Hi, is this for me or Maclinux?
Whoever can't get audio to work despite having a prelinked kernel with AppleHDA included in it.
Hi, is this for me or Maclinux?
I get all that.it's 1s2 in my case. I do all that, but end up with the message again effectively looping back.
nvram csr-active-config
do you think it could work on a mid 2011 MacBook Air?
From which macOS are you running and what's the ouput for:nvram csr-active-config
type alsomount
csr-active-config w%08%00%00
Code:csr-active-config w%08%00%00
From BigSur use this file: "BigSur prelinkedkernel AirDrop fix2 beta1"
I included two files in the zip archive.
Thanks, but I am. Maybe I'll just re-wipe the install and try again.
Maybe wait for someone that post an user-friendly method to install any big sur patches.
If you select System Profiler from About this Mac and click on the Extensions section, do you see two entries for AppleHDA? If so, the newer version from Big Sur is loading instead of the High Sierra one in the prelinked kernel. I fixed this on my MacPro 3,1 by mounting the root snapshot so that it is writable and deleting that.
Code:mkdir /tmp/mntpoint sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk7s5 /tmp/mntpoint cd /tmp/mntpoint/System/Library/Extensions sudo rm -fr AppleHDA.kext cd ~ sudo bless --folder /tmp/mntpoint/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot
Use 'df -k' to see what device the root snapshot is mounted as on your machine and use the first two sections of that. So if it is disk5s1s1, use disk5s1. After you complete those commands and reboot, the snapshot that you edited will become the active root and the Big Sur /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext will be gone so that the prelinkedkernel one can load.
I just figured out what the issue was that was causing that part of it, so the script ran. Unfortunately, on reboot going no where. 🚫 So, now it is do over time, haha.
nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check" ; reboot
@jackluke please i’ve installed successfully the kext IO80211Family provided by @highvoltage12v , but while the Big Sur was loading it showed this message:
View attachment 931259
Is there any way to get it working?
sudo mount -uw / ; killall Finder
open /System/Library/Extensions/
replace (do not merge) the IO80211Family.kext
sudo -s
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions/
kextcache -i /
(this is required to update the prelinkedkernel)
kmutil install --update-all
(this is required to update the BootKernelExtensions.kc)
(this is required to copy both the "kextcache" to the APFS Preboot)
I don't have any good ideas, sorry. My first thought would be to backup/clone the BS container somewhere else (e.g. using Time Machine or CCC), delete BS container, create new container, and restore/clone it back, but CCC's not up to the task for BS yet (although Time Machine might still be an option if you're brave) and it would take a while in any case.Side question (only loosely related to the migration): How can I get rid of the "free space" that does not map to any container any more after my migration of user settings from Cat to BS? I´d like to reclaim it and add it to the container disk1...
Neither GUI disk util nor terminal use of it do the trick. Any suggestions here?
Boot from any macOS Recovery CMD+R or any macOS USB Installer open a recovery terminal and type:
In my simple command script I used instead "cd /Volumes/Preboot/*/boot/System/Library/KernelCollections/" because this surely is not present in any Catalina or Mojave Preboot, as you written: "cd /Volumes/Preboot/*/System/Library/CoreServices/" this is used also from APFS Catalina and Mojave, so replacing wrongly prelinkedkernel in any Preboot could make them unbootable.
For what is used LegacyUSBVideoSupport.kext ?
I wonder if we can solve the issue of using kextcache under snapshots with something like...
Code:sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk7s5 /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -i / sudo chroot /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint kextcache -prelinked-kernel /Library/Apple/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel -kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel -local-root -- /Library/Extensions/ /System/Library/Extensions/ sudo bless --folder /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot
That approach seems feasible in theory, although I am still unclear on the details of when kextcache triggers the building of a prelinked kernel. I noticed this article which suggests that whole process can be rather buggy on recent Darwin.
How Kernel Prelinking Works on macOS Catalina (or not)
Perhaps I would need to add a call to kextcache that purges its caches first if the directory touching method is unreliable? Assuming that Apple hasn't blocked chroot from operating on snapshots, the trick would seem to be
1) touching SLE in the mounted snapshot
2) using kextcache via chroot to rebuild the kernel caches without hitting any files outside of the snapshot
3) blessing and rebooting
4) using kextcache to build the prelinked kernel without touching any files inside the snapshot
Thanks! Let me try on this week endWell, easiest way for achieving it:
Prepare installer on a USB stick (as @jackluke and others described) and install to a „supported unsupported“ machine as i.e. the MB5,2 or some more recent C2D MBP.
Then take that drive (or clone it) to be used in the MB4,1.
For getting legacy USB function there,
use the prelinked kernel I prepared for that machine. Also audio and wifi can be brought up by adding/replacing the kexts and the on the running system do kextcache -i /
and kcditto
(both in terminal).
Prerequisite is SIP off and on one of the first boots (in single user mode) set nvram params to „-no_compat_check”, if not already done or installer re-set that.
mv ~/Downloads/Hax.dylib ~/
or /Users/myHomeFolderName/
I created a basic patch which seems to get a copy of the OS installed.
My steps (briefly) were:
- Disable Library Validation and SIP
-launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES ~/Hax.dylib
- Open and click through the installer app
Edit: I failed to mention that-no_compat_check
in NVRAM is also, unsurprisingly, required.
This is all that's necessary for an "install to this machine" outcome.However, it currently does not boot... will report back if I figure anything out.Working on my 7,1 without acceleration. See my later posts.
For anyone else who only has an unsupported machine and wants to test, here are the files! There are definitely alternatives like using OpenCore, cloning from a supported machine, etc. But thought I'd share this anyways.
Hey everyone, I made a new version of the installer patch, adding (1) a quasi-graphical interface and (2) hopefully disabling all the sealing/snapshot stuff at install time using an internal OSInstaller option. If some of you who are struggling with the install/error 66 crap could test this, that would be awesome!
It's obviously still very far from a full patcher, and I have no intent to update it further. Actual user friendly tools are not my strong suit. But I hope this'll help with getting a working, modifiable OS, so we can focus on the stuff that matters.
Edit: don't use this, it doesn't work.
Edit 2: well, it does work to disable sealing. Just not snapshots, which are a difficult beast to get under control. My later posts address this in more detail.
Looks like you guys already got this sorted, but it was a simple fix for the "Hax.dylib" thing if anybody with a non-APFS Mac would like to test this. Please report your results if anyone uses it!
csrutil disable
in recovery terminalsudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.libraryvalidation.plist DisableLibraryValidation -bool true”
launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES ~/Hax.dylib
sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1"
sudo ~/Downloads/Install\ macOS\ Beta.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
/Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Beta/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg -no_compat_check cs_enforcement_disable=1 cs_debug=1 amfi_allow_any_signature=1 amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1</string>
diskutil list
to find the Big Sur system volumediskutil mount diskXsY
mount -uw "/Volumes/Big Sur"
cd /Volumes/Big\ Sur/System/Library/UserEventplugins
rm -r com.apple.telemetry.plugin
mv com.apple.telemetry.plugin com.apple.telemetry.plugin2
diskutil list
to find the Preboot volume that Big Sur usesdiskutil mount diskXsY
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Cache</key>
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1</string>
I just made a new prelinkedkernel fix that should work for any non-APFS and legacy USB Mac. It works without OpenCore, and includes the AppleHDA.kext (HighSierra), the patched IO80211Family.kext (for AirPortBrcm4331 Wi-Fi cards), and Ethernet for NVIDIA chipset Macs.
To install it directly from Big Sur, use "BigSur prelinkedkernel fix4". From other APFS macOS, use "prelinkedkernel fix4 beta1". Otherwise, you can also replace it manually.
@hvds , @Alex-Microsmeta , @quaccOS and others who used my prelinkedkernel fix4 for Ethernet, Wifi (and legacy usb and telemetry plugin), since I recently on BigSur Beta 2 encountered the sealed snapshot booting and got also prohibitory symbol on sound icon, I found an enough easy way to fix the Sound (internal speakers) and Mic:
For mount non-snapshot system and creating a new snapshot from Big Sur credit to a Twitter user, Damien.
After I installed BigSur beta2, I noticed that I can't even rename my Volume Label, but I also renamed it through the mentioned method, instead the Preboot Volume is writable as also the BigSur Data Volume.
First requirement is this:nvram csr-active-config
w%08%00%00 (or w%09%00%00 )
that is: "csrutil authenticated-root disable"
then in a similar way, as already wrote also from others, from a BigSur normal booting terminal:
sudo mkdir ~/Snapshot/
(this makes an empty folder mount point on your home folder so copy exactly as written)
(on the first output "mount" line you can notice a diskXsYsZ you have to consider only diskXsY)
sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/diskXsY ~/Snapshot/
open ~/Snapshot/
(from Finder you can now rename your Volume Label, note from Finder the mount point has your BigSurLabel while from terminal it has the "Snapshot" folder name so the folder name must be used from BigSur terminal)
from Finder browse this:
(remove the com.apple.telemetry.plugin)
(replace AppleHDA.kext with this attached: HighSierra AppleHDA.kext.zip)
sudo chown -R 0:0 ~/Snapshot/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chmod -R 755 ~/Snapshot/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo bless --folder ~/Snapshot/System/Library/CoreServices/ --bootefi --create-snapshot
tmutil localsnapshot
(check that the listed snapshot has the current date time)
Without rebuild any kextcache or kmutil at next reboot Sound internal speakers & Mic should work.
I have a MBP 8,2 with Discrete GPU disabled. Keen to try BS without Graphics Acceleration for now.I'm currently writing this inside of macOS Big Sur on a MacBookPro8,1! I got Wi-Fi working using jackluke's fixes script and it works perfectly fine. I'm fine without graphics acceleration for now. Thank you for the work you do!
Thank you for this! Thanks to this, I now have WiFi on my mid-2012 Unibody MBP Big Sur installation.Let me check, I guess I need to update that prelinkedkernel .
I am uploading the new prelinkedkernel for 2012 machines that should fix Wifi and AirDrop channel, after I update my previous post.
updated also my previous post this should work: BigSur prelinkedkernel Wifi AirDrop fixes.zip
The attached file is only for APFS firmware machines: Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and maybe also Haswell architecture.
I'm waiting 16. and expecially 17. ...having the same hardware 🤓My Big Sur (Beta 1) Installation on MacBook Pro 7,1 (13-inch, Mid 2010)
Source: Rewrote my long-winded method in post #796 to be more clear and concise.
- Create a blank APFS partition using Disk Utility, separate from your Catalina partition
- Download InstallAssistant.pkg containing macOS 11.0 Developer Beta 1 (20A4299v)
- Run the installer package to place the Install macOS Beta.app at
- Download @ASentientBot's Hax.dyliband move it to your home folder
mv ~/Downloads/Hax.dylib ~/
- Disable System Integrity Protection (SIP) via
csrutil disable
in recovery terminal- Disable Library Validation
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.libraryvalidation.plist DisableLibraryValidation -bool true”
- Inject the Haxdynamic library file to force the Big Sur installation without error
launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES ~/Hax.dylib
- Failure to complete this step will result in The operation could not be completed (BIErrorDomain Error 3)
- Run the macOS Beta installer app and choose your blank partition for installation
- Your computer will restart several times. The grey Apple logo may turn white.
- You will eventually reach a grey circle-backlash symbol. Return to Catalina.
- Add these NVRAM boot arguments in Terminal
sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1"
- Create a bootable USB installer for Big Sur using a suitable external drive
sudo ~/Downloads/Install\ macOS\ Beta.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
- Visit Apple's page on the createinstallmedia command for more information
- Edit the boot properties list of your Big Sur USB installer
/Volumes/Install\ macOS\ Beta/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist
XML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>root-dmg=file:///BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg -no_compat_check cs_enforcement_disable=1 cs_debug=1 amfi_allow_any_signature=1 amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1</string> </dict> </plist>
- Restart your computer and hold the ⌥ Option key to boot into your external Big Sur installer
- If you have a Penryn Core 2 DuoCPU, you will need to delete the Telemetry plugin to prevent kernel panic
- Mount the system volume as writable via the recovery Terminal
- Use
diskutil list
to find the Big Sur system volume- Mount the system volume
diskutil mount diskXsY
- Remount as read-write
mount -uw "/Volumes/Big Sur"
- Find & delete the Telemetry plugin
- Change directory
cd /Volumes/Big\ Sur/System/Library/UserEventplugins
- Remove it
rm -r com.apple.telemetry.plugin
- Or rename it
mv com.apple.telemetry.plugin com.apple.telemetry.plugin2
- Return to Catalina
- Edit the Boot property lists in Big Sur's Preboot volume
- Use
diskutil list
to find the Preboot volume that Big Sur uses- Mount the Preboot volume
diskutil mount diskXsY
- Edit these two
XML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Kernel Cache</key> <string>System\Library\PrelinkedKernels\prelinkedkernel</string> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1</string> </dict> </plist>
- Copy the same plist to a third location
- Create another external USB partition with USBOpenCoreAPFSloader3.app
- OpenCore boot loader will dynamically block the Telemetry plugin being copied or reused from snapshot booting, but it needs to load the prelinkedkernel (not BootKernelExtensions.kc) in order to utilise the telemetrap.kext
- Once created, reboot and hold the ⌥ Option key to select the unique EFI icon. Choose Big Sur in the OpenCore boot menu.
- Setup your Mac as normal
- If your Mac crashes at the Choose Your Language prompt, it may indicate that the Telemetry plugin has loaded. OpenCore should prevent this however
- Your Wi-Fi card & internal audio devices will likely not be detected. Proceed patiently through the setup, as the lack of graphics acceleration will make things much slower to start off
- Fix the Wi-Fi
- Use @jackluke's script to copy his ready-made prelinkedkernel file into your Big Sur Preboot volumeThe prelinkedkernel fix4 beta1 script can even be executed in your Catalina partition (or Mojave, High Sierra)
- Internal audio devices (Speakers & Microphone)
- Graphics acceleration (NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB)
All credits go to @jackluke and @ASentientBot for not only their hard work in creating patches and scripts, but for taking the time to answer people's queries – and essentially fix their problems. Thank you
Thank you. Today I'll focus on acceleration, trying all kexts that I can find for Nvidia Geforce 320M. If BS will crash, beta 2 is cominghttps://github.com/chris1111/Kext-Droplet-Big-Sur coming coming soon
Thank you very much @jhowarth, but I only see an entry for AppleHDA ... In any case, the sound from the MBP speakers is not exceptionalI fix it with headphones (they do work)
@slears I have not done anything special. I did what @jackluke recommended. I just put my pass in the terminal and pressed the Y key when appropriate ... To discard things, I tell you that I have an SSD and that I had previously installed Catalina oficial in its last update. My MBP is non-retina.
Good morning. I run the BigSur prelinkedkernel fix4 on my MBP 8.2 and wifi is running ok.
Not working sound, airport, menubar clock photos crashing, Maps showing only a black screen. Are there any fixes for these, especially the sound?
@Maclinux Maclinux thanks, I tried the same thing but kept hitting a wall. I am assuming it's SIP that is preventing me from running the script, however I have tried to disable that in recovery environment to no avail.
I followed the YouTube instructions by iPixelGalaxy () and shut down the Mac on the 3rd phase of the install to prevent the volume from being sealed.
I have now installed the OS 4 times and each time, the volume appears to be sealing itself and SIP is enabled regardless of what I do. I have literally followed each step to the letter...
Just out of curiosity, which method did you use to create your boot media and what installation method did you use?
mount -uw /
nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check"
csrutil disable
csrutil authenticated-root disable
After reboot it worked perfectly !!!! WiFi and AirDrop.
I still have no sound output from the Mac's speakers, but it's not too bad because it works perfectly with headphones.
Thank you very much for all the work.
By the way, Diagnostic App works now too... all good!
open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Sound.prefpane