I don't know about that. I was confused by that post also since I don't see anything accelerated. Looks like the Dock is simply framed to me. Maybe @nicksilverstein can post another screenshot where we can see a vibrant Dock or Notifiction Center or Finder etc. ?From @nicksilverstein picture from a dualGPU seems to be using as primary the AMD 6750M, and even if the "dark mode" doesn't help in distinguishing well, seems that the Dock (thinner edges) is transparent under that AMD GPU.
Unless it's an hybrid acceleration that gained from the IntelHD3000.
Lilu and WhateverGreen are simply a platform that simplify (in an elegant way) system patching and extension. Unless @nicksilverstein is talking about a plugin that enables acceleration ?I think Lilu and Whatevergreen are what makes it work. The hackintosh community might have helped us here.