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iSight legacy patch does not work anymore. I need original kexts from .6 B3 or .6 B2.
my new hdd for my MacBook 5,2 should arrive either tomorrow or the following day as soon as I get macOS Mojave dev beta 3 installed if no one has supplied those kexts I will upload them
[doublepost=1561450906][/doublepost]these 2 are from high Sierra that we used to get iSight to work before on earlier beta of Mojave


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Could on physical side be accumulated dust inside MBA or lack of ventilation.
Could on MBA side need an SMC reset.
Could be many apps or processes running in background.
The best "checklist" I found for you was on another site, and for the next later model after ours, but most of the checks still apply:

Thanks a lot for link. I doubt thermal paste is in good condition even service man who had Air in hands last years said it is ok or he put new there. Do not remember. I guess I reset SMC as well in past but will try again. There should be no dust. Air was opened several times recently.
Yesterday after Mojave install over El Capitan I have permissions issues. Mojave wants repair Library. I found Apple article to solve it. As my recovery partition is not working. Not sure why. Was installing in HFS+ over previous installation. If I fix it i will try those steps. Sometimes kernel process hog CPU but fans run long even nothing is going on. Will get back with results.
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Updated my MacBook5,1 to 10.14.6 Beta 3 and patched everything manually since I don't have USB with Mojave Patcher anymore. Everything went great, the only concern I have is that it seems that USB stopped working OOB at least on my machine. I am currently using IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBHostFamily.kext from the 10.14.5.

Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at 12.21.04 pm.png
Hi everyone,

i started to having problems with some apps, like Viber for example (Screen Shot), they are not showing the content inside. I think the problem lies in the implementation of the Dark Theme or something that is related to the graphic processing, aka Graphic card legacy driver. Furthermore, the installation of the latest Legacy Video Card Patch fails (ScreenShot 1), several time i have tried without success.
I have also problem with the OneDrive app, now dropdown menu is shown when you click on the icon that sits on the taskbar after 10.14.4 update. On 10.14.1 was working just fine.
Any solutions?

My machine is MacBookAir 4.2 mid2011 with Patched Mojave OS 10.14.4
Intel Graphic Card 3000 with 384MB.

Thanks in advance, Andreja


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Hi everyone,

i started to having problems with some apps, like Viber for example (Screen Shot), they are not showing the content inside. I think the problem lies in the implementation of the Dark Theme or something that is related to the graphic processing, aka Graphic card legacy driver. Furthermore, the installation of the latest Legacy Video Card Patch fails (ScreenShot 1), several time i have tried without success.
I have also problem with the OneDrive app, now dropdown menu is shown when you click on the icon that sits on the taskbar after 10.14.4 update. On 10.14.1 was working just fine.
Any solutions?

My machine is MacBookAir 4.2 mid2011 with Patched Mojave OS 10.14.4
Intel Graphic Card 3000 with 384MB.

Thanks in advance, Andreja

10.14.4 is not recommended. It has the most bugs out of all Mojave versions.
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Updated my MacBook5,1 to 10.14.6 Beta 3 and patched everything manually since I don't have USB with Mojave Patcher anymore. Everything went great, the only concern I have is that it seems that USB stopped working OOB at least on my machine. I am currently using IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBHostFamily.kext from the 10.14.5.

View attachment 844934

From 10.14.5 there is no further need to use IOUSB patches.
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From 10.14.5 there is no further need to use IOUSB patches.

Yes, I know. But after the .6 Beta 3 update my iSight stopped working, so I had to do something. Although I checked my iSight before I fixed acceleration. Maybe iSight starts working only after acceleration is achieved. If iSight should not be dependent on acceleration, that means that something is not quite right with the IOUSB*.kext in .6 Beta 3.
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thank you for the information. Should i move to 10.14.5? or you recommend downgrade?

I believe 10.14.5 is a very good option, just make sure to create the latest patcher and follow the instructions on dosdude1 website.
From 10.14.5 there is no further need to use IOUSB patches.

Do you have .6 Beta 3 installed by any chance? How's your iSight?
I believe 10.14.5 is a very good option, just make sure to create the latest patcher and follow the instructions on dosdude1 website.

Thank you very much for the information and fast replay.


Do you have .6 Beta 3 installed by any chance? How's your iSight?
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your Mac mini doesn't recognize your ssd because its formatted APFS yes APFS is better but if you haven't used the APFS ROM patcher you SSD will not boot unless its HFS (Extended-Journaled)

I just wanted to thank you again for your guidance !!

My Late 2009 Mac mini is again running perfectly under 10.14.5
with 100% of my applications, files, data and settings.

Since ultimately the fix was to completely erase the Macintosh HD SSD,
the moral of this story,
is To Always have an up to the hour Time Machine Backup. :)
Thanks a lot for link. I doubt thermal paste is in good condition even service man who had Air in hands last years said it is ok or he put new there. Do not remember. I guess I reset SMC as well in past but will try again. There should be no dust. Air was opened several times recently.
Yesterday after Mojave install over El Capitan I have permissions issues. Mojave wants repair Library. I found Apple article to solve it. As my recovery partition is not working. Not sure why. Was installing in HFS+ over previous installation. If I fix it i will try those steps. Sometimes kernel process hog CPU but fans run long even nothing is going on. Will get back with results.

As I noted. After updating Macbook Air late 2010 from El Capitan to Mojave 10.14.5 I got error Mojave needs to repair your Library.... It happened as I read first on High Sierra. I found some solutions mainly to repair drive but it was not working- Booting from Recovery was not as well. But this Apple article fixed it 100%.
So in case someone has similar issue. I am happy as, since with advice here, I fixed Mojave on my MBP 2008 and can sell Air as well working up to date Machine even with Continuity working!
So thanks all for advises.
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I believe 10.14.5 is a very good option, just make sure to create the latest patcher and follow the instructions on dosdude1 website.

Do you have .6 Beta 3 installed by any chance? How's your iSight?
Have .6b3 running on my MB5,2 - iSight is still fine, just had to re-apply some patch-updater patches and the backlight CCFL patch. @dosdude1 - would be great if that patch would finally be included in the patcher... works fine one MB5,2 and MBP4,1 (17") here since brought to the public.
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Well, I need to give a HUGE thanks to @parrotgeek1, who figured out this amazing solution... Broadcom BCM94321 WiFi cards are now WORKING under Mojave! If you'd like to test, just download the attached ZIP, extract it, cd into the extracted directory using Terminal, and then run ./ This should get WiFi working on ALL machines with BCM94321 WiFi chipsets, including the MacMini3,1, MacBookAir2,1, MacBookPro4,1, iMac8,1, and more. Please post results!

View attachment 825032

Patch working fine on iMac 9,1 with BCM4321KFBG


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Hi everybody
Would anyone have tried to put "Catalina.heic" in Mojave's Library/Desktop Pictures/ ? :D
After having realized it, it appears in System Preferences ▸ Desktop & Screensaver ▸ Desktop but with the preview of "Mojave.heic" and in spite of the dynamic mode selected the wallpaper stays on Catalina night whatever the time of the day :mad: (although Catalina.heic contains only 2 wallpapers unlike Mojave which contains 16... in dynamic mode it should change for a few hours of the day)
Is this a Catalina bug? the hours may not have been filled in for both wallpapers when creating the .heic file?
Yet when you switch from Dynamic mode to Light (still) or Dark (still) operation is consistent.

Capture d’écran 2019-06-26 à 22.52.37.png
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Hello all,

I bought 2 weeks ago a Mac Pro 3.1 from ebay.
The Mac Pro has the stock ATI graphics card and naively can be upgraded to El Capitan. This is basically my first time using Mac product...
In my effort to make the Mac Pro more usable I want to upgraded it to Mojave version.

I followed dosdude1 guide step by step but I am unable to boot the OS.
After applying the macOS Post Install tool and Mac restarts, the loading screen is getting stuck at around 70%. I used MacOs extended journaled and AFSP hard disk format but with no luck.

I know this issue occurs to other users too but I cannot find a solution.

Right now I will download again the latest version of the patcher and the latest OS. Lets see if I will have any luck...

Thank you again for your help !
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I've been trying to create an installer flash drive for a couple days now, using Julian & RMC's command line Patcher. I've ensured to give the script the full path; renamed my flash drive; downloaded the Installer using dosdude's downloader; read lots of threads with anything to do with 'No such file or directory' or 'No mount point...'
No matter what I do, I keep getting the following results:

$ sudo /Users/aaron/Dev/Mojave/release-10.14/macOS\
+ Checked system environment.
+ Root permissions check passed.
+ Resources check passed.
/ What operation would you like to run?
/ Input an operation number.
/     1 - Patch installer
/     2 - Patch update
/ 1
/ What installer would you like to use?
/ Input an installer path.
/ /Applications/Install\ macOS\
+ Checked installer structure.
+ Mounted installer disk images.
+ Checked installer version.
+ Installer support check passed.
/ What volume would you like to use?
/ Input a volume name.
/     Drobo
/     Inara
/     Installer
/     MacSSD
/     OS X Base System
/     macOS Base System
/ Installer
+ Restored installer disk image.
> Renaming installer volume.
No mount point for /Volumes/Installer/System/Library/CoreServices
+ Renamed installer volume.
> Copying installer packages.
rm: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/Packages: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation: No such file or directory
cp: /tmp/InstallESD/Packages: unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/Core.pkg: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/EmbeddedOSFirmware.pkg: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/FirmwareUpdate.pkg: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
+ Copied installer packages.
> Copying installer disk images.
cp: directory /Volumes/Installer does not exist
cp: directory /Volumes/Installer does not exist
cp: directory /Volumes/Installer does not exist
+ Copied installer disk images.
+ Unmounted installer disk images.
> Replacing installer utilities menu.
+ Replacing installer utilities menu.
> Patching installer app.
cp: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/CDIS/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Users/aaron/Dev/Mojave/release-10.14/resources/macOS unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Users/aaron/Dev/Mojave/release-10.14/resources/macOS unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Users/aaron/Dev/Mojave/release-10.14/resources/macOS unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
cp: /Users/aaron/Dev/Mojave/release-10.14/resources/macOS unable to copy extended attributes to /Volumes/Installer/tmp/macOS No such file or directory
: [several thousand lines of the same]
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/SiriUI.framework/Versions/Current/SiriUI: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/startup.nsh: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/SUVMMFaker-v1.dylib: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/SUVMMFaker-v2.dylib: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/patch: No such file or directory
cp: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/restore: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/patch: No such file or directory
+ Copied patcher utilities.
> Repairing permissions.
chown: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/CDIS/* No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/CDIS/* No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/System/Library/Extensions/LegacyUSBInjector.kext: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/System/Library/Extensions/LegacyUSBInjector.kext: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/System/Library/Extensions/SIPManager.kext: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/System/Library/Extensions/SIPManager.kext: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/usr/patch: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/usr/patch: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/patch: No such file or directory
chmod: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/patch: No such file or directory
chown: /Volumes/Installer/usr/bin/restore: No such file or directory
+ Repaired permissions.
+ Removed temporary files.
/ Thank you for using macOS Patcher.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated. For the record, this is my first time using the macOS Patcher -- however, I'm a little familiar with the process, as I'm running this on an iMac 9,1 running Mojave using dosdude's tool and have been for quite some time now (and this is my 2nd machine -- I want to run a 3rd, my Black MacBook 4,1 that has been idle for a couple years now, hence my interest in the macOS Patcher.)
MacbookPro5,2 still not solved stalled shutdown issue. Might be related to GPU. However I cannot switch GPU because logout (required to switch GPU in this model) is not detected (System Preferences still says "logout required" after logout/in). Any ideas? Is a stupid but frustrating issue.

UPDATE: Finally was able to switch to dGPU. This appears to solve stalled shutdown issue. Results are based on several tests but largely anecdotal (issue is not uniformly reproducible but shutdown has not stalled since switching to dGPU).
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Have .6b3 running on my MB5,2 - iSight is still fine, just had to re-apply some patch-updater patches and the backlight CCFL patch. @dosdude1 - would be great if that patch would finally be included in the patcher... works fine one MB5,2 and MBP4,1 (17") here since brought to the public.

Would you be able to upload IOUSBFamily.kext and IOUSBHostFamily.kext from the .6 B3? I would like to try them again as now I am thinking I did not give my iSight enough time to kick in as I tried it without acceleration and everything takes a long time without acceleration.
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