Same here - MBP 16 - 10.15.4
Got this message this morning:
Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while notifying clients about upcoming system capability changes. Suspected bundle:
No other devices are plugged in, no docking station, no external monitor or other hardware.
I had this crash serveal times but I am pretty sure that in the past it was a different bundle that caused the crash. What I've figured out so far: the crash only happens when I run the MBP without plugged in power supply. When I plug it in again it crashes as soon as the suspend mode kicks in. When I leave it plugged it doesn't matter if the MBP goes into suspend mode.
Got this message this morning:
Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while notifying clients about upcoming system capability changes. Suspected bundle:
No other devices are plugged in, no docking station, no external monitor or other hardware.
I had this crash serveal times but I am pretty sure that in the past it was a different bundle that caused the crash. What I've figured out so far: the crash only happens when I run the MBP without plugged in power supply. When I plug it in again it crashes as soon as the suspend mode kicks in. When I leave it plugged it doesn't matter if the MBP goes into suspend mode.