I don't think this is an accurate statement. Apple does not support NVIDIA, but certainly not preventing them from developing drivers. They did not revoke the certificates, otherwise, NVIDIA would not be able to develop updates for 10.13.6 because they would not be signed. Plus the old drivers would be revoked.
"Actually, the most recent macOS driver Nvidia released was a few weeks ago, January 24th. Here it is:
It's signed with Nvidia's developer certificate, meaning Apple has granted Nvidia's developer account the permission to sign kexts. Apple doesn't sign individual kexts/drivers, they simply enable the ability for a developer's certificate to sign kexts.
And just in case there is still any doubt, I actually checked how the kexts in that link were signed:
It was signed by NVIDIA's developer certificate, and NVIDIA's developer certificate is signed by Apple's Developer ID CA. When an SSL certificate is signed by a CA, it means that that certificate can sign on its behalf. In other words, NVIDIA's signing certificate can codesign for Apple. This isn't special or anything, this is what it looks like for any developer account with kext signing enabled. But I am just saying, there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever here - Apple has enabled kext signing on NVIDIA's certificate, and it is still enabled as a revocation would invalidate past signatures as well, rendering previous kexts no longer valid.Code:$ codesign -d -vv /Library/Extensions/NVDAResmanWeb.kext Executable=/Library/Extensions/NVDAResmanWeb.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDAResmanWeb Identifier=com.nvidia.web.NVDAResmanWeb Format=bundle with Mach-O thin (x86_64) CodeDirectory v=20200 size=53564 flags=0x0(none) hashes=1668+3 location=embedded Signature size=4746 Authority=Developer ID Application: NVIDIA Corporation (6KR3T733EC) Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Signed Time=Jan 24, 2019 at 12:25:18 PM Info.plist entries=14 TeamIdentifier=6KR3T733EC Sealed Resources version=2 rules=13 files=0 Internal requirements count=1 size=188
In other words, we can say with absolute certainty that no, Apple is not blocking anything. Cryptographic signatures aren't backed by human power. They are not backed by a higher power. They are backed by the highest power - mathematics. If God himself were to declare this signature to be invalid, then that wouldn't make it so - it would simply mean God was wrong.
Now, it is still possible that Apple might be withholding access to certain closed-source parts of macOS that NVIDIA needs to finish drivers for newer cards. That seems extremely unlikely, given that they aren't withholding anything for every macOS prior to 10.14, and that it would go against their own best interests as a company.
Regardless, even if that is the case, that is very different from 'blocking' a finished driver."
Ahead of a modular Mac Pro, Apple said to ready a dedicated API for writing device drivers
Nice to have this discussion again about support of Nvidia in the newest Apple operating system.Nvidia has stated it will not release its third party Mojave drivers unless Apple approves them which Apple has not. These are the ones from their website not was is approved to be on the OS itself.
To be extra clear: I am talking about Metal Third Party Nvidia drivers here. This includes Maxwell chipsets and above, not the Kepler only ones that Apple has included in its OS.
The only reason they are there any Nvidia drivers on Mojave is for the Mac Pro 5,1. This was when Apple said Mojave would be compatible with the 2012 Mac Pro. Apple only approved two of Nvidia's video cards for the Mac Pro 5,1 and Mojave which is the EVGA GTX 680 Mac Edition and one other card more expensive card by Nvidia.
Here is Forbes take on it:
Mac Pro 5,1 and Mojave:
The last time I checked, there are no official third party Nvidia drivers from Nvidia on Nvidia's website for Mojave that user's can download like they can for High Sierra and older.
This means without some hacking / patching you cannot use a newer Nvidia video card that would support Metal.
All of MacVidCards cards for Mojave are Kepler based. And users can use non-flashed Kepler cards except for the Titan Black. Or they can used flashed GTX 680 cards or one of the new Mac Edition cards from Nvidia that are also Kepler based.
And those drivers that you mentioned that were just released are for High Sierra not Mojave or Catalina.
I think it is important to mention that there is a difference between low level video-chip hardware driver Beyond Kepler :Maxwell/Pascal/Volta/Touring
and CUDA support for Mojave and Catalina.
Machine learning based on metal (family 2 set X) provided by Apple
is a competitor to nV CUDA’s 6.5-10.1 solutions...
Maxon promised GPU Pro Render Radeon stuff to be continued in cinema4d (based on Metal GPU rendering)
I think Redshift will be not ported to Metal soon, but Otoy promised that
with Octane which was always CUDA optimized only.
Autodesk well, Arnold GPU denoiser on Apple in Catalina on AMD ? well...
Pixar’s RenderMan ...(no one knows how many Dell and HP’s are there since...Steve...)
Adobe still provides 3d Nvidia CUDA’s Optix in After Effects ...as a render option.
Mercury Transmitt was extended from CUDA to OpenCL and Metal but OpenCL is faster then metal and CUDA still wins
And Black magic design has still
CUDA in da Vinci resolve 16 and Fusion 16
Apple will sell their hyper expensive acceleration card for RED to Mac Pro customers.
(This year a CUDA accelerated workflow with RED was demonstrated)
nvidia’s RTX fits in new MacPro 7.1
and now rethink Catalina’s future without Nvidia,CUDA,RTX extensions or Vulcan (please no comments on “wrap-ers” VK it is a competitor to ios on android and never will have place on mac)
next Release after Catalina Apple will either drop kepler and Metal1 completely,
or drop it entirely with new support
for new nvidia RTX hardware only under the circumstances that apple is forced by market and software developers.
Users are last on the Apple’s list to be heard...
now how can it be possible to satisfy any people who wants to buy older Nvidia video-cards and use them in eGPU or new MacPro to use them on Catalina and Mojave if profits for Nvidia and Apple can be made elsewhere...
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