Look at
@eminemmm's previous posts. It's a 13" 2011 MacBook Pro. It's HD 3000 only. It's not a dual GPU machine.
Somehow it's having trouble removing the kexts that are left over from the dosdude Catalina patcher's Legacy GPU Patch, and that's why kmutil is failing.
@eminemmm I have another set of instructions to try. I'm having trouble figuring out how my previous instructions would not have worked, but try this before I suggest anything more drastic.
First, make sure you've done a Time Machine backup, as I've mentioned in a few previous posts.
Next, try doing the following:
Boot from the patched installer USB. Open Terminal. Then run the following commands:
cd /Volumes
mount -uw "Volume Name" (such as "MY KINGSTON SSD" or "Macintosh HD" or whatever your Big Sur volume is)
cd "Volume Name"
cd System/Library
rm -rf Extensions
rm -rf Extensions.old
Then quit Terminal, start the Installer, and reinstall Big Sur. See if you're able to make WiFi and Ethernet work afterward.