Hi @Barry K. Nathan is this the forked version for Mac mini 2010? https://github.com/barrykn/big-sur-micropatcher/tree/dev-v0.4.5 Thank you!
I installed Big Sur on my Unsupported Imac 2013, and would like to know if there is anyway I can Update it.
Alright, thanks, so the criteria of a Big Sur Recovery app are:I also attempted to add apps there and if you read my earlier posts, editing Utilities.plist you can point any app exec, but AppleScript converted app won't work, because osascript doesn't work from BigSur Recovery, so you should check that your builded apps are independent and also that launch from BigSur normal booting, because since frameworks are in dyld shared cache you can't add easily frameworks to a BaseSystem to support a third party app, otherwise you should use script apps that are essentially bash script withchmod 755
Moreover I noticed that is even possible to boot a patched BaseSystem with its stock BootKernelExtensions.kc (but for legacy USB Mac only prelinkedkernel), the main condition is SIP with value 0xFFF or ASentientBot patched 0xfff boot.efi that allows any patched BaseSystem booting without kp verification.
Alright, thanks, so the criteria of a Big Sur Recovery app are:
1) Not applescript
2) Can run off of normal Big Sur boot
I also would need to figure out how to add the third party app due to the dyld shared cache, but patching a duplicate base system is wholly possible. Thank you for the information. I am going to start trying to do this.
Basically these are the same files that have been installed until 0.4.0 and which @jackluke provided in his posts. So we have with including the two lines to unzip the files the same state as before. We cannot expect to get a different result. The problem has not been solved from Beta3 on, user @Wania posted about the missing iGPU back then. I did several test since then and had not a single successful one.cool, thank you for your update and you have included the HD3000 bundle, had to add 2 lines in the kext-patch.sh now are as there and still do not put an H264
Maybe it will be GMI added some additional script apps to legacy USB recovery installer, but I am waiting for beta 11 because apple often changed its beta BaseSystem.dmg size and components, on next release they could also change any InstallAssistant exec references dropping the "Beta" naming using "Install macOS Big Sur.app" and to boot a Recovery the naming structure is also checked from BaseSystem ramdisk I guess.
I added some additional script apps to legacy USB recovery installer, but I am waiting for beta 11 because apple often changed its beta BaseSystem.dmg size and components, on next release they could also change any InstallAssistant exec references dropping the "Beta" naming using "Install macOS Big Sur.app" and to boot a Recovery the naming structure is also checked from BaseSystem ramdisk I guess.
Read here:Does anyone know if there is actually a lack of video decoding acceleration on non metal Macs. I have a MacBook Pro 7,1 I plan to upgrade to Catalina I'm currently on Mac OS 10.14.6. If this is true then let me know. I know for a fact that I had to replace AppleGVA.framework from High Sierra to get video accelerated decoding for quicktime on Mojave. I hope that that's all I have to do on Catalina as well. I saw this a while back when looking into the issue. TimothyR734 said that all I should have to do is replace AppleGVA.framework for video decoding to be accelerated. I am also wondering if h264 would be accelerated like in Mojave if I upgraded to Catalina and just replaced AppleGVA.framework after Dos dues patches.
When the time comes, could you show those to me/us? I'd love to see them implemented so I have a better idea.I added some additional script apps to legacy USB recovery installer, but I am waiting for beta 11 because apple often changed its beta BaseSystem.dmg size and components, on next release they could also change any InstallAssistant exec references dropping the "Beta" naming using "Install macOS Big Sur.app" and to boot a Recovery the naming structure is also checked from BaseSystem ramdisk I guess.
Read here:
GitHub - barrykn/big-sur-micropatcher: A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs
A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs - barrykn/big-sur-micropatchergithub.com
Read the last 3 pages about the H.264 ....
I see what you're talking about but I'm talking about Catalina not Big Sur. Unless there's info on there about Catalina as well.Read here:
GitHub - barrykn/big-sur-micropatcher: A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs
A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs - barrykn/big-sur-micropatchergithub.com
Read the last 3 pages about the H.264 ....
When the time comes, could you show those to me/us? I'd love to see them implemented so I have a better idea.
During early Catalina beta ASentientBot patched IOHIDFamily.kext to make a kind of automatic exited single user mode, then on next Catalina beta apple weirdly fixed it to work without that patch.
When you install the LegacyUSBInjector.kext as --bundle-path on BKE, does iSight webcam work ?
Because I get kp on later booting when use bundle path for Legacy USB Injector and Video Support .
I guess that kp is due to LegacyUSBVideoSupport.kext (so I removed) while non working iSight to video framebuffer kext loaded, because seems without those kext (using basic graphics kext as safe mode) on BKE (and SKE) the internal webcam worked for Legacy USB Mac .
Do you know if there is actually a lack of video decoding acceleration on non metal Macs on Catalina. If so what would I need to do. I am on Mac OS Mojave and I had this issue but I fixed this by replacing AppleGVA.framework from High Sierra. So would Catalina be the same thing.
Hello, is it possible to install Big Sur on a MacBook 4.1? Catalina IS already installed and runs without problems. With the BaseSystem legacy usb fix, it doesn't boot.
Maybe it will be GM![]()
With a non Metal GPU, HighSierra AppleGVA.framework replacement on Catalina has no effect, because non metal Catalina has no hardware decoding acceleration, while non metal Mojave is fully video accelerated .
Is there anyway to achieve full video acceleration or is Windows or linux my only hope now other than what's supported or Mojave on that machine.
That machine requires very legacy usb fix (not only LegacyUSBInjector.kext but some USB* kext replacements), @Larsvonhier released a patched prelinkedkernel for that machine during early beta, you should search and try to replace it to this installer path: /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/
Then, I would strongly recommend you search for another thread. Read the title of this one.I see what you're talking about but I'm talking about Catalina not Big Sur. Unless there's info on there about Catalina as well.
Good, jackluke, that you remember this.During early Catalina beta ASentientBot patched IOHIDFamily.kext to make a kind of automatic exited single user mode, then on next Catalina beta apple weirdly fixed it to work without that patch.
When you install the LegacyUSBInjector.kext as --bundle-path on BKE, does iSight webcam work ?
Because I get kp on later booting when use bundle path for Legacy USB Injector and Video Support .
I guess that kp is due to LegacyUSBVideoSupport.kext (so I removed) while non working iSight to video framebuffer kext loaded, because seems without those kext (using basic graphics kext as safe mode) on BKE (and SKE) the internal webcam worked for Legacy USB Mac .
Well done, codesigning is not required for kext exec, but only for frameworks exec, I notice that also your iSight webcam works.Good, jackluke, that you remember this.
Some news regarding CMDS+S delay / USB response:
I've patched the IOHIDFamily exec from BS beta10's IOHIDFamily.kext à la ASentientBot, using hopper disassembler v4. No re-codesign done but that seems unnecessary. So in effect function _isSingleUser always returns TRUE.
Installed the patched IOHIDFamily.kext, again via patch-kexts.sh. Booting my legacy USB MBP5,2 now results in responsive USB keyboard and mouse even without CMDS+S/exit (tried booting a few times). iSight also works, but I think it did before.
I can't easily tell with my non-graphics-accelerated machine if this patch causes undesired delays elsewhere.
Anyway attached is the IOHIDFamily.kext containing the patched exec.
_isSingleUser function
from IOHIDFamily
binary stock 2 MB the binary size is reduced to half, I guess it's the ARM code that is removed from Disassembler when build Mach-O x86_64 output exec ?Wow, I can't wait to test it on my Mac mini 2010!Good, jackluke, that you remember this.
Some news regarding CMDS+S delay / USB response:
I've patched the IOHIDFamily exec from BS beta10's IOHIDFamily.kext à la ASentientBot, using hopper disassembler v4. No re-codesign done but that seems unnecessary. So in effect function _isSingleUser always returns TRUE.
Installed the patched IOHIDFamily.kext, again via patch-kexts.sh. Booting my legacy USB MBP5,2 now results in responsive USB keyboard and mouse even without CMDS+S/exit (tried booting a few times). iSight also works, but I think it did before.
I can't easily tell with my non-graphics-accelerated machine if this patch causes undesired delays elsewhere.
Anyway attached is the IOHIDFamily.kext containing the patched exec.
Could be due to ARM code. I just overwrote the beginning of _isSingleUser with the two instructions and left the (orphaned) rest of the function untouched.edit:
Your patched file worked to skip CMD+S and exit for legacy USB Mac, checking your IOHIDFamily exec is reduced to 882 KB (while stock apple beta 10 one is 2 MB ) so more than half of assembler code has been removed from binary patching or there was some ARM coding removed after binary exec produced ?