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^^^ As the battery drain seems to have caused this, you could try to reset the NVRAM and SMC, and then boot with the option key down: probably irrelevant, but worth trying, anyway. Very strange…
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MBP5,2 (Penryn+Nvidia 9400M): same good result.
KDK handling re-installed KDK (which gets incomplete during 13.3b4 OTA installation) correctly from KDK backup.
As backup serves the .pkg file (if still present) which was used to install the KDK.
MBP5,2: fine again with 13.3RC (22E252), KDK handling as before.

Safari: shows blank page unless its window is not in the foreground, as was reported in an earlier post. Exceptions: LinkedIn page always works. The favourites page is also fine.
Firefox: fine as alternative.
- Exception: LinkedIn login doesn't proceed in Firefox.
- EDIT: just tried LinkedIn in Firefox in 13.2.1 on supported MBP 16,1. Doesn't proceed either.
- So a problem of the LinkedIn/Firefox combination, NOT of OCLP or 13.3.

NB: used OCLP 062n 25 Mar (last commit: Fix pkg detection)
NB2: 13.3 public release is 22E252, same build# as RC.


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I said it too early perhaps. Now my MBP wouldn't boot, from OCLP on disk or USB, and even in safe mode. On booting, it just goes half way and stays there :(

I made no change except I had let it sit overnight and the battery had drained. Not sure what I can do except wait for some more fixes. Don't want to wipe and install 13.2.1.
Had the same problem at a moment, and I didn't want to wipe anything nor redo an installation. I found a solution : boot in recovery mode, mount the volume in disk utility, go in Terminal and do a cd on the directory /Volumes/<my system>/Library/Extensions. I deleted by rm -r all the kexts added by the OCLP Patch, and I restarted with success.
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Regarding the non-functional dual-display on my MacMini late 2014 with OS13.2.1 and OCLP0.6.1, I ran a night-build from a couple of days ago and the problem has been resolved, so I can now run HDMI+MiniDP together.
False success. I thought it was fixed. Using main display connected to HDMI, I can plug in a second display after booting up (Mini DP), but if doing a cold boot, it still hangs on the login page when 2 displays are connected and doesn’t respond to key-presses (spinning beachball).
I’ll wait for the official 0.6.2 and try that.
Another confirmation that VMware Fusion doesn’t like SIP and/or AMFI being disabled:

Strangely, with Parallels Desktop, my Ubuntu 22.10 VM resumed correctly and seems to be working, while the macOS and Windows VMs don’t work: odd, but essentially the same behaviour as with VMware Fusion. Well, if this AMFI thing won’t get addressed, I’ll have to go back to Monterey (which doesn’t have all these SIP, LV and AMFI problems with OCLP): but hopefully it will be fixed in a reasonable time…
Thank you Sven, in the meantime since Fusion is broken, I resorted to using UTM to run Windows VM which allowed me to install Win10, update and install my app. Now I feel the missing creature comforts of paid virtualization platforms. Hoping here as well that AMFI issue is resolved soon.
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Xcode 14.3 will require Ventura.
As my main activity is iOS development, I am forced to upgrade my iMac 17.1 (late2015-27") to Ventura with OCLP.
Thanks to the devs, the process is smooth but the very slow startup of Chrome or Edge is annoying.
I mainly use Safari, but I am afraid the same issue can occur with other apps and I am not very comfortable with this idea.
My iMac has not woken up from hibernation this morning.
Is it also a known issue ?
Dear all,

First of all thanks to all developers and contributors in keeping our macs alive and kicking!!! It is so great to be able to run Ventura on those vintage machines.

Got a Mac mini 5,1 from 2011, non metal and had to erase the hard drive. I can without any issues install a clean new version (USB with 0.6.2n of 10th of Feb) of Ventura which runs amazing. Tried however to restore a Time Machine backup and that is where I got stuck. Tried numerous times and read through the pages of this thread. I understand this feature is broken for non metal machines and was wondering if that is something that is in active development.

Any intel or insight or words of wisdom would be hugely appreciated !
Xcode 14.3 will require Ventura.
As my main activity is iOS development, I am forced to upgrade my iMac 17.1 (late2015-27") to Ventura with OCLP.
Thanks to the devs, the process is smooth but the very slow startup of Chrome or Edge is annoying.
I mainly use Safari, but I am afraid the same issue can occur with other apps and I am not very comfortable with this idea.
My iMac has not woken up from hibernation this morning.
Is it also a known issue ?
I haven't used sleep in years. I run Plex media server and I had issues with sleep, so I keep the mac awake and simply sleep the display when inactive.
@MacinMan I'm running Ventura 13.2.1 on my MBP6,2 with OCLP 0.6.1 and I don't experience the "slow startup of Chrome..." Are you sure you properly applied OCLP post-install patches?
Currently i'm on Monterey as I was recommended to stay there until it's out of support to get the firmware updates for the boot ROM. I haven't used Ventura on the iMac since the very first release. I'm mainly watching the progress so I can make a choice when Monterey completely out of support to:
1. Either buy a new iMac if Apple has a larger apple silicon one at that time.
2. Switch to the Linux on the current iMac I have to have an up to date OS on the hardware that I have.

The issues mentioned with the slow Chrome startup seem to only affect AMD GPUs. does your mac have an AMD GPU?
Final MacOS Ventura 13.3 released to public an hour ago, in conjunction OCLP 0.6.2 was also released. I downloaded 13.3 using OCLP, but the build number says 22e249 instead of 22e254. Does anybody know why?
@MacinMan Sorry about that - I edited my post to respond to rbart after realizing that your post was quoting rbart's. My MBP6,2 graphics are Nvidia, so it could be that the Chrome startup is unique to AMD. I did see that OCLP 0.6.2 has updates for AMD.
@MacinMan Sorry about that - I edited my post to respond to rbart after realizing that your post was quoting rbart's. My MBP6,2 graphics are Nvidia, so it could be that the Chrome startup is unique to AMD. I did see that OCLP 0.6.2 has updates for AMD.
It's OK, I evaluated both situations, and at least Linux would be a much cheaper and guaranteed fix over depending on OCLP and unsupported macOS. The ONLY issue Linux had on my iMac is audio is intermittent from the built in speakers. It has been documented that getting a USB sound card can be used to resolve the issue. With running unsupported macOS there is more risk and no guarantees it will continue to work, or remain stable. I am hoping there will be new Apple silicon iMacs at some point larger than the current ones. However, in the even there isn't. I have a plan B to keep this iMac in use a while longer.
Final MacOS Ventura 13.3 released to public an hour ago, in conjunction OCLP 0.6.2 was also released. I downloaded 13.3 using OCLP, but the build number says 22e249 instead of 22e254. Does anybody know why?
Mine version is 22e252 - OCLP 0.6.2 ventura 13.3
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I’m an user that jump without care to 13,3b having a Mac mini 2014

New 0.6.2 version seem that supports again that computer with 13.3 but there is a note about AMFI

Note: To restore support for these models, AMFI has to be disabled. If your workflow requires AMFI enabled, we recommend staying on macOS 13.2.1 or older

Which are real implication of not able to enable AMFI? I’ve read about not to do a PRAM reset that makes system unbootable? Can I rebootable usage mode after that?

Now I have two systems: 13.2.1 patched and 13.3b4 non patched

Is it worth update 13.3 release and 0.6.2 in the beta system and post patch it or maybe I should wait more
It's OK, I evaluated both situations, and at least Linux would be a much cheaper and guaranteed fix over depending on OCLP and unsupported macOS. The ONLY issue Linux had on my iMac is audio is intermittent from the built in speakers. It has been documented that getting a USB sound card can be used to resolve the issue. With running unsupported macOS there is more risk and no guarantees it will continue to work, or remain stable. I am hoping there will be new Apple silicon iMacs at some point larger than the current ones. However, in the even there isn't. I have a plan B to keep this iMac in use a while longer.
The new "iMac" is the Mac Mini Pro connected to an LG 27" Ultra Fine Display. Looks as good as the iMac 27" and has better performance. But, it is expensive! Plan C!
The new "iMac" is the Mac Mini Pro connected to an LG 27" Ultra Fine Display. Looks as good as the iMac 27" and has better performance. But, it is expensive! Plan C!
It's not the looks, it's the fact I don't have to deal with separate components when it comes to computer / display.
I've owned Apple desktops that were towers / desktops, etc, laptops, e.g. The iMac has been the first Mac that has been the ONLY thing I'm wiling to say has made moving simple in terms of getting up and running fast in tight spots. The 27" is good because of my vision so having the larger display makes it a good balance between readability and real-estate. Not saying I wouldn't ever do separate components again, just saying right now I have limited space, so the iMac is a good fit for the time being.
Xcode 14.3 will require Ventura.
As my main activity is iOS development, I am forced to upgrade my iMac 17.1 (late2015-27") to Ventura with OCLP.
Thanks to the devs, the process is smooth but the very slow startup of Chrome or Edge is annoying.
I mainly use Safari, but I am afraid the same issue can occur with other apps and I am not very comfortable with this idea.
My iMac has not woken up from hibernation this morning.
Is it also a known issue ?
On my iMac 15,1 late 2014 27", I disable hibernation with the terminal code shown below.
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 standby 0 autopoweroff 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage or
sudo rm /private/var/vm/sleepimage
--Ignore any message saying there is no such file
Create a blanked zero-byte file so the OS cannot rewrite the file:
sudo touch /var/vm/sleepimage or sudo touch /private/var/vm/sleepimage
Make file immutable:
(sudo chflags nouchg ... to revert)
sudo chflags uchg /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo chflags uchg /private/var/vm/sleepimage
The sleep image file is actually in /private/var/vm/ but /var/vm/ is a symbolic link to that location.
sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0
sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0
--This command may produce a warning saying some features may not work properly. This is fine, it simply disables Internet access during sleep. This is the same as disabling "PowerNap" Apple's badly implemented (demented?) attempt to have apps update themselves during sleep behind the users back.
sudo pmset -a powernap 0
sudo pmset -a standbydelaylow 86400
sudo pmset -a standbydelayhigh 86400
sudo pmset -a highstandbythreshold 0
Ignore all warning messages, it all works!
As an aside; I run Chromium and Brave on that iMac and both are very fast at startup. Chrome is a data reaper and Edge, well it's another Microsoft app, enough said about that already.
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