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I OTA-updated to 12.6.2 (build 21G309) on MacPro 4,1, MacBook5,2 and MacBookPro8,1 and can report success, everything works "like before".
Patches hold and work, so thanks again to the devs!
MacbookAir4,2 (13-inch, Mid 2011) was also able to OTA-update to Monterey 12.6.2 flawlessly and I am actually happy to report I am seeing improvements. I was previously unable to use AnyDesk because the Screen Recording & Accessbility permissions wouldn't work even though they were applied correctly. I was also seeing many graphics glitches on 12.6.1 that I no longer see on 12.6.2.

I'd like to point out I did get a "Hash mismatch detected on volume disk1s5. macOS should be reinstalled on this volume" on only one user account and I am not sure what to do about it.
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how to prevent upgrading from macOS Monterey 12.6.1 to macOS Ventura 13 ?
Upgrades have to be triggered manually by the user. So nothing to "prevent" there, just don´t do it...
(If your question is how to get the 12.6.2 instead, there is a blue clickable text notice under the big Ventura upgrade announcement that brings you to "other additional updates" in system settings. 12.6.2 and currently some new Safari versions are listed there).
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how to prevent upgrading from macOS Monterey 12.6.1 to macOS Ventura 13 ?
Keep the Install macOS Updates disabled and then you can choose manually which update to install.


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My iMac late 2013 (iMac 14,2) is upgraded to Monterey 12.6.1 with OCLP and I have a problem. I'm using the computer with an external SSD 2Tb, which is the boot and main system disk. The Mac restarts every day, while I'm not using it, and I don't know why. I updated OCLP to the last version 0.5.1 without success with the problem.

This is the crash report, any ideas why or what to do?

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8021c00951): "Reference count overflowed for object 0xffffff99ca053000!\n" @obj.c:2996
Panicked task 0xffffff903c6f29f0: 5 threads: pid 120: warmd
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffff8b6c7df540, Frame : Return Address
0xfffffffffb5daf30 : 0xffffff801e87fe9d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x41d
0xfffffffffb5daf80 : 0xffffff801e9e1256 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x116
0xfffffffffb5dafc0 : 0xffffff801e9d05c3 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x4d3
0xfffffffffb5db010 : 0xffffff801e81fa70 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xfffffffffb5db030 : 0xffffff801e88026d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad
0xfffffffffb5db150 : 0xffffff801e87fa26 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x2b6
0xfffffffffb5db1b0 : 0xffffff801f1152a3 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x84
0xfffffffffb5db2a0 : 0xffffff8021c00951 : _obj_write_prepare
0xfffffffffb5db300 : 0xffffff8021c05dfe : _obj_get_finish + 0xa2
0xfffffffffb5db350 : 0xffffff8021c04f9c : _obj_get + 0xadc
0xfffffffffb5db470 : 0xffffff8021bbe95b : _dstream_evict_scanner + 0x214
0xfffffffffb5db530 : 0xffffff8021b9f2c0 : _iterate_jobjs_with_hint_and_snap + 0x2f8
0xfffffffffb5db5f0 : 0xffffff8021bbe62b : _fs_evict_range_internal + 0x85
0xfffffffffb5db670 : 0xffffff8021bbe71a : _fs_evict_range_snapshot_callback + 0xdb
0xfffffffffb5db6c0 : 0xffffff8021bbe21b : _fs_iterate_snapshots + 0x1a0
0xfffffffffb5db760 : 0xffffff8021b5c611 : _nx_block_out_physical_range_internal + 0x2364
0xfffffffffb5dba60 : 0xffffff8021b86d9c : _handle_bc_optimize_inodes + 0x1343
0xfffffffffb5dbbe0 : 0xffffff801eb5d66b mach_kernel : _VNOP_IOCTL + 0x14b
0xfffffffffb5dbc40 : 0xffffff801eb44d3c mach_kernel : _fsctl + 0x80c
0xfffffffffb5dbd40 : 0xffffff801eb446df mach_kernel : _fsctl + 0x1af
0xfffffffffb5dbf40 : 0xffffff801ef895bb mach_kernel : _unix_syscall64 + 0x1fb
0xfffffffffb5dbfa0 : 0xffffff801e820236 mach_kernel : _hndl_unix_scall64 + 0x16
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[2CD29592-AC1A-37E6-A2A1-542DC4650B44]@0xffffff8021ae6000->0xffffff8021c64fff

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff8b6c7df540): warmd
Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall ipc_control_port_options=0 -revasset

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Tue Sep 20 21:14:45 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.240.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 22323F94-00F1-381E-AD82-ED9EBFF717C5
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001e600000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff801e800000
Kernel slide: 0x000000001e610000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801e810000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801e700000
System model name: iMac14,2 (Mac-27ADBB7B4CEE8E61)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: NO (0xe00002bc)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 59888400743317
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x00003677dada3eba
Sleep : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x0000000000000000 0x0000001d483285b4 0x0000000000000000
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 1 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffff803b52a000 - 0xffffffa03b52a000
. PGZ : 0xffffff803b52a000 - 0xffffff803e52b000
. VM : 0xffffff803e52b000 - 0xffffff850aac4000
. RO : 0xffffff850aac4000 - 0xffffff86a41f7000
. GEN0 : 0xffffff86a41f7000 - 0xffffff8b70790000
. GEN1 : 0xffffff8b70790000 - 0xffffff903cd29000
. GEN2 : 0xffffff903cd29000 - 0xffffff95092c2000
. GEN3 : 0xffffff95092c2000 - 0xffffff99d585c000
. DATA : 0xffffff99d585c000 - 0xffffffa03b52a000
Metadata: 0xffffffa04f83c000 - 0xffffffa06f83c000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffa06f83c000 - 0xffffffa07883c000
I had sleep problems on my 3,1 until I removed the Bluetooth card.
Well, I absolutely have to recover the bluetooth on my CMP 3.1 the last things i didn't changed…
You changed it by which model of card? The one with a BCM94360 module + an adapter. Thanks
I got a 3DConnexion cable mouse, works fine so far. Have the latest 3Dconnexion drivers and software installed; also latest Monterey installed.
I got two displays.

After a few minutes of use, when I hoover with the mouse over an element, like a button, icon ( dock) or menu(item) the icon/area more on the right side get visually hoovered, or get clicked when I press a button.
I have to go to the top left of my main screen going behind the Apple menu several times, moven back and forth, to get the click point right under the mouse point.
Then I can draw, select text again at the right point; then after 5-10 minutes it starts again.

I use an 27" 5k iMac from end 2014. It started when I did start using the unsuported mac project. That change by itself did go like a breeze, except the system is somewhat slower and the weird mouse offset happened. Unfortunate I have no other mouse to check with.

Anyone a solution for this very very very annoying thing?
BTW, sometimes the mouse goes very slow, like if I have the acceleration and speed preference set at very slow; but when I Command Tab to the next program I got the right speed back.

Any suggestions? Please help because during xcode development or drawing with Fusion360 or sketchup it works terrible.

Thank you in advance.

After my successful install of OCLP + macOS 12.6.1 on an iMac 12,2 I decided to pursue a dual boot option with the primary SSD disk0 as macOS, and a separate SSD (formerly ODD) disk1 as Win10.

Does macOS allow a bootcamp on a secondary drive? Bootcamp Assistant didn't give me an option unless I have to erase/format the secondary drive? - which admittedly I haven't tried as yet as I've been playing with a challenging non-Bootcamp assist UEFI direct method. If so what apple format? APFS? Now the confusing part is that if I want to use 100% of this drive space for Win10 does BootCamp Assist even allow for this specification with an empty drive?

I noticed that using OpenCore Boot Assist (installed on internal drive disk0) you don't have a chance to enter Win boot options like SafeMode prior to the Win logo when selecting the designated drive - it's simply too quick. Would it be better to revert to OpencCore Boot Assist on the USB thumbdrive? This way the with the removal of the USB thumbdrive the designated win10 drive and options are accessible when required?

For those curious in using the UEFI direct non-Bootcamp Assist method this is what I've been experiencing

Any suggestions?
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After my successful install of OCLP + macOS 12.6.1 on an iMac 12,2 I decided to pursue a dual boot option with the primary SSD disk0 as macOS, and a separate SSD (formerly ODD) disk1 as Win10.

Does macOS allow a bootcamp on a secondary drive? Bootcamp Assistant didn't give me an option unless I have to erase/format the secondary drive? - which admittedly I haven't tried as yet as I've been playing with a challenging non-Bootcamp assist UEFI direct method. If so what apple format? APFS? Now the confusing part is that if I want to use 100% of this drive space for Win10 does BootCamp Assist even allow for this specification with an empty drive?

I noticed that using OpenCore Boot Assist (installed on internal drive disk0) you don't have a chance to enter Win boot options like SafeMode prior to the Win logo when selecting the designated drive - it's simply too quick. Would it be better to revert to OpencCore Boot Assist on the USB thumbdrive? This way the with the removal of the USB thumbdrive the designated win10 drive and options are accessible when required?

For those curious in using the UEFI direct non-Bootcamp Assist method this is what I've been experiencing

Any suggestions?
BootCamp is kind of off topic for this thread so please search for other Windows install threads. BootCamp Assistant doesn't allow selecting different disks so use a different method in macOS for creating the Windows partition. Use BootCamp Assistant for only downloading the drivers. For example, you can use to create a FAT partition. Then when you install Windows, you can select that partition and tell the Windows installer to erase it as NTFS. If you're going to boot Windows as BIOS (the default for older Macs), then have mark the partition as "Visible in Windows". This will make the disk a GPT/MBR hybrid.
So I have done a new migration assistant try yesterday, with upgrading one of our 2011 27” (nvidia kepler gtx765m) based iMac.

Disabling root patches like some of you told me here before, did the trick not getting a KP anymore after the migration assistant is done.

Only problem we have now, is that the iMac is stuck on the loading bar, only boots with safe mode.
I think perhaps old Dosdude1 mojave patches are still present.
What is the best way to remove them all, I wonder.
Not much info I can find for removing..

Perhaps also some legacy software, is preventing booting Monterey in normal mode.. ?
Not sure, what is the best way to check this.. ?

Thanks everyone, for helping us out…
Anybody having the issue of OCLP 0.5.2 breaking audio jack? I reinstalled 0.5.1. Working fine. Did that a couple times to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
So I have done a new migration assistant try yesterday, with upgrading one of our 2011 27” (nvidia kepler gtx765m) based iMac.

Disabling root patches like some of you told me here before, did the trick not getting a KP anymore after the migration assistant is done.

Only problem we have now, is that the iMac is stuck on the loading bar, only boots with safe mode.
I think perhaps old Dosdude1 mojave patches are still present.
What is the best way to remove them all, I wonder.
Not much info I can find for removing..

Perhaps also some legacy software, is preventing booting Monterey in normal mode.. ?
Not sure, what is the best way to check this.. ?

Thanks everyone, for helping us out…
Update OCLP to 0.4.11 or later. Boot into safe mode to re-apply the root patches.

If you cannot do this prepare an OCLP USB installer and install the very same Monterey version on top of the existing one. No, there is no guide for removing stuff.

Direct (software update) migrations from (dosdude1 or micropatcher) patched installations to OCLP are not supported, guess why!
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Update OCLP to 0.4.11 or later. Boot into safe mode to re-apply the root patches.

If you cannot do this prepare an OCLP USB installer and install the very same Monterey version on top of the existing one. No, there is no guide for removing stuff.

Direct (software update) migrations from (dosdude1 or micropatcher) patched installations to OCLP are not supported, guess why!

Using OCLP 0.5.1 at the moment.
I will try applying root patches within safe mode again, thanks !

If that won't work, I will install OCLP monterey on top over the existing one, that is what you mean.. ?

In this case, I did a clean install using OCLP of Monterey, and did an migration assistant afterwarts, with first disabling root patches..
only so far, safe mode booting works.

Thanks so far, I will try your suggestions..
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re applying root patches in safe mode with OCLP, does not help unfortionutly, still hangs on loading bar during normal boot.

Right now doing the last methode you suggested, currently reinstalling OCLP installer of Monterey, over the existing Monterey install.

If that does not help, I guess then the only stap would be start completly fresh again.. ?
And manually import everything from the user profile.. ?

looking forward to your message, thanks in advance,
Using OCLP 0.5.2 at the moment.
I will try applying root patches within safe mode again, thanks !

If that won't work, I will install OCLP monterey on top over the existing one, that is what you mean.. ?

In this case, I did a clean install using OCLP of Monterey, and did an migration assistant afterwarts, with first disabling root patches..
only so far, safe mode booting works.

Thanks so far, I will try your suggestions..
Where you find oclp 0.5.2 version??

I was wondering, what if I migrate (migration assistant) the patched Mojave install, to a clean vanilla Mojave install.
And then use that clean vanilla Mojave install, to migrate using the migration assistant to migrate over to a OCLP Monterey install.

Perhaps this would clean out the patched Mojave install, in the first place.. ?
What do you think of this idea ?

This user account is about a 1TB, and starting all over is a lot of work.
I hope there is perhaps still a way to use the migration assistant after all...
WPA3 brought down my Atheros 9280 WiFi so badly that I had to reinstall root patches to recover. That's with 12.6.1, which brought down my wired ethernet, too. (It connects to the Internet, but not SMB.)
Anybody having the issue of OCLP 0.5.2 breaking audio jack? I reinstalled 0.5.1. Working fine. Did that a couple times to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
I just tried the audio jack on my MBP 8,1 on 0.5.2 with MacOS 12.6.1 (21G217) and it doesn't recognize the headphones or a microphone either.
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Why is graphics showing as only 7MB with Monterey on my 2012 quad core Mac mini ? I wondered why it has always been so sluggish :(
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