Catalina Migration Assistant woes:
(any help greatly appreciated)
I´ve set up a MacBook Pro 8,2 successfully including eGPU on thunderbolt-1 (!) - but am now stuck
with transferring user setups and data with the Migration Assistant.
User data, configuration and programs an a working 10.15.2 installation on a MacBook 13", linked to the destination via firewire or ethernet cable.
Destination for migration: MacBook Pro 8,2, also on 10.15.2 (with various patches for the eGPU)
Whenever I start the Migration assistant, it closes down all other (running) apps and continues with the dialog box(es). Normal until then it either crashes or another daemon kicks in and the login window re-appears. Strange, never had this on Lion...Mojave. When password is entered, the screen returns to the Migration Assistant app, but it is crashed/frozen now.
This happens under all circumstances (source MB connected, not connected, AirPort on/off etc.) but time to crash to login screen varies: Sometimes it´s possible to reach the folder selection menu, sometimes it crashes immediately. It also crashes if left without user input after approx. 5-10 seconds.
As I suspected some eGPU or dGPU (disabler) activity to be the reason, I tried the Migration Assistant also on another "unsupported" MacBook Pro (4,1) without other than the suggested
@dosdude1 patches for this machine. Same result, no migration with Apple´s tool possible.
I´d like to know if this is "widespread" (Apple support hotline has no clue of this happening on supported machines so far). Also: Any patch/remedy known or alternative tool (this feature a "must": Migrate user account and settings without i.e. cloning whole drive thus losing the OS installation and kext mix found for the eGPU operation*)
*more on that later, I´m still very happy to have found a viable HW/kext/patch combination to make this come true on our beloved old machines!