I had that happen to me. I waited a long time for it to appear, several hours. Nothing. Then I rebooted and it showed up. Just my experience.After a clean install using OCLP 0.4.5, there were many problem getting the MBP to a state where I could run the post-install root patch (the worst was the bluetooth not recognizing a mouse, and the trackpad being very difficult to use).
After running the OCLP post-install root patch, most things settled down, but I still do not see the Energy Saver System Preferences pane. Is that normal? The Energy Saver pane is installed in the System/Library/Application Support/PreferencePanes subfolder. I do have that pane on my iMac running OCLP 0.4.5.
Interesting. Seems they're actively yanking out drivers again. Thanks for the good write-up.Yes, they did dump a lot of Macs, but thanks to Dortania, Kronokernel, etc. etc. etc... I successfully updated my MacBookPro11,2 (Mid-2014) to Ventura. I still don't know how stable it is, but at least it is updated. I changed the board id to Mac-551B86E5744E2388 (MacBookPro14,3 - Mid-2017). I have faith Apple doesn't drop support for Intel Iris Pro 5200 on macOS13 so I can continue to update my Mac for another year without a root patch.
Thank you again!!
Because this is my work machine, I will wait until the first Public Beta to seriously experiment with it!!
It doesn't seem to have any support for Intel Iris Pro 5200 in macOS 13 Beta 1!!![]()
How is your touchpad? I can move the cursor around and click on things but no scrolling or tap to click.Yes, they did dump a lot of Macs, but thanks to Dortania, Kronokernel, etc. etc. etc... I successfully updated my MacBookPro11,2 (Mid-2014) to Ventura. I still don't know how stable it is, but at least it is updated. I changed the board id to Mac-551B86E5744E2388 (MacBookPro14,3 - Mid-2017). I have faith Apple doesn't drop support for Intel Iris Pro 5200 on macOS13 so I can continue to update my Mac for another year without a root patch.
Thank you again!!
Because this is my work machine, I will wait until the first Public Beta to seriously experiment with it!!
It doesn't seem to have any support for Intel Iris Pro 5200 in macOS 13 Beta 1!!![]()
Surely you mean "the Monterey thread"? Time to clear out the cobwebs? 😅Please share your Ventura experience here instead of polluting the Mavericks thread.
The same as yours: it only moves the mouse pointer around and clicks. Nothing else.How is your touchpad? I can move the cursor around and click on things but no scrolling or tap to click.
You got me hereSurely you mean "the Monterey thread"? Time to clear out the cobwebs? 😅
Dear Sven G, consider yourself luckier than me since Photoshop sees your Graphics Card nVidia GT 750M as OpenCL compatible while in my case (I have a GeForce GTX 780M 4GB VRAM) the OpenCl are disabled and only the Composition GPU is active.Never say never, but currently no developer has such a system and the using usual suspects when it comes to patching, just look up my former issue link, failed.
Currently I have not much hope unless somebody donates a Kepler based Mac to the core developer (team). Unfortunately with the upcoming macOS 13 announcement focus will change to this release, but any solution would/could be back ported easily.
If it can be useful, here is the output of /Applications/Geekbench\ 5.app/Contents/Resources/geekbench_x86_64 --compute --verbose from the Terminal on the MBP11,3, in Monterey:
Code:% /Applications/Geekbench\ 5.app/Contents/Resources/geekbench_x86_64 --compute --verbose […] OpenCL - Running Sobel - [0605/164153:ERROR:src/halogen/cl/program.cpp(36)] Cannot load arch runtime[0605/164153:WARNING:src/halogen/cl/exception.h(36)] halogen::RuntimeError: clBuildProgram returned -11 [0605/164153:ERROR:src/interface/console/consolemain.cpp(818)] Geekbench encountered an internal error and cannot continue. Please contact support@primatelabs.com for assistance. Internal error message: clBuildProgram returned -11.
I personally just build it from source, I just download via git and update using a git pullmy cmp 5,1 is giving kp's.
how can i update oclp to 0.4.6 ?
on github 0.4.5 is stil the latest verson, from what i can see..
ive read some posts here of people updating to 0.4.6
I think Downgrade AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib to 12.3.1 in 0.4.6 will prevent the kp's on my 5,1 macpro ?
OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/CHANGELOG.md at main · dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher
Experience macOS just like before. Contribute to dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher development by creating an account on GitHub.github.com
I personally just build it from source, I just download via git and update using a git pull
the doc's have instructions to some degree, it's pretty much the same for all software if you are use to compiling or using git
Next question; Running the OCLP 0.4.5 on my MBP8,2 - with the discrete GPU disabled via the nvram command. The Energy Saver System Preferences pane still refuses to show up.After a clean install using OCLP 0.4.5, there were many problems getting the MBP to a state where I could run the post-install root patch (the worst was the bluetooth not recognizing a mouse, and the trackpad being very difficult to use).
After running the OCLP post-install root patch, most things settled down, but I still do not see the Energy Saver System Preferences pane. Is that normal? While the Energy Saver pane is installed in the System/Library/Application Support/PreferencePanes subfolder, it doesn't sho up in the System Preferences. I do have that pane on my iMac running the same 12.4 version of Monterey with OCLP 0.4.5.
OpenCore 4.5 on a Fusion Drive.
Trying to install OpenCore Legacy Patcher v0.4.5 in Terminal. The menu option "2. Install OpenCore to USB/internal drive" gives the option to install on the SSD or HDD. Which is correct, or can both be installed?
# Select Disk #
Missing disks? Ensure they have an EFI or FAT32 partition.
0. disk0: APPLE SSD SM128E (121.3 GB)
1. disk1: APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E662 (1.0 TB)
3. disk3: 3200BMV External (320.1 GB)
4. disk4: SanDisk 3.2Gen1 (494.2 GB)
B. Back
Please select the disk you would like to install OpenCore to:
Various searches did not give a clear answer. Out of date comments that APFS does not support fusion drives or suggestions to disable the Fusion Drive.
Is the objective to install toinstall to 0. And it's not a good idea to install more than 1x OCLP.
Literally it does not matter which EFI partition you pick as long as you remember it and avoid to install different versions of OpenCore on different partitions.Is the objective to install to
0. Disk0:
to install to the SSD portion of the Fusion Drive?
I ask because for some inexplicable reason, after 'diskutil resetFusion' my
0. disk0: is the 1TB HHD
and my
1. disk1: is the 128GB SSD
I went ahead and installed 'OpenCore to USB/internal drive',
to the SSD
BUT I am willing to start over, to avoid issues/corruptions down the road, if It really needs to go onto disk0:.
Thank you
Excellent!!Literally it does not matter which EFI partition you pick as long as you remember it and avoid to install different versions of OpenCore on different partitions.
It is complex to maintain this and to keep track which OC version will be booted in the end….
I have a problem with Monterey or Big Sur on my iMac 14.2.
When the system is post-patched (new System Snapshot created as boot system) create a clone with CCC, SuperDuper or asr command is impossible (error 49197).
The state of play
The list of System Snapshots :
Code:diskutil ap listsnapshots /
Snapshots for disk9s2s1 (2 found)
+-- A9742E48-FB1B-4566-9EEA-2CDE0CB68E0F
| Name: com.apple.os.update-52789EBE26897E601E6D85ED97C1C94E59D8181D900028E5CAA085F2339E524E
| XID: 49
| Purgeable: No
+-- D64BBC99-2B81-4B66-9F33-9882FB5B7C3D
| Name: com.apple.bless.D68BB6D7-D6B9-452E-A352-237149B7AB1F
| XID: 3292 (Will root to (boot from) this snapshot)
| Purgeable: Yes
| NOTE: This snapshot limits the minimum size of APFS Container disk9
The thirst one has been created by the System installation without post-install patch.
The second has been created by the post-install system patcher. We can see that apart from the name the big difference is the purgeable status to yes.
Now trying clone the system :
Code:sudo asr --source /dev/disk9s2s1 --target /dev/disk11 --erase
Validating target...done
Validating source...done
Erase contents of /dev/disk11 ()? [ny]: y
Replicating Volume replication failed - erreur 49197
Other test with the SnapshotName :
Code:sudo asr --source /dev/disk9s2 -toSnapshot com.apple.bless.D68BB6D7-D6B9-452E-A352-237149B7AB1F --target /dev/disk11 --erase
Validating target...done
Validating source...done
Erase contents of /dev/disk11 ()? [ny]: y
Replicating Volume replication failed - erreur 49197
The right test with the original Snapshot :
Code:sudo asr --source /dev/disk9s2 -toSnapshot com.apple.os.update-52789EBE26897E601E6D85ED97C1C94E59D8181D900028E5CAA085F2339E524E --target /dev/disk11 --erase
Validating target...done
Validating source...done
Erase contents of /dev/disk11 ()? [ny]: y
Replicating ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100
Replicating ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100
Restored target device is /dev/disk11s2.
Restore completed successfully.
What's work to clone, but don't boot on the target system.
Someone as the same problem?
Thanks for reading me.
Trying boot -> give message ending with "Waiting for remote debugger connection.".
So booting on original Monterey I've try recreate the system Snapshot on the cloned volume :
1) mount the System Volume (the one without - Data extention)
2) mount it in RW mode :Code:diskutil mount /diskXsY
3) create the Snapshot (in verbose mode to verifie) :Code:sudo mount -uw /Volumes/Clone_Name
Code:sudo bless --folder /Volumes/Clone_Name/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create--snapshot --verbose
And the cloned System boot well.
That I've not found is how to rename the Clone name in EFI boot choice.
diskutil ap listsnapshots /
Snapshots for disk3s5s1 (3 found)
+-- 49E92C61-86CB-4363-8304-FF746BBEE520
| Name: com.apple.os.update-D296176C9F1447A402795DE19045A404D91C61D21590F8E018EB80C949FBD899
| XID: 16217431
| Purgeable: No
+-- B650C74A-B882-4B58-A509-2852DBC0CA76
| Name: com.apple.bless.5C4A211B-C7A8-40BB-B306-AD01CB22F4AA
| XID: 16220248 (Will root to (boot from) this snapshot)
| Purgeable: Yes
+-- 0276DA98-04A0-4ABC-8BDB-70523B277B27
Name: com.apple.os.update-MSUPrepareUpdate
XID: 16519545
Purgeable: No
NOTE: This snapshot limits the minimum size of APFS Container disk3
sudo asr -s "/dev/disk3s5s1" --toSnapshot "49E92C61-86CB-4363-8304-FF746BBEE520" -t "/dev/disk2s2" --erase
Validating target...done
Validating source...
The source volume is a snapshot and can't be used with the --toSnapshot option
Could not validate source - Invalid argument
sudo asr -s "/dev/disk3s5s1" --toSnapshot "com.apple.os.update-D296176C9F1447A402795DE19045A404D91C61D21590F8E018EB80C949FBD899" -t "/dev/disk2s2" --erase
Validating target...done
Validating source...
The source volume is a snapshot and can't be used with the --toSnapshot option
Could not validate source - Invalid argument
I also have a 14.2 iMac and the best thing I did, before moving on to Big Sur and Monterey, was separating the Fusion Drive disks and replacing the mechanical HD with a fast 2TB Crucial MX SSD.@Jean_JD
Thanks so much for posting your solution for creating a bootable backup.
I'm getting stuck near the end of your instructions, please see below. Is something broken with asr in Monterey 12.3.1? I'm hoping to get a bootable backup before upgrading to 12.4. Here's what I tried, below:
diskutil ap listsnapshots / Snapshots for disk3s5s1 (3 found) | +-- 49E92C61-86CB-4363-8304-FF746BBEE520 | Name: com.apple.os.update-D296176C9F1447A402795DE19045A404D91C61D21590F8E018EB80C949FBD899 | XID: 16217431 | Purgeable: No | +-- B650C74A-B882-4B58-A509-2852DBC0CA76 | Name: com.apple.bless.5C4A211B-C7A8-40BB-B306-AD01CB22F4AA | XID: 16220248 (Will root to (boot from) this snapshot) | Purgeable: Yes | +-- 0276DA98-04A0-4ABC-8BDB-70523B277B27 Name: com.apple.os.update-MSUPrepareUpdate XID: 16519545 Purgeable: No NOTE: This snapshot limits the minimum size of APFS Container disk3 sudo asr -s "/dev/disk3s5s1" --toSnapshot "49E92C61-86CB-4363-8304-FF746BBEE520" -t "/dev/disk2s2" --erase Password: Validating target...done Validating source... The source volume is a snapshot and can't be used with the --toSnapshot option Could not validate source - Invalid argument
I also tried this command and it ended the same way.
sudo asr -s "/dev/disk3s5s1" --toSnapshot "com.apple.os.update-D296176C9F1447A402795DE19045A404D91C61D21590F8E018EB80C949FBD899" -t "/dev/disk2s2" --erase Password: Validating target...done Validating source... The source volume is a snapshot and can't be used with the --toSnapshot option Could not validate source - Invalid argument
Another variation on the bless command, that I found recently to also work in my situation:3) create the Snapshot (in verbose mode to verifie) :
Code:sudo bless --folder /Volumes/Clone_Name/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create--snapshot --verbose
And the cloned System boot well.
That I've not found is how to rename the Clone name in EFI boot choice.
sudo bless --folder /Volumes/Clone_Name/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --last-sealed-snapshot
First post -> OCLP -> download and most importantly please read the great online docs before installing it.Sorry for an extremely unrelated question. Is it possible to patch to use Airplay to Mac on my 2016 MBP?