago.
MBP6,2 15", i7 2.66ghz, Samsung evo 860 ssd, 8gb ram(mid 2010)

Well, i went back to 10.14.3 (with superduper - i have always disk backups in usb disks), as was facing issues with 10.14.4.
Not only the safe boot with shift key was not working, but also other issues as other users have posted, ie onedrive and similarities, run very very hot most of the times, and occasionally kernel panics.

With 10.14.3 no such issues. The shift works and can enter in safe boot, siri works whithout any patch, onedrive works, screen savers work, and not kernel panics, which did not have before and hopefully will not have now.

Had also to run in terminal "defaults write AttentionPrefBundleIDs 0" for getting rid of the red number of the settings/software updates and unchecked the "check of updates" as well. Of course if you do check for updates the red number of new software will be back again.

And with @jackluke apfsrecoveryfix the recovery (command+r) works too.

Seems that my MBP6,2 is too old for 10.14.4. Will try again on a later stage if these issues are resolved.

Thanks everybody for your hard work, creators and testers.

Sadly I have to agree.
Unfortunately I have no clones. Is it possible to install 10.14.3 on top of 10.14.4?
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I've already tried to replace SkyLight Framework (Windowserver included) from 10.14.3 the latest known OpenGL working, but same results, it still boot but w/o OpenGL Acceleration.

I confirm that OpenGL.framework version 17.3.1 is from 10.14.3 (18D109) , while OpenGL version 17.7.2 is from 10.14.5 beta1 (build 18F96h).

From my supplemental tests about "at least booting 10.14.5 beta1 on unsupported macs" here are the results:

- There is no need to delete or rename any GL Driver bundle;
- The trick replacing GPUWrangler.framework will allow booting 10.14.5b1 on any (Penryn SSE4.2 CPU) Mac equipped with single iGPU but except those with Dual Graphics GPUs.

Dual GPUs Mac require the AppleMuxControl.kext that is contained inside the AGC (AppleGraphicsControl.kext) that contains also the AppleGPUWrangler.kext , AppleGraphicsDeviceControl-Policy and so on.

Actually I guess there is no way to boot 10.14.5 beta1 from a Dual GPUs Mac, I did tried to figure it out here.

These could depend also from GPUWrangler.framework but I don't know another way to allow booting 10.14.5 beta1 other than using GPUWrangler.framework from 10.14.3 .

I guess the "failed booting of Dual GPUs Mac" and "no OpenGL Accel of single GPU Mac" is due to these kexts: IOGraphicsFamily.kext and AppleGraphicsControl.kext , but using previous versions they are refused by new kernel or omitted from prelinked , especially the AGC is a very tricky group of kext, but without them correctly prelinked you cannot nor reach the loginUI.

So I discourage anyone who own pre-2011 MacBook 15/17" or dual GPU iMac to updating to 10.14.5 beta1.

The only chance to boot 10.14.5 beta1 is from any (Penryn CPU) pre-2011 Mac equipped with a single Graphic Integrated GPU, typically all the 13" MacBook and iMac lower than 27".

Other tests than these I've attempted are beyond my capabilities.

These are what I got when using All Vanilla (non-modified) 10.14.5 Beta 1 System files with Nvidia Fermi:
busy timeout(0), (60s): 'RootDomainUserClient', 'IOFramebufferUserClient', 'nvSurface', 'nvDevice', 'nvSharedGroupContext', 'nvFermiGLContext', 'nvIOConsoleUser'
..and it never reach the Desktop, till I replaced OpenGL binary && GPUSupport.framework from prev. working system (10.14.4 on my case). OpenGL is (I'm pretty sure) still there, but just duno how to enable it on 10.14.5 #LoL

Sorry, my laptop with Intel HD 1st Gen Arrandale graphics is currently not on my hand so.., am unable to test. But if you're interested, here are kexts - bundle - plugin from recent macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 SecUpd Dev Beta 2019-003 (Build 17G7004): Legacy GFX 10.13.6 (17G7004).7z

#Notes: If I still remember correctly, AppleIntelFramebufferAzul && ~Capri are for Intel HD4xxx graphics so.. could be excluded from unsupported macs. Files are archived using 7z (High Compress), use Keka for extract. Thanks.

#EDIT: Those "IOconsoleusers blah blah blah.." logs are from SafeEjectGPU service, it disappears when you safely disabled them except you're using eGPU.


  • TaskManager-10.14.5-QE-CI.png
    149.3 KB · Views: 228
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Hi TimohyR734! have u got ur isight cam working on imac9,1. I installed dosdude1´s patch updater 1.3 and my isight cam doesn't work. Thanks in advance
Hi TimohyR734! have u got ur isight cam working on imac9,1. I installed dosdude1´s patch updater 1.3 and my isight cam doesn't work. Thanks in advance
Yes my isight works I will look and see if I have the 5 kexts from High Sierra I know I posted them in this forum but many many pages ago and and don't know if they still work
Sadly I have to agree.
Unfortunately I have no clones. Is it possible to install 10.14.3 on top of 10.14.4?
Yes it is but if you install 10.14.5 and install 10.14.4 over it it won't work you have to do a clean install I tried and my iMac kept rebooting
  • Like
Reactions: jackluke
These are what I got when using All Vanilla (non-modified) 10.14.5 Beta 1 System files with Nvidia Fermi:
busy timeout(0), (60s): 'RootDomainUserClient', 'IOFramebufferUserClient', 'nvSurface', 'nvDevice', 'nvSharedGroupContext', 'nvFermiGLContext', 'nvIOConsoleUser'
..and it never reach the Desktop, till I replaced OpenGL binary && GPUSupport.framework from prev. working system (10.14.4 on my case). OpenGL is (I'm pretty sure) still there, but just duno how to enable it on 10.14.5 #LoL

Sorry, my laptop with Intel HD 1st Gen Arrandale graphics is currently not on my hand so.., am unable to test. But if you're interested, here are kexts - bundle - plugin from recent macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 SecUpd Dev Beta 2019-003 (Build 17G7004): Legacy GFX 10.13.6 (17G7004).7z

#Notes: If I still remember correctly, AppleIntelFramebufferAzul && ~Capri are for Intel HD4xxx graphics so.. could be excluded from unsupported macs. Files are archived using 7z (High Compress), use Keka for extract. Thanks.

#EDIT: Those "IOconsoleusers blah blah blah.." logs are from SafeEjectGPU service, it disappers when you safely disabled them except you're using eGPU.

From my tests I can confirm that even if sometimes from verbose boot appears the "busy timeout" line, well those services sometimes are loaded after a while, even the "kext stall" in some cases if you wait a bit more will pass and reach loginUI.

I see your kext folder but already tried some and still no OpenGL, I do have too an HS 10.13.6 installation where to take them. Thanks.

Well I'd advise you to replace privateframework GPUWrangler.framework (together with GPUSupport, OpenGL and OpenCL) to try booting 10.14.5 beta 1.

Now I have downgraded installation from 10.14.5 beta1 to 10.14.4 , needed a couple of DiskUtil First Aid before and after, and as others reported, the Flurry screensaver doesn't work more, even replacing OpenCL still doesn't work, so maybe on older screensavers apple have done some changes.
Have you by any chance captured any logs (kernel or panic)? SkyLight has error messages like these:

"Instructed to forcibly ignore acceleration. Disabling acceleration.";
"No matching context for device (%p) - disabling acceleration.", &var_30, 0xc);
"Display Context initialization failed - disabling acceleration.";
"Acquired display context (%p) - enabling acceleration.", &var_30, 0xc);

So the system may be leaving some helpful clues before it borks. Always a good first step.
I'm not sure I follow the whole single versus dual gpu thing, but I'll take your word for it. I guess a way to confirm this would be to disable gpu switching or a secondary gpu entirely. There used to be some nvram settings controlling gpu capabilities (like power prefs) a long while ago.

Thanks for the tip but few hours ago I have downgraded the 10.14.5 to 10.14.4 (re-installing over it), anyway the strange thing on 10.14.5 is that I haven't got any Kernel Panic and don't know exactly how to trace Skylight outputs but I have replaced it completely with the 10.14.3 one and still worked but only with Video Framebuffer.
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Now I have downgraded installation from 10.14.5 beta1 to 10.14.4 , needed a couple of DiskUtil First Aid before and after, and as others reported, the Flurry screensaver doesn't work more, even replacing OpenCL still doesn't work, so maybe on older screensaver apple have done some changes.

Just not working? Better #LoL :D On my case with Fermi, WindowServer is crashed immediately when loading Flurry screensaver. I believe it due to Metal incompatible gfx which is required by Quartz* IOAccelerator* etc..
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Just not working? Better #LoL :D On my case with Fermi, WindowServer is crashed immediately when loading Flurry screensaver. I believe it due to Metal incompatible gfx which is used by Quartz* IOAccelerator* etc..

With Nvidia Tesla using @ASentientBot's great patch 10.14.5 beta1 even only with Video Framebuffer, never crashed Windowserver during my tests, only once it crashed when I used the stock HS 10.13.6 GeforceTesla.kext unpatched as an attempt.
Alright, got everything figured out! To get acceleration working under 10.14.4 with a non-Metal GPU, just download this archive, extract it, cd into the extracted directory using Terminal, and then run ./ Please ensure you have the Legacy Video Card Patch installed properly (you can re-apply it with the post-install patch, or re-install it using Patch Updater after running the script just to be sure). After rebooting, you should now have full graphics acceleration!

View attachment 824764


I have installed Mac OS 10.14.4. on my mid 2009 Macbook Pro 13inch (model 5,5).
I would like to get graphics acceleration to work on my machine, but I am no expert with using Terminal.

Please could someone on the forum explain to me what is meant by: "cd into the extracted directory using Terminal" ?

In other words how do I go about installing the graphics acceleration patch - if someone could help me with step by step instructions it would be most appreciated.

Thank you
From my tests I can confirm that even if sometimes from verbose boot appears the "busy timeout" line, well those services sometimes are loaded after a while, even the "kext stall" in some cases if you wait a bit more will pass and reach loginUI.

I see your kext folder but already tried some and still no OpenGL, I do have too an HS 10.13.6 installation where to take them. Thanks.

Well I'd advise you to replace privateframework GPUWrangler.framework (together with GPUSupport, OpenGL and OpenCL) to try booting 10.14.5 beta 1.

Now I have downgraded installation from 10.14.5 beta1 to 10.14.4 , needed a couple of DiskUtil First Aid before and after, and as others reported, the Flurry screensaver doesn't work more, even replacing OpenCL still doesn't work, so maybe on older screensavers apple have done some changes.
thanks for your work! seems need to wait or back to 10.14.3.
  • Like
Reactions: jackluke

I have installed Mac OS 10.14.4. on my mid 2009 Macbook Pro 13inch (model 5,5).
I would like to get graphics acceleration to work on my machine, but I am no expert with using Terminal.

Please could someone on the forum explain to me what is meant by: "cd into the extracted directory using Terminal" ?

In other words how do I go about installing the graphics acceleration patch - if someone could help me with step by step instructions it would be most appreciated.

Thank you
All the necessary GPU acceleration patches are included with the latest version of Mojave Patcher (1.3.0). So, just use that to create an installer volume, and apply post-install patches.
I've already tried to replace SkyLight Framework (Windowserver included) from 10.14.3 the latest known OpenGL working, but same results, it still boot but w/o OpenGL Acceleration.

I confirm that OpenGL.framework version 17.3.1 is from 10.14.3 (18D109) , while OpenGL version 17.7.2 is from 10.14.5 beta1 (build 18F96h).

From my supplemental tests about "at least booting 10.14.5 beta1 on unsupported macs" here are the results:

- There is no need to delete or rename any GL Driver bundle;
- The trick replacing GPUWrangler.framework will allow booting 10.14.5b1 on any (Penryn SSE4.2 CPU) Mac equipped with single iGPU but except those with Dual Graphics GPUs.

Dual GPUs Mac require the AppleMuxControl.kext that is contained inside the AGC (AppleGraphicsControl.kext) that contains also the AppleGPUWrangler.kext , AppleGraphicsDeviceControl-Policy and so on.

Actually I guess there is no way to boot 10.14.5 beta1 from a Dual GPUs Mac, I did tried to figure it out here.

These could depend also from GPUWrangler.framework but I don't know another way to allow booting 10.14.5 beta1 other than using GPUWrangler.framework from 10.14.3 .

I guess the "failed booting of Dual GPUs Mac" and "no OpenGL Accel of single GPU Mac" is due to these kexts: IOGraphicsFamily.kext and AppleGraphicsControl.kext , but using previous versions they are refused by new kernel or omitted from prelinked , especially the AGC is a very tricky group of kext, but without them correctly prelinked you cannot nor reach the loginUI.

So I discourage anyone who own pre-2011 MacBook 15/17" or dual GPU iMac to updating to 10.14.5 beta1.

The only chance to boot 10.14.5 beta1 is from any (Penryn CPU) pre-2011 Mac equipped with a single Graphic Integrated GPU, typically all the 13" MacBook and iMac lower than 27".

Other tests than these I've attempted are beyond my capabilities.
So do you think my 13” Early 2011 MacBook Pro will update to 10.14.5 ok?
All the necessary GPU acceleration patches are included with the latest version of Mojave Patcher (1.3.0). So, just use that to create an installer volume, and apply post-install patches.

Thank you dosdude1.

I have made an installer volume using version 1.3.0 of the Mojave Patcher, booted off it, and applied the post-install patches as you recommended.

When I use the light theme in Mojave I still have the graphics anamoly in that the menu bar still has the weird darkish gray background. Do the gpu acceleration patches not fix this anamoly OR have i perhaps not installed the patches correctly ?

How can i know with certainty that i have graphics acceleration enabled on my machine ?

Thank you
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