Thanks - always appreciate any input on this ...hey @pkouame , since with your hybrid light/dark mode you're already inside the Appkit.framework Xcode's code, take a glance here:
It may help for yours experiments.
I've noticed that the "transparency effect" into Finder menu bar, Finder side bar, Safari Favorites background, are essentially "blur opacity", that in Mojave "light mode" OpenGL case glitch to a solid dark grey color.
I suppose that this function that handles with "blurs" could be the key:
Moreover, left "Vibrancy" on the side, patching the Appkit.framework, are you able to "paint" with NSColor function the finder menu bar into another color for ex. white or blue?
Or another workaround, could you try "reducing transparency" setting 0% opacity only into the finder menu bar main color? (In order to keep all the other transparencies Dock, Notification Center, Application "comic window" etc.)
I've done some attempts to isolate the transparency/opacity but I guess that these are not related to the CoreServices's "".
Yes, what Apple calls "vibrancy" (Dark or Light) is actually implemented using view compositing, blurs and blending modes at the opengl level (for some of our unsupported cards). All of these are combined as various "appearances". I'm currently waiting for GM as the code at this level is changing as we speak. Especially the dark/light mode appearance management methods. I thought it would be stable by now, but there have been enough changes between 7,8 and 9 (haven't looked into 10 yet) that chasing a bug is almost impossible.
What you should know is that the menu bar itself is almost completely handled in the Carbon framework. Which itself is composed of many frameworks, notably HIToolbox. There you'll find positive references to menu translucency. Mode switches in Preferences actually generate events and messages to these frameworks to switch the appearance of the top level menu bar. By the way, HIToolbox is also where the Apple logo is presented on boot, and where the logo switches contrast (if you've noticed) and backgrounds to black before login. Lots there.
I think the ultimate workaround that fixes the ugly Light Mode menu bar will have to start there. I'll crack this open again, once GM is released (hopefully sometime next week)