There still might be hope because binaries from 14.2 beta 1 were just added to the PatcherSupportPkg, which is the backbone of OCLP as far as the file database is concerened.
The latest Sonoma version does not work(read boot) with OCLP 1.0.1The OP has a system that is now "Not Usable", with OCLP 1.2.1. I actually suspect that there is a hardware issue involved, because that display corruption came back after getting the system up and running again.
In this case, a clean install booting from a OCLP 1.0.1 USB may work best, wiping the target disk with Disk Utility.
Why do you think using OCLP 1.0.1 will make the iMac 13,1 non-bootable? Does that model have issues with Sonoma?
Or with OCLP?
As in my last post, that (last)version does not run on OCLP 1.0.1That's not true. OCLP can revert the root patches, reinstating to unmodified snapshot. Like it never happened.
The CHANGELOG also covers those changes.And here are the newly added patches:
Confirm Works HP Probook 650 G1 HaswellMBP11,1 with 14.2b3 and latest OCLP 1.3.0n from source, used for EFI and root patches.
(last commit: sys_patch: Expand 32023 patching for 14.2 Beta 2+).
So the changes work also for this Haswell machine! no more login loop i.e. no more WS crashes.
Thank you developers!
Thanks for the response. Dosdude1 helped to get Mojave installed on my system when Apple said no can do.
Try #3763 above. I will (when my MBP 11,4 is repaired; the spare I was waiting for has arrived).Any help with MBP 11,4 upgrade to Sonoma? I've tried everything to include holding down "shift" when trying to load. I get as far as loading Sonoma. When system restarts I get the status bar and it hangs.
Yeah! Works now. Login loop seems to be gone.There is a new nightly! 👏 Looks promising. 🤔 The CHANGELOG is concurrent with the commit. 👀
That’s true. It’s a support forum. Not a „I am right you are wrong“ place.Peace, my brothers, we are ALL on the same team, yall.![]()
.After all the installation success stories:
Can you please check the Console app and the crash reports found there. I am quite sure not all frameworks, daemons and other drivers will work properly. Additionally real functionality checks of Apple apps would be interesting, i.e. can one import all pictures from an iPhone and does face recognition etc work. If you find crash logs there just find the IPS file (context menu -> show in Finder), compress it and upload the zip file. Please no word or rtf or other text file formats.
It is not necessary to confirm what we already know very well, i.e. non-metal Macs will simply never run metal apps.