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I did it yesterday, but after restarting there was a big apple, and a very big progressbar, and after few seconds always a reset and chime.

Watching this for 10 minutes, i pressed power butten.
After restart el cap was running but no updates in smc and efi.

"Big apple and big progress bar" is the EFI firmware upgrade, anyway I guess you should try another vendor SSD then, as also Larsvonhier suggested between lines.
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I checked the german amazon site and you can get a 860 EVO with 250 GB for 60,- EUR or a Crucial MX500 with 250GB for 45,90 EUR. At least they are known as supported. I know prices are always relative but I think these offers are quite fair and it is much cheaper then it it's been a couple of years ago.
I did it yesterday, but after restarting there was a big apple, and a very big progressbar, and after few seconds always a reset and chime.

Watching this for 10 minutes, i pressed power butten.
After restart el cap was running but no updates in smc and efi.

I remember this with an OWC drive. I wasn't able to finish the EFI firmware update until they released a firmware update for the drive itself.
They have a really good support but I've also had issues with an OWC Mercury Accelsior E2 in a cMP 5,1. So I try to avoid drives from OWC, even though I have nothing against the company or their product line.
They do offer some really nice stuff for mac.
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256Gb for 23.99€.
Its half the price.
So for testing it is good.

I keep on testing! ;-)

Agree, it's a very ultra cheap price and as you wrote it does work with HFS+ so for testing is good just avoid APFS for that SSD.

How much do you have in system profiler/SATA : negotiated link speed 1.5 Gbps , 3 Gbps or 6 Gbps ?
If you have 6 Gbps, I'd say is more than good.
Sounds like a piece of wood would've worked the same way.. :)

Wood is more expensive.
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Linked with really 6gbits!!! Full speed.

Now with el cap from hdd i got a newer bootrom. But smc hasn't changed.
Trying apfs and mojave again.
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Hey Guys and Girls,

After my mbp 2011 13inch is working fine now, i have an ot question:

It says "my name" macbook pro.
But now there are 2 books with the same name! :)
Howto change names?

Just watched a Youtuber talking about the project ..

I have this MacBook (5.2) and after seeing the video I remembered that I wanted to try out 8 gigs of RAM instead of the currently (officially unsupported) 6 gigs of RAM some time ago (even though Quinn of Snazzy Labs did not talk about memory specifically in the video). I do have Mojave installed on my Early 2009 MacBook and will have yet to see how it runs with 8 gigs of RAM (these are fully detected in System Profiler and Activity Monitor). Does anybody in here have experience with an Early or Mid 2009 MacBook and 8 GB of RAM? (preferably with High Sierra and Mojave as the operating system). I do know BTW that on many sites there is a debate whether 8 GB of RAM on this specific model is even beneficial since after 6 gigs of system memory being used the perfomance will eventually slow down even though 2 gigs of RAM would remain – so that's why I'm curious.
I have this MacBook (5.2) and after seeing the video I remembered that I wanted to try out 8 gigs of RAM instead of the currently (officially unsupported) 6 gigs of RAM some time ago (even though Quinn of Snazzy Labs did not talk about memory specifically in the video). I do have Mojave installed on my Early 2009 MacBook and will have yet to see how it runs with 8 gigs of RAM (these are fully detected in System Profiler and Activity Monitor). Does anybody in here have experience with an Early or Mid 2009 MacBook and 8 GB of RAM? (preferably with High Sierra and Mojave as the operating system). I do know BTW that on many sites there is a debate whether 8 GB of RAM on this specific model is even beneficial since after 6 gigs of system memory being used the perfomance will eventually slow down even though 2 gigs of RAM would remain – so that's why I'm curious.
Yeah, 8GB actually helps quite a lot, although it can be quite expensive to get 4GB DDR2 modules. The nVidia MCP79 chipset that is used in these machines supports up to 8GB of RAM, and has no issues running with that much installed. With my machine, though, I actually went a step further and upgraded the CPU to the fastest it can support, which is a 3.06 Core 2 Duo T9900. I made a video about this upgrade process, which you can watch here.
Hello again, I tried with 2 usb flash drives, but still got stuck on this, 100% but nothing happens when i tried boot from usb


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Update from 10.14.1 to 10.14.3 with OTA + last patch working nice, thanks !

For those who change the BT card like me to have Handoff and continuity, method from @GilDev @gt2416 on Github ( :

Step 1: Log out of iCloud
Step 2: Use the latest beta continuity Patcher, restart.
Step 3: Edit the file `/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist`
Look for the board number "94245B3640C91C81" and change the continuity flag to "true".
I did this through nano on terminal to make dealing with permissions easier.
Step 4: Run this command in terminal
`sudo -E perl -pi -e "s/\Mac-00BE6ED71E35EB86/\Mac-94245B3640C91C81/" /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcm4360.kext/Contents/MacOS/AirPortBrcm4360`
Step 4: Restart
Step 5: Log into iCloud, restart. Test

Working with Early 2011 8.1 MBP and BTCard from a 2012 MBP (25$ Aliexpress)

Macbook Pro Early 2011 8.1
Toshiba SSD master 256Go
Switch optical drive with a HDD hybrid Seagate 1T
16g ddr3 1333mhz
BT4.0 from 2012 MBP
10.14.3 working very good ;) Thks dosdude1 and all the team !

# Tips :

1) Update your MB firmware to lastest
2) Clean install 10.14.3 + patch /or/ clean 10.14.1 + OTA 10.14.3 + patch update
3) Active Trim SSD (sudo trimforce enable) check if unable in Apple Icon/Syst Info/storage.
3) Patch BT 4.0 (see link in my post)

BT 4.0 Method works with other Mac, just check your Board number... ;)

Enjoy your 8years MBP running like a lastest one.
Dark mode running like a charm.
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Hi guys,

I have been following this thread for some time now hoping that a fix for the HD 6770 would come to light as it has for other unsupported cards, however no such luck it seems. Is anyone working on porting the .kext driver for the HD 6xxx series cards to Mojave, or is this a lost cause now?

I only ask as I have a Late 2011 MacBook Pro 17" and I am not looking to lose my dGPU as I use it quite often for the odd old game and Windows use. Yes mine still works and I wouldn't dream of literally removing the circuitry for it just to get brightness control in Mojave. I do believe anyone who does this to a working machine is insane, even in final cut the dGPU makes a difference, so I don't understand the willingness to bastardise your laptop to run Mojave.

But again I am just curious if any work is being done towards supporting the older cards. Just seems a shame that machines with old 8600GT chips can run Mojave, but not the one generation too old 6770m.

Thanks for reading and keep up the great work guys. I'll keep following this interesting thread all the same.
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