^^^ Thank you very much for your post, which made me search for the broken seal issue on Google; and I found this (very interesting):
Machine Model MacBookPro10,1 Application Version Latest Release Application Variant GUI (Graphical User Interface) What versions of macOS are you seeing the problem on? macOS 12, Monterey Where doe...
… where it is suggested, in order to enable SIP as much as possible after root patching, to only disable the “autenticated root”, thus leaving SIP almost completely enabled - and, well… it worked! So, I reconfigured SIP in this way, on my already root patched MacBookPro11,3:
View attachment 1981367
… and then rebooted without problems; now also with TCC fully working again, while
csrutil status shows up as
enabled in the Terminal (and SilentKnight, too, shows SIP as enabled and only SSV as disabled). So, it is indeed possible to boot a root patched MacBookPro11,3 with SIP almost completely turned on and thus also with a fully working TCC: very good, indeed! I’ll of course experiment a little more, still only from an external SSD, also to see if there are any other issues: sofar, everything seems to work well, with SIP enabled and SSV disabled…