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i have MBP 2011 MacBookPro8,2 im using high sierra 10.13.6 can i update to mojave without any problem? anyone tried this on the same machine? sorry noob question
Using Dosdude1's patcher you can upgrade to Mojave 10.14.4...and possibly 10.14.5 (not recommended if you want any kind of graphics acceleration) ...go back and read the instructions and follow them as written.
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Using Dosdude1's patcher you can upgrade to Mojave 10.14.4...and possibly 10.14.5 (not recommended if you want any kind of graphics acceleration) ...go back and read the instructions and follow them as written.

thanks i dont use any graphics acceleration. i just want to experience mojave for my MBP 2011 MacBookPro8,2
I'm trying to apply the APFS ROM patch to an iMac 9,1 (2009 24"). This iMac doesn't appear to have an external power LED (thanks Apple), so one cannot watch for the rapid flashing to indicate you've reached firmware programming mode.

I got the idea to use the diagnostic LEDs on the logic board. In particular, LED #2 sounds like the missing external power LED.

If you place the iMac face-down in a dark room, you can see the glow from LED #1 through the bottom breather holes. Right beside the right speaker (picture-left, as the iMac is face-down). Below the row of ports.


So I tried holding the power button, and watched for rapid flashing. No dice. This iMac takes ~12 seconds to reach the boot chime when holding the power button continuously (will vary depending on installed RAM) and I didn't see any rapid flashing.

Once it does chime, the glow gets brighter as more LEDs kick in. But even holding the power button all the way to the Desktop never reaches anything but a normal boot. Confirmed by checking Sys Info -> Software -> Boot Mode.

So I'm out of bright ideas. Does anyone know the trick to flashing this iMac? From reading this thread, TimothyR734 is the only one who's succeeded, and he used an earlier version of the APFS flash tool.
For anyone interested, I succeeded. iMac 9,1 flashed with APFS support. Here is how I did it.

1) Boot normally. No holding the power button.

* possible extra step here - see note if you are not successful otherwise.

2) The APFS patcher can launch on Lion or later. However, it contains a kext ... which apparently requires Sierra (10.12) or later. If you try earlier, the app opens. But flashing *Always* fails. I was trying on Yosemite and El Capitan. This is what tripped me up repeatedly. Console revealed the error: the kext developer ID was not being accepted. Examining the kext showed it was built using Sierra. So boot into Sierra, High Sierra, or Mojave. I did this from Mojave on HFS+.

3) Launch the APFS patcher. Ignore the steps for booting into programming mode, tell it to proceed with the flash. It checks your EEPROM model. This takes a few minutes. No multiple-definitions error in my case, so it proceeded to the flashing.

4) Flashing took a long time, 5 minutes or more. Let it complete without interruption, or you may hose your Mac.

5) After it announces success, reboot into the boot selector. It does indeed see an APFS volume. Flash complete.

* note: before trying the above, I tried to activate firmware programming mode by blessing the CoreServices folder using the undocumented -firmware command. I don't think this was needed, and it threw an error message. Next boot afterwards seemed normal, and Sys Info claimed it was a normal boot. But in case it was needed: "sudo bless -folder -firmware /System/Library/CoreServices", then reboot into Sierra or later to replicate my steps.

Now I'm off to convert my Mojave install to APFS. Then see if Software Update finally offers OS updates.
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I finally had to abandon my attempts to upgrade the wifi card in my MacPro 3,1 to a BCM94360CS2 Airport WiFi WLAN Card Bluetooth 4.0 on adapter card. When the machine was behaving itself, the card worked perfectly. However, the machine also developed a habit of sometimes refusing to boot cold with a CPU B Error led. Dropping back to the original wifi card eliminated the issue. Testing an identical spare BCM94360CS2 Airport WiFi WLAN Card Bluetooth 4.0 on adapter card showed the same boot failures. I am wondering if that particular card might be borderline on the power that can be delivered by the mini-PCI-e slot on the motherboard. When the installed card broke the boot process, you couldn't even get to the option boot splash screen. Dropping back from the GTX 680 to the HD2600 graphics card did't help the issue with that wifi card. Really annoying because it worked well for several weeks until a power event forced a hard reboot of the machine.
Successful installation of OS 14.4.5 B2 on MacBook Pro 5,2 with APFS format, Using @ASentientBot's inspired process.

All credit, and thanks, to @dosdude1, @jackluke, @ASentientBot, @pkouame and many others (in no particular order) for their amazing work and perseverance.

I was able to install 10.14.5 b2 on the laptop using following steps.

Base system was 10.4.4 (final). Note that 10.14.4 was stable and fully usable for me, inclusive of Open GL acceleration.

To assure 10.14.4 stability I stopped using News App. and Safari, as launching ether one would cause immediate or delayed KPs (respectively). Once a Kernel Panic (KP) occurred it would impart total system instability with subsequent random KPs.

Steps taken for 10.14.5 b2 installation:

Obtain coredisaplay.framework module (14.4.3 (?)) from post# 14339 (Thank you)

Double clicking on the file attached to that post, which will allow it to be download to you your "download folder."
Extract the module from downloaded zip file, and drug it [extracted module] on top of your main drive's icon (placing it there will make things much easier later). Make sure to have dosdude1's patcher 1.3 on a USB stick. I used 1.2.3, but that version requires extra steps to make system bootable.

Download 10.14.5 b2 OTA and let it proceed with installation.

Computer will auto-reboot at end of installation. Press "option" key to boot to a desktop, which will allow selecting USB stick containing dosdude1's patcher as the boot drive. Let it boot from USB stick. Apply patches necessary for your machine model, then select "force rebuild caches" option, and let machine reboot once more.

Important, during this boot - Press "S" key and "Command" key together, **and hold them down** until the APFS patch installation "script" displayed on your screen finishes, and fast moving multiple lines of text appear on black screen. Let go of the keys then. Press return to get to the prompt.
You should be in Single User mode.
Type ls (letter el and letter es) and press return; a list of files will be displayed, make sure the list includes System file and the coredisplay.framework file. If you don't see those files, Type cd / and press return. Then type ls command again; if you still don't see system and corediplay.framework files, than you are in wrong directory, and will need to repeat the process (from USB stick boot point).

Enter following command at the prompt: cd system (enter), then cd library (enter), and last cd frameworks. (this can be done via one command line, but this process assures you are in right place with each step). AT this point one should be in *frameworks* directory.

Type: rm -rf coredisplay.framework (and press return) This action will remove the 14.4.5 module from that directory)

Exercise extreme caution when using the "rm -rf" command; it is capable of deleting entire System folder in one swoop.

Next, type cd / and it will bring you back to "top"of the drive. Type ls to list available files; make sure the lists contains system folder and coredisplay.framework file
At prompt, type: mv coredisplay.framework /system/library/frameworks then press enter; this should move 14.3.3 file into right place in system.

Type Exit, and if all goes well machine will boot into the desktop running 10.14.5

Hope this may be of help.

System: MBP5,2 17", SSD with APFS, APFS ROM patch applied.

System running well with 10.14.5b2.

Thanks to RogueB for the instructions, and worth repeating what he said: All credit, and thanks, to @dosdude1, @jackluke, @ASentientBot, @pkouame and many others (in no particular order) for their amazing work and perseverance!

To start, cloned stable 10.14.3 to an external SSD (with CCC). 9600M GT GPU selected all the time.
- installed 10.14.4 over this with dosdude's patcher 1.3.0, applied post-install patches, no extra patch updater patches proposed
- updated to 10.14.5b2 OTA, applied 1.3.0 post-install patches again (and rebuilt caches)
- in single-user mode moved .4 CoreDisplay.framework to /System/Library/Frameworks (before, /sbin/mount -uw /). Used the framework attached to post #14339
- booted fine. Rebuilt caches with sudo kextcache -system-caches; sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel (wasn't sure if needed)

The SSD with 10.14.5b2 is now on SATA and being used as my standard system. Fingers still crossed...

Experience so far:
- stable running for a day using the 9600M GT GPU.
- then switched to 9400M, went well for several hours then a KP in Mail. Was difficult to switch back to 9600M GT because of frequent KPs, but eventually succeeded and running fine again with 9600M GT.
- started to use Safari at this point which had caused KPs in 10.14.4. Fine so far for a few hours, so this is better in 10.14.5b2.

After some running I'll retry everything with the .3 CoreDisplay.framework, to see how 9400M behaves then. Apart from having a stable-enough beta system the thrill of experimenting is also valuable.

Thanks again!
Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-22 um 16.43.38.png
.5 beta 3 available, but cannot test now, I guess in three hours I can

Just updated and trying, apparently it works with stock .5 beta3 OpenGL and GPUSupport.

.5 beta 3 IOUSB* worked OOB again.

Only appleHDA and telemetry plugin (for C2D kp) replaced.


Previously on .5 beta2 I got two symbols unresolved on AGDP and AMUX plugin (fixed replacing the entire .4 AGC kext), now on .5 beta 3 I got a new missing symbol on this kext: AppleMCCSControl.kext

Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7f83d7b7e550 [0x7fff939d88e0]> { URL = "file:///System/Library/Extensions/GeForceTesla.kext/", ID = "" }
kxld[]: The following symbols are unresolved for this kext:
kxld[]:     agdcGTraceToken(IOFramebuffer const*, unsigned short, bool, unsigned short, unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned long long, unsigned short, unsigned long long, unsigned short, unsigned long long)
Link failed (error code 5).
Prelink failed for; omitting from prelinked kernel.
KernelCache ID:

But using the ASentientBot CoreDisplay does still work and bring again legacy non-metal acceleration even with some unresolved symbols on that "new" kext. Replacing the AppleMCCSControl from .4 does resolve the symbol and prelink correctly the MCCSControl (I have attached in case someone want a clean prelinkedkernel and to avoid any unpredicted effect).

I don't know exactly for what is this kext but it should mean something like this:

To achieve acceleration I used the IOGraphicsFamily, IOAccel* and IONDRSupport kext from 10.14.4 ,
to fix brightness control on dualGPUs or IntelHD gpu I used the AppleGraphicsControl kext from .4 I already attached some posts before.

I don't use NDRVShim.

But I guess for the others the things will work following the dosdude1's Mojave patcher standard routine.


Apparently doesn't crash more on an accelerated environment.


    44.9 KB · Views: 210
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System: MBP5,2 17", SSD with APFS, APFS ROM patch applied.

System running well with 10.14.5b2.

Thanks to RogueB for the instructions, and worth repeating what he said: All credit, and thanks, to @dosdude1, @jackluke, @ASentientBot, @pkouame and many others (in no particular order) for their amazing work and perseverance!

To start, cloned stable 10.14.3 to an external SSD (with CCC). 9600M GT GPU selected all the time.
- installed 10.14.4 over this with dosdude's patcher 1.3.0, applied post-install patches, no extra patch updater patches proposed
- updated to 10.14.5b2 OTA, applied 1.3.0 post-install patches again (and rebuilt caches)
- in single-user mode moved .4 CoreDisplay.framework to /System/Library/Frameworks (before, /sbin/mount -uw /). Used the framework attached to post #14339
- booted fine. Rebuilt caches with sudo kextcache -system-caches; sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel (wasn't sure if needed)

The SSD with 10.14.5b2 is now on SATA and being used as my standard system. Fingers still crossed...

Experience so far:
- stable running for a day using the 9600M GT GPU.
- then switched to 9400M, went well for several hours then a KP in Mail. Was difficult to switch back to 9600M GT because of frequent KPs, but eventually succeeded and running fine again with 9600M GT.
- started to use Safari at this point which had caused KPs in 10.14.4. Fine so far for a few hours, so this is better in 10.14.5b2.

After some running I'll retry everything with the .3 CoreDisplay.framework, to see how 9400M behaves then. Apart from having a stable-enough beta system the thrill of experimenting is also valuable.

Thanks again!View attachment 833340
Thanks for testing, the more the better!
.5 beta 3 available, but cannot test now, I guess in three hours I can

Looks like this will be our first taste of "Notarization..." From the Release Notes...


New Features
  • Kernel extensions signed after April 7th, 2019 must be notarized in order to load on macOS 10.14.5. (50016570)
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Using Dosdude1's patcher you can upgrade to Mojave 10.14.4...and possibly 10.14.5 (not recommended if you want any kind of graphics acceleration) ...go back and read the instructions and follow them as written.

IMHO 10.14.3 is the most stable version using DosDude1's patcher since 10.14.4 has LOTS of issues documented in this thread. This is why my 17" Early 2008 MacBook Pro is staying on 10.14.3 is staying on 10.14.3
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Hello to all !
I have some issue trying to run Mojave Patcher...
I have downloaded yestarday Mojave Patcher and then downloaded macOS Mojave from Mojave Patcher.
Each time i try to run it, it end with :
Mounting failed. Please check your macOS Mojave Installer App, then run the tool again.

I have tryed on my MacPro5,1, my MacBook7,1 and my MacBookPro6,2 with the same issue each time...

Anybody Can help ?
Hello to all !
I have some issue trying to run Mojave Patcher...
I have downloaded yestarday Mojave Patcher and then downloaded macOS Mojave from Mojave Patcher.
Each time i try to run it, it end with :
Mounting failed. Please check your macOS Mojave Installer App, then run the tool again.

I have tryed on my MacPro5,1, my MacBook7,1 and my MacBookPro6,2 with the same issue each time...

Anybody Can help ?
are you formatting your usb stick extend journaled
I've edited my previous "testing .5 beta 3" , all the known routines/patches are confirmed, but the good news is that doesn't crash more on an accelerated non-metal environment.

For "non-metal environment" I mean using the dosdude1 .3 OpenGL and .3 GPUSupport with the ASentientBot .3 (or .4) CoreDisplay.
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I've edited my previous "testing .5 beta 3" , all the known routines/patches are confirmed, but the good news is that doesn't crash more on an accelerated non-metal environment.

For "non-metal environment" I mean using the dosdude1 .3 OpenGL and .3 GPUSupport with the ASentientBot .3 (or .4) CoreDisplay.
So I can upgrade OTA, reinstall the patches and replace the CoreDisplay.Framework (as previous beta), and it will all work?
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Not sure, let´s see if this is valid for kexts even with SIP disabled. I´m very hopeful here.
I've edited my previous "testing .5 beta 3" , all the known routines/patches are confirmed, but the good news is that doesn't crash more on an accelerated non-metal environment.

For "non-metal environment" I mean using the dosdude1 .3 OpenGL and .3 GPUSupport with the ASentientBot .3 (or .4) CoreDisplay.
Good news! I'll try with stock IOKit kexts to see if I can get "stock" OpenGL acceleration... Does News+ also work?
I've edited my previous "testing .5 beta 3" , all the known routines/patches are confirmed, but the good news is that doesn't crash more on an accelerated non-metal environment.

For "non-metal environment" I mean using the dosdude1 .3 OpenGL and .3 GPUSupport with the ASentientBot .3 (or .4) CoreDisplay.

"To achieve acceleration I used the IOGraphicsFamily, IOAccel* and IONDRSupport kext from 10.14.4 ,
to fix brightness control on dualGPUs or IntelHD gpu I used the AppleGraphicsControl kext from .4 I already attached some posts before.

I don't use NDRVShim."

Did you try with the .5b3 stock IOGF, IOAccel* and IONDRVSupport?
Good news! I'll try with stock IOKit kexts to see if I can get "stock" OpenGL acceleration... Does News+ also work?

If you meant that, yes, since .5 beta2 I don't have more News+ pane, but if I do search inside it lets me open every newspaper, even those without a favicon.

Stock IOGraphics * kext don't work, I mean they don't bring acceleration even replacing the "three frameworks". They worked only in framebuffer mode. So minimum of them to use are .4 to bring legacy Acceleration.

.5 beta 3 OpenGL worked in framebuffer mode, but not in acceleration mode. So .3 OpenGL is still required.
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If you meant that, yes, since .5 beta2 I don't have more News+ pane, but if I do search inside it lets me open every newspaper, even those without a favicon.
If that's the case, then commenting out references to GPUSupport, OpenGL, IOAccelerator2D, IOAcceleratorFamily2 from the latest post-install should achieve your result (accelerate under "most" stock .5b3) Right? The Tesla kexts would have to remain intact...Stated another way: Your manual patching should be the same as this video post-install (notice the lines I commented out):


#cp -R "$resourcePath/gfxshared/IOAccelerator2D.plugin" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
#cp -R "$resourcePath/gfxshared/IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
#cp -R "$resourcePath/gfxshared/GPUSupport.framework" "$volumePath/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/"
#cp -R "$resourcePath/gfxshared/OpenGL.framework" "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/gfxshared/CoreDisplay.framework" "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/"

#chmod -R 755 "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework"
#chown -R 0:0 "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework"
#chmod -R 755 "$volumePath/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework"
#chown -R 0:0 "$volumePath/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework"
chmod -R 755 "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreDisplay.framework"
chown -R 0:0 "$volumePath/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreDisplay.framework"

cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/GeForceTesla.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/GeForceTeslaGLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/GeForceTeslaVADriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/NDRVShim.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/NVDANV50HalTesla.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/NVDAResmanTesla.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
#cp -R "$resourcePath/legacynvidia/NVDAStartup.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"

cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelsandybridgegraphics/AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"

cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelHDGraphicsGA.plugin" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelHDGraphicsGLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/intelarrandalegraphics/AppleIntelHDGraphicsVADriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"

cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD2400Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD2600Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD3800Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD4600Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD4800Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD5000Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMD6000Controller.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonX3000.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonX4000.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonX4000GLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDFramebuffer.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDLegacySupport.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDLegacyFramebuffer.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonVADriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDRadeonVADriver2.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDShared.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/AMDSupport.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/ATIRadeonX2000.kext" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/ATIRadeonX2000GA.plugin" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/ATIRadeonX2000GLDriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
cp -R "$resourcePath/legacyamd/ATIRadeonX2000VADriver.bundle" "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"

chmod -R 755 "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"
chown -R 0:0 "$volumePath/System/Library/Extensions/"

Am I describing your workflow correctly? Some of these extensions are not strictly necessary for my dual-gpu Nvidia based mbp5,3 but I'm trying to document a repeatable workflow based on dosdude's post-install.

Of course Option 1 is still to : OTA upgrade + post-install + .3 (or .4) CoreDisplay.

Still don't know how you "lost" News+ in 5b2, seems like you are running a .3 version of News - very weird.
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