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I've tried to install Mojave 10.14.5 with dosdude1 patcher 1.3.3 on my Mac Pro 3.1. Everything work great with my GTX 680. When I applied "AMD Metal Driver SSE4.1" patch and install Vega 56 on my Mac Pro 3.1. Now, I'm stuck at login screen and cannot login to my desktop. Did anyone got the same issue?
Since I'm not as advanced as most on this thread, I'm going to wait for some more feedback more from MP3,1 GTX680 users before I use the on the "AMD Metal Driver SSE4.1" patch. My machine is running awesome at the moment and don't want to screw it up.
Since I'm not as advanced as most on this thread, I'm going to wait for some more feedback more from MP3,1 GTX680 users before I use the on the "AMD Metal Driver SSE4.1" patch. My machine is running awesome at the moment and don't want to screw it up.
The patch only affects the AMD metal driver. It will not affect the nVidia GTX 680. I have applied the patch as I was thinking about installing an AMD RX680 at some stage once the patch is proven. It has had no affect on my mp 3.1.
just installed 14.6 b2.All good except night shift patch.SysPrefs quits again and again.
Is in the display prefs,allright, but not in notifications pane!
while checking its boxes in display, sysPrefs quits!?
MBPro 5,5,dosdudes1 1.3.2!

Same problem here on my mbp 7,1 after last update earlier today generated by the Patch Updater.

Update: Night Shift is working, but anything you change in system preferences concerning Night Shift
makes system preferences crash, but the changes are working.
The Night Shift-button in the notification bar on the right is gone.
Last edited:
Same problem here on my mbp 7,1 after last update earlier today generated by the Patch Updater.

Update: Night Shift is working, but anything you change in system preferences concerning Night Shift
makes system preferences crash, but the changes are working.
The Night Shift-button in the notification bar on the right is gone.
Yea!! I know! Not a big deal..everything else is working fine since 10.14.3!! To 14.6 2b.
I’m still having some graphics artifacts and no sound after updating to 10.14.5. I followed the instructions to make a new USB patcher and have run post install twice and I feel like it’s not working. Is there something else I can do? I feel like I’m doing something wrong even though I downloaded the newest patcher again.
so might have gotten some more insight on the mouse lag issue on 10.14.5 and later (10.14.6 included) on the 2010 MBP and safari.

problem: with safari open, the mouse cursor hesitates and moves around slow. Closing safari fixes it.
- Forcing the GPU on the nvidia seems to be ok in safari (using gfxcardstatus)
- Once the iGPU (arrandale) is enabled, the lag comes back until the nvidia is activated again
- downgrading safari to the one in 10.14.2 doesnt change anything
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MP3.1 here with flashed GTX 680 (evga one). I used the software update in preferences to move to 14.5 and then patched using usb 1.3.3. All went smoothly but I did not do the full install like you using the usb. Have you got any other card in a slot like the GT120? This can affect Mojave. Also, what GTX 680 are you using? There are some flashed cards that lose one of the video outputs with Mojave and maybe 14.5 triggered that. Did you try to see if one of the other output had the video?

I also used the system preferences software update to update to 10.14.5, except afterwards my MP didn't want to boot any 1.3.* patched usb's (which work fine on my MBP). my old 1.2.3 usb booted fine. I have no other gpu's and tried all outputs. Creating a stock 10.14.5 usb with createinstallmedia, and setting no_compat_check in nvram also works fine, so it must be something the 1.3.* patcher is doing that is breaking things for the gtx680.

My MacPro 3,1 with EVGA GTX-680 2GB flashed to EVGA official Mac ROMs has no issue with full installs using any of the recent Mojave patchers. As mentioned in the other reply, make sure you aren't accidentally installing the legacy video patches because you have a second non-Metal video card install. The changes that makes to support non-Metal cards will mess up the supported Metal card drivers (because it regresses frameworks to the High Sierra ones).

I am not talking about the post installation tool (which works fine as stated), I'm talking about actually booting the installer that the patcher created. (before even opening the post install tool). I have no option to "create a usb without legacy video patches" in the patcher. Since a vanilla usb is working, i presume it must be some framework/driver change the patcher is doing to the usb installer.
I’m still having some graphics artifacts and no sound after updating to 10.14.5. I followed the instructions to make a new USB patcher and have run post install twice and I feel like it’s not working. Is there something else I can do? I feel like I’m doing something wrong even though I downloaded the newest patcher again.
unzip this in your downloads folder then right click the HIToolboxHybrid-18F132 rename it to HIToolbox then open System/Libraryframeworks find your carbon framework open it then open frameworks then open HIToolbox.framework then versions then versions A then drag your HIToolbox from your downloads to the version A enter your password when prompted then back out find your private frameworks folder now go to downloads unzip right click rename that to CoreUI then to to your private frameworks find the CooreUI.framework open it open versions open A then drag your CoreUI from the downloads and replace it in A folder enter your password then reboot it doesn't get rid of all artifacts but it is much better


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iStatPro 4.9.2 an ancient 32-bit widget. Very useful even in Mojave.

Thank you.
O.k. but..
Whats with the demux flash?
Do it again or is it save?

If you used dosdude1's dmux firmware upgrade or had him do it, it's permanent. You never need to consider it any longer as a barrier to achieving OS updates or upgrades.
This was the first time I ever done it and the only connector I actually broke is the heatsink temperature sensor(luckily I was able to reattach it to the board). Obviously being very careful is important and give yourself plenty of time. MBP9,2 was actually easier to do but I had to reconnect the keyboard twice(for some reason it might look like it is in but it is really not). Following a youtube video is a good idea but it always looks easier in a video than it is in reality.

Ditto lol. I was really trying to be careful, and that sneaked by me. It was also my only boo boo (in technical terms lol).
so might have gotten some more insight on the mouse lag issue on 10.14.5 and later (10.14.6 included) on the 2010 MBP and safari.

problem: with safari open, the mouse cursor hesitates and moves around slow. Closing safari fixes it.
- Forcing the GPU on the nvidia seems to be ok in safari (using gfxcardstatus)
- Once the iGPU (arrandale) is enabled, the lag comes back until the nvidia is activated again
- downgrading safari to the one in 10.14.2 doesnt change anything

I have the same hardware as you and I have no problem in 10.14.5, everything works perfectly, only that I had problems like the others, it was in 10.14.4, 10.14.1-2-3-5 all right.

now I read with more calm, my model is 13 "and yours seems to be 15", I only have discreet gpu geforce 320m, it should be so...

my apologies
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I have the same hardware as you and I have no problem in 10.14.5, everything works perfectly, only that I had problems like the others, it was in 10.14.4, 10.14.1-2-3-5 all right.

That's bizarre. The issue persists even in a clean install situation too. Did you do a clean one or upgrade from a previous version? My Wifi+BT module is replaced to enable continuity/handoff though
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extract latest windowserver crash log from /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder
I've included the "latest" only in a solo zip folder, but also included all of the crashes as they appear to be slightly different at a glance (all are for WindowServer and all happened while patched with RX580 installed).


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Not sure what exactly to search in thread to find answer. Was not too successful. On MacBookPro 2008, guess 4,1 the silver one I experience typing and cursor/system freezes. Currently on 10.14.4. Witch all patches that appeared on online.

Sometimes it just freeze during typing and resume after while, sometimes appears popup bubble offering some special characters and sometimes happens that before resume screen shakes a bit.
Dosdude suggested me HW issue with graphic. It was exchanged several years back.

I still hope it is not hw issue. I happens randomly, and rare when not typing. And I found difficult to make it happen intentionally. Long typing to catch the moment resulted into no issue.

Can someone please point to some posts relevant or share any other insight or confirmation it is HW issue.

I had this issue in previous Mojave versions as well and HS as well but in HS it was solved I guess. To long to remember. Or it was in last supported macOS version on MBP 4,1. So not sure about HS now.

It was a bug appeared only in macOS 10.4.4 (maybe, but I'm not sure about it, also in 10.4.2); macOS 10.4.5 seems to fix that problem.
Can you tell me your MBP's specs?
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You do not have graphical acceleration, that's it.
no patch for Final Cut Pro

Solve the graphical acceleration that will work.

Major Issues
AMD Radeon HD 5xxx/6xxx series GPU acceleration"]
Currently, it is not possible to get full graphics acceleration when running Mojave on a system with a Radeon HD 5xxx or 6xxx series video card. Mojave will be almost unusable without graphics acceleration. This includes the 15" and 17" MacBook Pro systems (MacBookPro8,2 and 8,3). If you want to enable GPU acceleration on these machines, you'll need to disable the AMD video card (This will work on MacBook Pro 8,2 and 8,3 systems ONLY. You CANNOT disable the AMD GPU in an iMac.) Weird colors will also be produced when running Mojave with one of these video cards installed/enabled. To disable the AMD GPU on a 2011 MacBook Pro 8,2 or 8,3, follow the guide found here.
Thanks @webg3 . Is this the only way to solve the accereration? Is it possible to upgrade the card?. FCP was working before going to Mojave.
Also, the link you provided is not working.
iStatPro 4.9.2 an ancient 32-bit widget. Very useful even in Mojave.

Is there a recourse where I can download it? I have older Macs that still run 32 bit apps. I'm purposely not upgrading them to keep some apps functionality, that were left behind by Apple. Soundtrack Pro from FCP Pro 7 is awesome and extremely powerful with functionalities you can't get from any other app today, and that's just one among many. I do have a 5,1 that I do want to put Mojave on, and I'm sure iStatPro 4.9.2 would be very helpful in that endeavor. Thanks.
Thanks @webg3 . Is this the only way to solve the accereration? Is it possible to upgrade the card?. FCP was working before going to Mojave.
Also, the link you provided is not working.

Is it FCP 7 OR x? 7 is 32 bit, and unfortunately no longer supported. That's why I've kept a couple older Macs on El Capitan. The functionalities are no longer available today. I bought a 2017 5k iMac, and by the time I had the same functionality my 9,1 has, it cost nearly $3,000. Welcome to adapter and dongle hell.
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Thanks @webg3 . Is this the only way to solve the accereration? Is it possible to upgrade the card?. FCP was working before going to Mojave.
Also, the link you provided is not working.

Yes, acceleration is required to work. This information is on the first page of the thread, including the link, but it is no longer available, I believe it is because of a patch made by netkas. It is included in the last dosdude1 patch.

Try to create a new Bootable Mojave usb via patch 1.3.3 and apply the patch to AMD, if successful, otherwise look for something "like disable AMD GPU on MacBook8.1 and 8.2 good luck!
I also used the system preferences software update to update to 10.14.5, except afterwards my MP didn't want to boot any 1.3.* patched usb's (which work fine on my MBP). my old 1.2.3 usb booted fine. I have no other gpu's and tried all outputs. Creating a stock 10.14.5 usb with createinstallmedia, and setting no_compat_check in nvram also works fine, so it must be something the 1.3.* patcher is doing that is breaking things for the gtx680.

I am not talking about the post installation tool (which works fine as stated), I'm talking about actually booting the installer that the patcher created. (before even opening the post install tool). I have no option to "create a usb without legacy video patches" in the patcher. Since a vanilla usb is working, i presume it must be some framework/driver change the patcher is doing to the usb installer.
Well this seems very strange and you seem to have done everything possible to identify the problem. Strange our mp3.1's do not do this. Just for comparison purposes mine is using the APFS ROM update, APFS SSD for boot. Maybe dosdude1 will pick this up but he is probably pretty busy with 14.6 and 15.0.
I also used the system preferences software update to update to 10.14.5, except afterwards my MP didn't want to boot any 1.3.* patched usb's (which work fine on my MBP). my old 1.2.3 usb booted fine. I have no other gpu's and tried all outputs. Creating a stock 10.14.5 usb with createinstallmedia, and setting no_compat_check in nvram also works fine, so it must be something the 1.3.* patcher is doing that is breaking things for the gtx680.

I am not talking about the post installation tool (which works fine as stated), I'm talking about actually booting the installer that the patcher created. (before even opening the post install tool). I have no option to "create a usb without legacy video patches" in the patcher. Since a vanilla usb is working, i presume it must be some framework/driver change the patcher is doing to the usb installer.

Nothing you do in terms of upgrading an existing patched Mojave volume should impact the ability to boot an usb installer previously created with Mojave Patcher. Also, while my MacPro 3,1 has the APFS ROM patch applied that should have no impact on booting the usb installer which uses HFS+ rather than APFS for its filesystem.
so might have gotten some more insight on the mouse lag issue on 10.14.5 and later (10.14.6 included) on the 2010 MBP and safari.

problem: with safari open, the mouse cursor hesitates and moves around slow. Closing safari fixes it.
- Forcing the GPU on the nvidia seems to be ok in safari (using gfxcardstatus)
- Once the iGPU (arrandale) is enabled, the lag comes back until the nvidia is activated again
- downgrading safari to the one in 10.14.2 doesnt change anything
MBP 6,2 (15' mid 2010) here. No problems with mouse lagging in Safari. Only thing happening is mouse pointer disappearing for a moment when graphics change from Nvidia to Intel
MBP 6,2 (15' mid 2010) here. No problems with mouse lagging in Safari. Only thing happening is mouse pointer disappearing for a moment when graphics change from Nvidia to Intel
Weird! and you're sure you on the intel HD? (About this Mac should show the Intel HD graphics 288 MB being active or you can force the iGPU through gfxcardstatus)

When the 330M is active, everything works awesome.

It's like what happens when the magic mouse (which also lags like the trackpad) interferes with the 2.4 ghz wifi - stuttery with pockets of slowness
Is there a recourse where I can download it? I have older Macs that still run 32 bit apps. I'm purposely not upgrading them to keep some apps functionality, that were left behind by Apple. Soundtrack Pro from FCP Pro 7 is awesome and extremely powerful with functionalities you can't get from any other app today, and that's just one among many. I do have a 5,1 that I do want to put Mojave on, and I'm sure iStatPro 4.9.2 would be very helpful in that endeavor. Thanks.

Is it FCP 7 OR x? 7 is 32 bit, and unfortunately no longer supported. That's why I've kept a couple older Macs on El Capitan. The functionalities are no longer available today. I bought a 2017 5k iMac, and by the time I had the same functionality my 9,1 has, it cost nearly $3,000. Welcome to adapter and dongle hell.

Try here: yields v.4.9 VirusTotal sez OK
The version currently used here came off a Leopard PPC from 2009 v.4.9.2. ck your old HDs?
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Try here: yields v.4.9 VirusTotal sez OK
The version currently used here came off a Leopard PPC from 2009 v.4.9.2. ck your old HDs?

Thanks I'll look. I have the original cd's of Lion, & Mountain Lion, but if you're asking if I per chance downloaded it previously, I can assure you I haven't. I've only heard of it a month or two ago. A very useful tool though. I can live with v.4.9. Thank you.
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Weird! and you're sure you on the intel HD? (About this Mac should show the Intel HD graphics 288 MB being active or you can force the iGPU through gfxcardstatus)

When the 330M is active, everything works awesome.

It's like what happens when the magic mouse (which also lags like the trackpad) interferes with the 2.4 ghz wifi - stuttery with pockets of slowness
Yep! I'm in intel HD alright! Magic Mouse , (gen. 1), also works well. I only have problems with it when I use it in a hackintosh I have very near my AP (about 3 feet)
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