Touching SystemExtensitionsWe need more documentation on how kmutil (the new kextcache) macOS command works, I noticed from single user mode if mistype some argument for example: "kmutil create boot"
some additional shell manual popups, also typing "kextcache -i /" , apple message says "kextcache" is depreciated use kmutil to create a kext collection and they make an example with a long string containing /Library/Apple/System/Library/Prelinkedkernels/prelinkedkernel and --kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
but this won't fit on a single user shell, because seems a too long string to type.
using kmutil -help
doesn't tell much just few arguments
the fact is until we don't figure out how to rebuild a kextcache or kernerlcollection from BigSur single user mode, can't make many attempts in patching the kext, because adding a wrong kext can easily make unbootable the system, I personally don't want to re-install because of a mismatched kernelcollection, it takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes on an SSD.
And Library extensions;