My first post on Catalina Forum (been posting mostly on Mojave forum)
I installed Catalina developer beta 2 on an external SSD hosted by a MacBook Air 13" Mid 2011 (MacbookAir4,2).
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I used the excellent
@dosdude1's macOS Catalina Patcher 1.0b2 (awesome as always and I like the new gui display).
It worked great - graphics acceleration accomplished, etc.
Several observations/issues:
- System Preferences | Desktop | Appearance | Auto does not work or cannot be selected
- Night Shift does not work either.
- Light mode (same as in Mojave) still problematic (although I used @pkoume's latest hybrid patches). Not really an issue for me since Dark mode is my preference.
- Cannot disable or move files from the /usr/bin even if I logged in as root.
- If I use Time Machine backup, it states that I have 2 "host drive - data" so I have to exclude the " - data" folder.
- Related to the above, if I boot up to my Mojave host and attach the external Catalina SSD drive, I do see 2 " - data" folders.
For now my preference is still Mojave.
Appreciate the excellent work of
@dosdude1 and
@ASentientBot. Apologies to those I failed to mention who should deserve it as well.