The prelinkedkernel fixes that I am uploading are intended to use without opencore, because opencore currently is unable to manage the BootKernelExtensions and to disable the new "csrutil authenticated-root", if you can't R/W the BigSur System it's because it has decided to install in that sealed snapshot way.
, if you have a Volume with diskXsYsZ , then you have a sealed snapshot booting.
It's not a config.plist issue, so you instead could try this from any OpenCore menu, press space bar to show the macOS Recovery dmg, then select: 10.16 Recovery (dmg) or Recovery Beta (you can use also an USB BigSur Installer with apple createinstallmedia), then from BigSur Recovery terminal:
csrutil authenticated-root disable
If you can't use more "sudo mount -uw /" from BigSur then as workaround to get Wifi try this:
BigSur IvyBridge prelinkedkernel Sound AirDrop fix