So no possibility to use airdrop? I have a Broadcom Bluetooth 4 dongle ...
can you explain how can I restore my system.. because I cannot enter in the finder .
i download the wrong MacBook 7.1 patch insert into the extension folder and follow this step :
After downloaded, open a Catalina terminal and copy/paste:
sudo mount -uw / ; killall Finder
Then from Catalina Finder replace (
do not merge) them inside your Catalina /System/Library/Extensions/
after from a Catalina terminal send these commands copy/paste one at once:
sudo chown -R 0:0 /S*/L*/E*/
sudo chmod -R 755 /S*/L*/E*/
sudo kextcache -i /
(the "kextcache" takes some minutes to complete)
At next reboot you should have AirDrop in Catalina Finder.
I have a copy of the original file on the desktop but I cannot enter..
Ah sorry I don’t speak English very well.. now I understand it...
the problem remain .. it is blocked with this image...