Thanks for your point by point instructions in post
#7,069 and also many thanks for the considerable amount of work done by
Unfortunately I can’t get my MacBookPro4,1 (early 2008) to boot into Big Sur after installing, with the various patches.
The machine’s firmware is APFS ROM flashed (what works nicely with filesystems of Catalina 10.15.7, etc.) and SIP is disabled.
Creating the bootable installer drive with the BigSurBaseSystemFix method worked all fine.
Before running the main Big Sur installer, I did run "Hax3 installer fix". Installing took again 30 more mins after showing: "less than one minute to go ...". After auto-rebooting into the installed Big Sur system it kernel panicked.
After that I booted into the USB installer flash drive again, and selected "Stage 2 installer fix" and "Legacy USB patches". But it was of no help, still got kernel panics when trying to boot into Big Sur.
In one description I’ve read "Stage 2 installer fix" only is needed when intalling on non-APFS Macs and exernal USB drives. Is that right? I do install on an internal SSD (which already has a few other system partitions on it, but Big Sur APFS volume resides in its own container).
Along the way I must have missed something?!
Maybe I do try again the older jackluke method with the two patch commands: "BigSur BaseSystem legacy usb fix" and "BigSur BaseSystem legacy usb fix2". But IIRC created USB flash drive installer with that method only booted my MacBookPro4,1 with Big Sur releases that came before 11.1 or so.