The USB BigSur installer seems to require only the BootKernelExtensions.kc , with prelinkedkernel fix doesn't work, if you notice /BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg now it's an APFS Container with its own Preboot Volume.
Any chance that the legacy usb bootkernelextensions beta1, BootKernelExtensions.kc, from
Big Sur fixes for unsupported Mac. Contribute to jacklukem/BigSurfixes development by creating an account on GitHub.

could be used to get the Big Sur installer usb to produce a usable terminal for csrutil?
Update: I tried using the above BootKernelExtensions.kc and with rebuilding BaseSystem.dmg on the installer usb with your previous recipe...
cd /Volumes/USBInstallerBigSur/BaseSystem/
hdiutil attach -owners on BaseSystem.dmg -shadow
Customize (directly from Finder) BaseSystem adding patched files
hdiutil detach /dev/diskX (or eject/unmount the "MacOS Base System" volume from Finder)
hdiutil convert -format UDZO -o BaseSystem2.dmg BaseSystem.dmg -shadow
mv BaseSystem.dmg BaseSystembackup.dmg
mv BaseSystem2.dmg BaseSystem.dmg
which unfortunately kernel panics on MacPro 3,1 rather than launching the Recovery app for selecting the Terminal app.
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