On non-APFS system we are getting this;
View attachment 851047
These are the instructions to install updates on HFS+ disks, this was posted earlier on in the forum,
16000 posts isn't too much to read through is it?
Download the update.
Open the update.
Move the update.pkg to Desktop.
Open Terminal.
Enter pkgutil --expand n
ow drag and drop the .pkg from the Desktop into the Terminal window and type after a space ~/Desktop/Expanded hit Return and wait, this takes a little while.
Open Expanded folder and then open Distribution file in Text Edit
Scroll down to the line
function InstallationCheck(prefix) {
enter the text return true; so it looks like this
function InstallationCheck(prefix) {return true;
now save the changes
If you are trying to install the update to an HFS+ disk then there is another alteration you can make, before flattening and creating the package.
Again in the Distribution file scroll down to
function VolumeCheck(prefix) {
again enter return true; after the bracket, so it looks like this,
function VolumeCheck(prefix) {return true;
save changes
Go back to Terminal enter pkgutil --flatten ~/Desktop/Expanded ~/Desktop/Modified.pkg
Using the .pkg extension is crucial.
One thing to note is if your Mac like mine has different OS's on it on other drives this method will tell you that all drives are able to install the update, DO NOT INSTALL ON ANY DISK/ PARTITION, ONLY INSTALL TO A DISK/ PARTITION THAT HAS MOJAVE ON IT. Select your disk wisely, and double check.
Remember to boot back into Patcher USB to re-apply the patches, and remember to deselect the APFS patch else you will get the ugly APFS verbose screen at startup.
FOR THE 10.14.6 SUPPLEMENTAL Update it is not necessary to boot to your Installer USB and
reapply any patches, you should be able to boot back up to your startup disk.