Just posted a petition, in case Apple considers updating the supported device list, hope this works: https://www.change.org/BigSurSupport
still having no luck. I am using unibody 2012. has anybody had any success stories
Hi I'm new here👋🏾. but i wanna get straight to it. I recently updated my wifi/bluetooth card "Airport Card" to
802.11ac + Bluetooth 4.2 for Unibody MacBook Pros from here :https://subtle.design/products/80211ac/
will this work with no walk arounds? i could do some testing if you guys are interested. LMK😎
just wondering if running dosdude1 installer for 10.15 would install the wifi support?This is a small guide I wrote earlier for people on the "macOS on unsupported Macs" Discord server. I followed these steps and got a working and stable install on my MacBook Pro 9,1 (mid 2012 15 inch), but without Wi-Fi support for now.
1. Download pkg from http://swcdn.apple.com/content/down...kxzj3zjshu1srsh4n74a41n4/InstallAssistant.pkg
2. Download https://forums.macrumors.com/attachments/really-simple-installer-hack-zip.926156/
3. Copy hax.dylib to home folder
4. Boot into recovery
5. Run csrutil disable in Terminal
6. Reboot and run this in Terminal while on current OS - sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.libraryvalidation.plist DisableLibraryValidation -bool true
7. Run this in terminal launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES $PWD/Hax.dylib
8. Open the InstallAssistant.pkg and open the Installer.app in Launchpad / applications folder
9. Wait for install to finish
Final step (only required if trying to boot on machine older than Mid 2012 (?)) - on Catalina or other OS that can access your APFS partition, delete telemetry from /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/com.apple.telemetry.plugin when complete.
The Power architecture is an IBM product that is still in production.
the 2013 iMacs support AVX2, this image shows the 4570r which is the 2.7GHz i5 In the 21inch iMacs at least, the 2.9 ghz should be the same I can't see why notso that machine lacks that instruction set
If you updated a previous Catalina maybe the main user has been converted to standard user not admin.
Or you used a previously converted from hfs to apfs Volume disk that is different from erasing a new volume in apfs.
I have the same problem:
mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied
mount: / failed with 66
I did both an upgrade from Catalina and then a clean install.
Apple must have put in new security measures.
nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1"
the 2013 iMacs support AVX2, this image shows the 4570r which is the 2.7GHz i5 In the 21inch iMacs at least, the 2.9 ghz should be the same I can't see why notView attachment 926624
Already try disabling SIP, but tried it again and also the nvram args from that post.
still no luck, root doesn't have write privileges on "/" from what I can see.
sh-3.2# mount -uw /
mount_apfs: volume could not be mounted: Permission denied
mount: / failed with 66
The one in Launchpad that will appear after you install it from InstallAssistant. It's called "Install macOS Beta"
completely normal, happened to me for ages.
Ok after install and reboot it now get the forbitten sign? so it dont want to boot. i have a mac mini late 2012 what shall i do ?
Check from BigSur System Preferences if your main user has been converted to standard rather than admin, because during this patched installation sometimes the user permissions are not set correctly for the root user.
Doesn’t work for me, user is Administrator in system preferences, OS installed on separate Volume, but in the same APFS container. Could that be a reason?
ok well that weird im wondering why they dropped support for the late 2013 imacs
2012 Mac mini support N WiFi speeds thoughlook like the lack of the pre-2013 Macs because of the N wifi card.
Doesn’t work for me, user is Administrator in system preferences, OS installed on separate Volume, but in the same APFS container. Could that be a reason?
Also, device is Fusion Drive