I'm still unable to execute "sudo mount -uw /", it gives me an errorThis is my attempt for AirPort4360 driver Wifi kext, but is refused from "Big Sur" kernel from prelinking.
I am not skilled to fix symbols, but I guess it is fixable.
Code:sudo mount -uw / ; killall Finder replaced the IO80211Family*.kext with stock Catalina ones sudo -s chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/ kextcache -i / Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil install --volume-root / --check-rebuild rebuilding local auxiliary collection kmutil done kmutil install --volume-root / Error: Please specify one of --check-rebuild, --update-all or --force. Usage: kmutil install [--variant-suffix <variant-suffix>] [--arch <arch>] [--no-authorization] [--verbose] [--repository <repository> ...] [--volume-root <volume-root>] [--check-rebuild] [--update-all] [--force] [--authentication] [--no-authentication] [--update-preboot] kmutil install --update-all rebuilding release collections: boot, system rebuilding release collections: boot kernel collection system kext collection failed to build release collection: One or more binaries has an error which prevented linking. See other errors. Could not use 'com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore' because: Cannot find symbol for metaclass pointed to by '__ZN28AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface10superClassE' com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore: Cannot find symbol for metaclass pointed to by '__ZN28AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface10superClassE' failed to build any collections (expected: 1) rebuilding local auxiliary collection kmutil done