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I guess my biggest beef with using Apple products is that most of my software are Windows-ports and actually run less efficiently on OSX.

Which is a totally valid complaint and one reason I rag on Adobe.

I'm okay with paying a premium for a hassle-free computing experience, but it kinda sucks having to pay more for less performance.

But how are you going to convince developers to rewrite their apps for an OS that covers only a minor portion of their market? :(

Sure, and this is kind of the big question about the Mac market. We're slowly winning thought. We've got Autodesk now, so hurray. :)

If Apple cuts the Mac Pro though, suddenly the situation looks a lot worse. Autodesk on an iMac for really serious users? Ehhhhhhh. :)
Which is a totally valid complaint and one reason I rag on Adobe.

Well, you can't really blame them. They have been very loyal to Apple in the past and got grief in return. Although it is not a clear-cut case of blame, the Carbon fiasco wasn't Apple's finest hour.

Hate on MS all you like, but they have provided devs with a steady platform and predictable roadmap to work with for decades now.

In the last ten years Apple has switched from OS9 to OSX, from PPC to Intel and ditched Carbon in favor of Cocoa. I'm just happy we didn't lose ALL 3rd-party apps in the process!

Add to that MS' dominant marketshare and it becomes a no-brainer, really. It is -of course- a different story with iOS, but that is hardly a market for pro apps. Not yet, anyway.
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Well, you can't really blame them. They have been very loyal to Apple in the past and got grief in return. Although it is not a clear-cut case of blame, the Carbon fiasco wasn't Apple's finest hour.

And everything I've heard from people who used to work at Adobe points the problem at Adobe continuing the stack a series of Carbon emulators instead of just giving up and doing a native Cocoa app. CS5 is definitely not native. If you look closely at the menu bar menus, you can see they're not native. Spacing is off, so it the transparency. They're actually coded from scratch.

Hate on MS all you like, but they have provided devs with a steady platform and predictable roadmap to work with for decades now.

I dunno, MS developers are PISSED currently at MS over Windows 8. Microsoft pushed .net hard, and now suddenly they've switched to HTML5 apps.

In the last ten years Apple has switched from OS9 to OSX, from PPC to Intel and ditched Carbon in favor of Cocoa. I'm just happy we didn't lose ALL 3rd-party apps in the process!

While all true, Cocoa had about 5 years of warning beforehand. :)

But I am seeing a lot of grief over some things in 10.7 from developers.

Add to that MS' dominant marketshare and it becomes a no-brainer, really. It is -of course- a different story with iOS, but that is hardly a market for pro apps. Not yet, anyway.

iOS has an interesting future for pros. I don't think iOS devices have at all the power that pros need, but what pro wouldn't like to do some of their work on a giant touch screen?

We might see some nice synergy there. The FCPX rumors for iOS have my interest. Do your serious work on your Mac, take it to a client on a touch screen, and do some previewing. Make some minor adjustments on the spot, and take it back to your Mac for more heavy work.

(Also of interest: Almost all of the APIs FCPX uses were also ported to iOS by Apple. HmmMMMMMmm. :) And I can say that because they were actually in place as of iOS 4.)

Haha, I'm no 3D guy but from what my friends tell me, Autodesk Mac is nowhere near as comprehensive as its Windows relatives.

Yeah, I'd bet. Still better than nothing. :)
And everything I've heard from people who used to work at Adobe points the problem at Adobe continuing the stack a series of Carbon emulators instead of just giving up and doing a native Cocoa app. CS5 is definitely not native. If you look closely at the menu bar menus, you can see they're not native. Spacing is off, so it the transparency. They're actually coded from scratch.

Should they have gone with Cocoa from the start? Sure, but Apple put the Carbon API in there and told them: hey, you choose! Do all the work again or take a shortcut.

Adobe wasn't the only one burned, BTW. Steinberg had a Carbonized 64-bit version of Cubase/Nuendo ready to go when Apple pulled the rug from under their feet. We had to wait until the beginning of this year for 64-bit, whereas it has been on Windows for years now.

I'm not saying that Apple is to blame here, I think it is good that they look forward and are not overly concerned with backwards-compatibility. But the fact remains that for most developers Mac is only a small fraction of their market, and it has required a disproportionate amount of attention and upkeep over the last decade.

On the bright side, the teething problems seem to be behind us now, and OSX is a much better platform because of it.

I dunno, MS developers are PISSED currently at MS over Windows 8. Microsoft pushed .net hard, and now suddenly they've switched to HTML5 apps.

We'll see, but I'm willing to bet MS will backtrack before Win8 gets to beta. And frankly, Win8 wouldn't be a proper Windows without a few chunks of 1980's 16-bit code. :D

BTW, I was mistaken about Autodesk. My friends work with Maya, which is completely different from AutoCAD. My bad.
Should they have gone with Cocoa from the start? Sure, but Apple put the Carbon API in there and told them: hey, you choose! Do all the work again or take a shortcut.
Now, if you are Adobe and you have -wild guess- 10 million customers of whom about 2 million use a Mac, are you gonna do that expensive rewrite or are you gonna take that shortcut? I know what your shareholders are going to say.

Adobe wasn't the only one burned, BTW. Steinberg had a Carbonized 64-bit version of Cubase/Nuendo ready to go when Apple pulled the rug from under their feet. We had to wait until the beginning of this year for 64-bit, whereas it has been on Windows for years now.

I was actually at WWDC that year when they pulled that rug out, so I got to see the chaos first hand. :) I dunno, I'm a lifelong Cocoa developer, so I'm probably not the person to go to for sympathy. From my perspective, Cocoa was always the way to go and Carbon was always on the way out, but I'm sure Carbon developers felt differently. For me, the writing was on the wall, but doing 64 bit Carbon and then pulling it understandably would make people upset.

I'm not saying that Apple is to blame here, I think it is good that they look forward and are not overly concerned with backwards-compatibility. But the fact remains that for most developers Mac is only a small fraction of their market, and it has required a disproportionate amount of attention and upkeep over the last decade.

Yeahhhh I dunno. Mac OS X was originally Cocoa only, and then Carbon was added as kind of a favor to developers. And I never really expected they would continue to maintain two APIs to do the same thing.

But I am more upset about Rosetta being cut from Lion. That is a horrible move.

On the bright side, the teething problems seem to be behind us now, and OSX is a much better platform because of it.

We'll see, but I'm willing to bet MS will backtrack before Win8 gets to beta. And frankly, Win8 wouldn't be a proper Windows without a few chunks of 1980's 16-bit code. :D

We'll see. I don't think Microsoft of late is like the old Microsoft. The new Microsoft seems mostly... incompetent.

BTW, I was mistaken about Autodesk. My friends work with Maya, which is completely different from AutoCAD. My bad.

Good to hear. :)
Although I understand your line of reason, I think you are overlooking the fact that Apple's slice of the $1000+ market is more like 90%.
Go back and take a closer look.... those figures are workstation only, which is what the MP is. So those figures exclude the consumer systems, premium or otherwise, which is what the linked articles are referring to (laptops, iMac and so on /= workstation). Even server sales are excluded from those figures, which are higher than workstation sales.

I could not find more recent reports, but if the general trend of the last two years is anything to go by, I'd expect it to be fairly similar or better now. As such, your assumption (Apple's 10% over-all marketshare = similar workstation marketshare for the MacPro) is flawed.
Since you cannot give Apple a larger share than they actually have (greater than the overall marketshare value I listed), it's the best-case scenario. In reality, it's not even that high for the MP sales (no way Apple sells an equal number of MPs as they do iMacs or laptops (where the 3% value came from; actually figured 25% of 10%, which is 2.5% and rounded up).

Again, this basically comes down to you not providing proof that Apple is either:
a) Losing money on the Mac Pro
b) Not selling enough Mac Pros.
That's not what I said, and I've covered this before.

It seems to me there's an issue with Reading Comprehension, which I suspect is the result of skimming the content, rather than taking enough time to digest the actual meaning.

From the 1st part of the previous response:
Now for the moment, these numbers should be sustainable (means the 76K figure as well as the 272K figure).
Now if you weren't sure, sustained = makes a large enough profit that the MP is still viable ATM (if this caused an issue, I apologize, but it seemed reasonable to me you'd have understood the meaning correctly).

But to reiterate one more time...

I have not said that the MP is currently loosing money.

What I have said, is that in the near future, this scenario is extremely likely, due to economic reasons that have been thoroughly explained.

As mention above, Apple owns the high end market, while Wintel dominates the low end market. Your math is bad, and honestly, Apple only needs to make a profit.
You're making the same assumption as zephonic; that it's about consumer systems.

The sales figures linked are WORKSTATION ONLY. Nothing else is accounted for in those numbers.

As per the marketshare %, all that is available publicly, is for Apple's entire line of computers. Realistically, the MP is not on equal footing with the rest of Apple's computers in terms of % either, and is where the lower estimated figure comes in (see the response to zephonic for further details).

The actual math applied to sales volume was only to put a realistic number to it (proves it's not as high as millions of units, or as low as 1 for the entire year). It neither shows profit or loss. ONLY THE UNIT VOLUME SOLD for 2009. That's it.

Nothing else can be inferred from that information alone. Other figures are required to put this to use to demonstrate a profit or a loss, such as total cost for the entire order (what they're contractually obligated to pay to the ODM, and any internal costs actually paid, such as salaries for the software development).

Where things can get a bit more confusing, is when a very low profit exists, say 3%, for a low volume selling product (Quarterly profits are low, say in on the order of a few thousand, yet they've millions tied up in it). In such cases, such a low figure could easily cause a vendor to EOL it anyway for other reasons. The most likely of such reasons, is they'll determine that they could get a higher ROI on the principle spent (millions spent on the ODM costs, ...) by investing it elsewhere.

I do not think this is the case right now, but could be part of/will be the actual basis for any future decision to EOL the MP.

It's that Apple was shipping a crappy product, and they either had to fix it or let it go, they let it go.
You're seriously thinking that crappy product issues = out-weighed any financial implications? Are you serious?

If a product is developed that's crappy (bug laden, whatever), but has a high profit margin, then that high profit = sufficient motive to fix the problems. Fixing products in this situation can actually increase sales, and therefore increase profits!

But when the financial aspect /= incentive to improve the product by solving the various issues it has, they milk it until it reaches the "magic" volume figure that = EOL.

It really is this simple, and how business actually works.

Corporations are purely about money, first, foremost, and finally. Any other concepts were buried in a landfill somewhere the moment that company was formed. :eek: :p

This is how businesses justify what they do on a personal level, and why we get statements like "it's just business" or "it's business, nothing personal",... Greed trumps ethics in less than a heartbeat. Why do you think they break the law, get busted, pay a fine, and do it again?

They look at it like tipping the waiter at your local sit down restaurant; only on a much grander scale. They still walk away with more money after the fine was paid vs. had they not broken the law in the first place.

I don't like it, but it's the way the world we live in works for big business.

So can you really sit here and say things other than money are the fundamental reasons for their actions?

Meantime, their sales were falling because:
a) It was a crappy product (software).
b) The Mac Pro was becoming more popular because it cooled better and could fit a full height graphics card if you were doing clustered computing (CUDA, OpenCL).
If the XServe was sufficiently profitable, they would have solved it's issues because it was in their financial best interest to do so. They didn't, so that tells the real story - it wasn't as profitable as they wanted, and decided not to spend another penny than they absolutely had to until it was EOL'ed.

The MP was the opposite; it had the financial incentive for Apple to continue to invest in it's software development.
BTW, from a hardware POV, there's little differences between the XServe and MP as they're both Enterprise systems, and based off of the same Intel parts and base reference designs.

That is, a Nehalem based DP MP and XServe used the same LGA1366 socket (same Xeons can run in either), chipset (5520), and ICH from Intel. The boards are separate P/N's due to the different format specifications needed to fit the enclosures.

If they screwed up the boards, it was the result of the ODM, such as poor voltage regs, .... Software issues fall on Apple.

Apple is willing to dig products that don't make money out of their holes if they are good products (see: Macbook Air, Mac Mini, AppleTV, etc.) The XServe just wasn't one of those products.
Care to actually prove this?

I ask, as if you look deeper, they weren't really losing money, and Apple fixed/updated them due to a sufficient profit motive.

Lets look at the AppleTV for example (only product you've listed that actually turned up a result during searches). IF you read the article carefully, you'll see it states there is ~21% Gross Margin. That's a profit, not a loss.

Now they also mention that it may be losing money due to marketing expenses, which is just speculation on the author's part.

>>>But let's assume for the moment, the author is correct. Apple's looking further down the road, which indicates that it's still a viable product with their idea of margins, and is directed at increasing the sales figures significantly, = increase their profits significantly for a "loss", they'll actually get back.

This sort of move is a short term loss-leader to increase their total sales volume in the near future for that particular product, with the expectation of positive results in the next quarter or so.

The motives may look like something else on the surface, but they really do have a profit motive behind them.

You only do a re-write if you plan on keeping the product around. A rewrite is much more expensive than an upgrade. For an upgrade, you have to write x number of lines of code, whereas for a re-write you might have to write 30x lines of code to 100x lines of code.

Yes, you're right, a re-write makes your code cleaner for future upgrades. Which is exactly my point. A re-write only makes sense if Apple is planning future upgrades.
Seems you missed the point. I'm not arguing that FCPX will only be around for a year or so. It could go on for another 10+ years if it's profitable enough to keep it around.

I've the impression you've tied FCPX to the MP in such a way in your head, that FCPX cannot exist without the MP, which is false.

The reality is, FCPX can already run on other systems, such as the iMac (it even runs on the iPad!; watch the youtube video in the link).

Which means, that the MP can go EOL, and = FCPX has a future without the MP (where the pro-sumer shift argument originated from various graphics pros in MR).

A re-write can also be faster to write, but it doesn't make up for the sheer number of lines of code, and that doesn't factor in:
a) An greatly increased amount of planning
b) Having to do new UI design and artwork from scratch
c) Requiring a far deeper and more thorough Q/A cycle
These factors are accounted for in man-hours.

So less man-hours to develop the re-write vs. those needed to go the spaghetti from hell route = cheaper to do the re-write.

Which I think is exactly what they're going for. It's the same thing they did when they dropped FCP from 50k to 1k and everyone was like "ZOMG how will they afford that!"
This isn't the issue for the pro's, and I agree with their frustration/disappointment over the initial release. It's beta-ware.

As I've said before, this is fine for consumer-ware, but not professional software.

You may not see the need for pros to have the features from day one, but it's absolutely valid from their POV.

If anything, I think they plan to make it up on Mac Pro sales, further putting a stake in the "Mac Pro is dying" coffin.
It's MSRP already includes a profit margin. They just need to make enough sales to make it actually happen (ATM, they're still regaining their development costs).

I even suspect Apple was aware of the issues that would come up as a result of the missing features, and have estimated the development time needed to complete those sections into the current MSRP = no loss at all. And the sales volume will go up, and make a profit. When is the only real question IMO.

But the issue of FCPX = tied to the MP to exist = FALSE. FCPX can actually run on an iPad for crying out loud... The "must be run on a MP" argument is invalid logic.

Apple's profit margins are high enough on the Mac Pro that they'd seriously have to be doing something wrong to not be making a profit.

You haven't at all proven your economics. Until you do, I'm not accepting this point.
You're making an assumption here.

We know their current avg. Gross Margin (41%), which held true on the 2009 and 10 models in a reverse analysis (it's in here somewhere if you search). What we don't know, is the actual MP sales volume.

So I used what I could find that was relevant and publicly available (2009 Workstation sales), and do some math to figure out how much of that would belong to the MP. That's as close as we're going to get, unless Apple suddenly changes their minds, and splits out the MP data from the rest of their computer systems. Unfortunately, I suspect pigs will grow wings and fly before that ever happens.

But for the moment, I do suspect the MP is fine. I've said this multiple times.

The issue has to do with what's coming up (systems not yet available), as there is plenty of information that the LGA2011 socket parts are going to be expensive. Then when you add in Apple's profit margin, it's not going to be pretty.

LGA2011 vs. LGA1366 = 47% increased pin count, so let's look at this from a simple linear calculation in order to illustrate things ...

Now if you take the X5670 (fastest DP Hex used by Apple), which sells for $1440, and simply multiply by 1.47, you'd get $2117 per for the equivalent SB-E5 replacement (DP @2.93GHz) in terms of market point. As you need a pair, it ends up as $4234 in CPU's alone. :rolleyes: :(

This is the first reason the MP's MSRP will have to increase (let's call it the first punch). Pay attention, as it's going to get ugly... fast.

Simply looking at the current 2.93GHz DP @ $6199 and the quantity pricing on the X5670, you can get the following:
  • $6199/1.41 = $4396.45 cost to Apple (takes out the 41% margin).
  • 2x 5670's = $2880
  • System cost - CPU cost = $1516.45 (covers case, PSU, board, drives, ...).
Now let's just use the current system manufacturing cost, sans CPU's for the moment.
Bare system cost = $1516.45
CPU cost = $4234
Total system cost = 5750.45​

Now for the second punch...

Multiply by 1.41 to add in a profit per unit, and it comes to $8108.18. :eek: :eek:

Now the board will be more complex for LGA2011, and there'll be an additional pair of memory sticks, so that should be ~15% increase in costs on those ends. Which generates a no CPU per unit cost of $1743.92.

So adjusting for this:
Bare system cost = $1743.92
CPU cost = $4234
Total system cost = $5977.92​

Now figure in the margin @ 41% = 1.41 * $5977.92 = $8428.87.

Not that much of a change in terms of % (4%), but it's still an increase that potential buyers would notice ($320.69).

Intel's pricing combined with Apple's margins aren't pretty at all. It's a one-two sucker punch, and it's going to hurt (at this product point, it's really a sucker punch + kicked in the proverbial family jewels). :eek: :D :p

Obviously this is the high end, and these figure's aren't entirely accurate. But it's in the ballpark. To get closer, we'll have to wait for the Quantity Pricing List from Intel on SB-E5.

Now it won't be this bad on the lower end, and Apple will have to select lower clocked parts to keep the pricing from getting this extreme. For example, the base models could be 2.66GHz for the SP, and 2.26GHz for the DP. Lower clocks is the only way Apple could get machines out at a price people would buy (don't expect a reduction in margin). Users will complain, but its the only way to get the math to work out (MSRP's users will buy at, even if grudgingly).

I see this as price creep, and it's real (price increases in excess of inflation; causality is the complexity, but the costs are increasing, but incomes aren't for most, even professionals). Consider how this is going, and think another generation ahead (Haswell), it will reach the point I've been discussing (price creep pushes the MSRP too high to sustain the MP sales at a sufficient level to be profitable enough for Apple to stick with it).

Now I'm not saying they're going to skip SB-E5, or Ivy Bridge versions. But I suspect these will be the last models, when you consider both the price creep issue and that Haswell is expected to produce a single die 8 core part suitable for an iMac (+ TB for peripheral bandwidth). Not an ideal solution, but it is practical for Apple (fastest platform available for their professional software, and can also handle internal software development).

Makes the most sense due to economic reasons.
Apple Store is down.

So it is.

My two cents, skimming the above discussion, Apple would never abandon the Mac Pro, due to bragging rights. Forget the market share...

And I'm hopeful that the forthcoming upgrade will be comparable to the leap with the early 2008 models (of which I have one), and also just as -- relatively speaking -- economical.

But, who knows... we'll see...

Apple doesn't have any overhead on the Mac Pro. None of the design is done internally. They don't have to sell that many for it to be profitable.

And if it's profitable, giving them bragging rights for a fast machine, and providing a critical service for people propping up the platform, why the hell would they get rid of it?

This "Ok, it makes a profit, but not ENOUGH profit argument" is a bunk argument. What exactly is enough profit? Mac Mini profit? AppleTV profit? iPod Socks profit? What? This is a stupid argument.

You're seriously thinking that crappy product issues = out-weighed any financial implications? Are you serious?

Are you saying that Apple wouldn't care if they shipped a crappy product that dragged their brand name through the mud? Of course Apple cares if the XServe is a crappy product.

If a product is developed that's crappy (bug laden, whatever), but has a high profit margin, then that high profit = sufficient motive to fix the problems. Fixing products in this situation can actually increase sales, and therefore increase profits!

Unlike the Mac Pro, the XServe required very high R&D. So not only was it a crappy product, it was bleeding money, and Apple would have had to shell out cash to fix it.

Meantime the Mac Pro is a nice, stable machine. Guess what Apple decided to do?

But when the financial aspect /= incentive to improve the product by solving the various issues it has, they milk it until it reaches the "magic" volume figure that = EOL.

Magic figure? What? Again, this magic figure argument is stupid. If it makes money, and makes people happy, Apple will continue to make it. The XServe neither made people happy, nor made money because of all the custom design required to fit it in a 1U box. And people started buying Mac Pros anyway for the better cooling.

It really is this simple, and how business actually works.

Corporations are purely about money, first, foremost, and finally. Any other concepts were buried in a landfill somewhere the moment that company was formed. :eek: :p

Right. And you're suggesting Apple is going to throw away additional profit because they want more profit?

This is how businesses justify what they do on a personal level, and why we get statements like "it's just business" or "it's business, nothing personal",... Greed trumps ethics in less than a heartbeat. Why do you think they break the law, get busted, pay a fine, and do it again?

They look at it like tipping the waiter at your local sit down restaurant; only on a much grander scale. They still walk away with more money after the fine was paid vs. had they not broken the law in the first place.

I don't like it, but it's the way the world we live in works for big business.

While this miniature lesson is great and all.... Apple doesn't have any R&D costs on the Mac Pro. It's designed here in Portland by Intel. So again, how are they losing money on the Mac Pro? Are the cardboard boxes expensive of something?

You're very good at explaining why unprofitable products are bad, but we haven't reached the point yet where you've explained how the Mac Pro is unprofitable.

So can you really sit here and say things other than money are the fundamental reasons for their actions?

That's not at all what I said. I agree with you that if the line was unprofitable they'd cut it. But they don't have hardly any costs associated with the Mac Pro. It's extremely low overhead and high profit margin.

If the XServe was sufficiently profitable, they would have solved it's issues because it was in their financial best interest to do so. They didn't, so that tells the real story - it wasn't as profitable as they wanted, and decided not to spend another penny than they absolutely had to until it was EOL'ed.

And again, you've yet to prove the Mac Pro is unprofitable.

The key I'm looking for, that you haven't gotten to with your math, is proving that they are taking a loss on each unit.

In fact, you're spinning your numbers by targeting the high end Mac Pros, and not the lower or mid end Mac Pros where we all know the margins are much higher. And I think you know that too.

BTW, from a hardware POV, there's little differences between the XServe and MP as they're both Enterprise systems, and based off of the same Intel parts and base reference designs.

Uhhhh. XServe? Reference design? Certainly not. Have you ever seen the inside of a Mac Pro? Very custom board. Power supplies, case, everything is extremely custom. And the service plans on a XServe are far beyond what you'd have for a Mac Pro.

Have you worked with XServes before?

This is the problem. A Mac Pro is a reference design. It doesn't cost Apple any R&D. XServes? Not reference designs. Which is why the XServe got cut.

That is, a Nehalem based DP MP and XServe used the same LGA1366 socket (same Xeons can run in either), chipset (5520), and ICH from Intel. The boards are separate P/N's due to the different format specifications needed to fit the enclosures.

If they screwed up the boards, it was the result of the ODM, such as poor voltage regs, .... Software issues fall on Apple.

You're looking at this just as a socket which is totally missing about 99% of the components of an XServe.

Care to actually prove this?

...really? I have to prove that? Even Apple's admitted that the AppleTV for a long time didn't meet expectations. I thought that was kind of a given.

Lets look at the AppleTV for example (only product you've listed that actually turned up a result during searches). IF you read the article carefully, you'll see it states there is ~21% Gross Margin. That's a profit, not a loss.

...without taking R&D into account. Lot of spin here. Again, while the Mac Pro has very little R&D, the AppleTV is all designed within Apple.

Now they also mention that it may be losing money due to marketing expenses, which is just speculation on the author's part.

And design. And software. And research. And a lot of things you're not taking into account.

>>>But let's assume for the moment....

I'm not going to continue on this path because you haven't shown the Mac Pro is unprofitable, and this is all assuming it is.

Again. Mac Pro is a high margin product with little R&D. Everything points to it being profitable. Unlike the XServe, Apple could sell only 10k Mac Pros a year and they'd probably be good. And we know, if people converted from XServes, they're shipping at least that many, not counting the much larger number already on XServes.

I mean, if we assume a profit margin of $1000 a unit (which I think is fair), and sells 10k units (which is a very low number given what we know from what Apple has publicly stated the XServe numbers were) thats $10 million in profit. Let's say Apple throws Intel a million for R&D, has an internal team for another million, that's still $8 million in profit.

Now, that's free money sitting on the table for Apple, and a lot of goodwill. Given the discussion we just had about profit, do you think Apple is just going to leave that free profit sitting there? Sure, it's not iPhone money, but it's still money. Does the volume really matter? Especially when it's making users happy?

I think this volume argument is just a cop out to say "Well, even if it is profitable, it's just not profitable enough!" Which is bunk. Profitable is profitable.

Seems you missed the point. I'm not arguing that FCPX will only be around for a year or so. It could go on for another 10+ years if it's profitable enough to keep it around.

I've the impression you've tied FCPX to the MP in such a way in your head, that FCPX cannot exist without the MP, which is false.

The reality is, FCPX can already run on other systems, such as the iMac (it even runs on the iPad!; watch the youtube video in the link).

Which means, that the MP can go EOL, and = FCPX has a future without the MP (where the pro-sumer shift argument originated from various graphics pros in MR).

So.... absolutely nothing has changed since 1998 then? What? Is this the big dramatic sign that Apple is getting rid of the Mac Pro? Cause... I remember the Powerbook G3 was a FCP system. And yet we had the Power Mac G3... G4... G5... Mac Pro... Yep. Lower end machine's running FCP has certainly been a sign of the end of the tower line.

The other fallacy in this line of reasoning is that with computational speeds, film resolution is increasing. Can the iMac handle 720p? Yeah. 1080p? It can handle that ok. 4k? Hell no. Complex motion graphics? Probably not so great.

Film processing hasn't plateaued. It's always a moving target. As nice as an iMac is, a Mac Pro using all it's cores is always going to be better. Heck, a Mac Pro is going to get maxed out for a lot of high end video editing tasks.

Some people like running FCP on fast machines. Some people like running it on slower machines. It's just the way things always have been.

I think this FCPX argument is pretty much dead. Because your argument is now that nothing at all has changed. Moving on...

As I've said before, this is fine for consumer-ware, but not professional software.

Consumer software that you've already admitted (and Apple has already stated) they're adding the pro features back into. Again, I think this line of reasoning is done. I'm not saying Pros shouldn't be mad. But I'm saying this is par for the course. It doesn't seem to signify any change in Apple's strategy besides that Apple continues releasing bad 1.0 versions. It's why most pros I know on Apple systems don't adopt anything 1.0 from Apple. It's been that way for the last decade and there has been no mass exodus. People either put up with it, or they don't. Yes, I wish Apple didn't do it. But they do. And they always have. And the Pro line has survived the entire time.

Simply looking at the current 2.93GHz DP @ $6199 and the quantity pricing on the X5670....(snip)

Again, your argument seems to be Apple will not make enough profit and that Apple is tied to the Xeon. Both are fallacies. Apple can step back down to the i7s. Apple can go AMD. The Mac Pro is not stuck to the price curve of the Xeon.
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Add to that MS' dominant marketshare and it becomes a no-brainer, really. It is -of course- a different story with iOS, but that is hardly a market for pro apps. Not yet, anyway.

I have a radically different view of the morality of Microsoft and Apple than I had ten or fifteen years ago.

Gates goes off to be the world's biggest philanthropist while Steve Jobs and Apple behave like the biggest corporate bullies in the world.

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Apple is now in a completely different league than any company in the world. You could approach Steve Jobs with a brilliant business plan, that truly was guaranteed to make Apple $100 million and Jobs might agree, but nevertheless say to you, "What's your point?" He'd burp, walk into his next meeting or talk to somebody about the design of the new "space ship" Apple campus.

$100 million to Apple? Meh. A rounding error.

Profit alone--even millions of dollars of profit will not make Apple act to create a new product, nor save an existing one. This company has a religious zeal to stay true to its corporate vision...and that vision has become explicity clear: Apple now will only make a product if there are tens or even hundreds of millions of potential customers. Final Cut Pro is a perfect case in point. They willingly pissed off the elite end of the market to redefine the product for a far wider audience.

I agree that Apple might be more patient with the MP, because of the profile of the average MP user, and the work created on the MP. But let's not fool ourselves here.
Again, your argument seems to be Apple will not make enough profit and that Apple is tied to the Xeon. Both are fallacies. Apple can step back down to the i7s. Apple can go AMD. The Mac Pro is not stuck to the price curve of the Xeon.

If Apple wants to keep the Mac Pro as it is, then Xeons are the only option. If Apple went i7 only or AMD, it would be a totally different machine.

The i7 thing has been explained to you several times, they are not cheaper than their Xeon counterparts. The only minimal price difference would come from the lack of ECC RAM but looking at for instance NewEgg, Apple would save less than $10 if they kept 3x1GB configuration (ECC vs non-ECC). A Mac Pro with i7-930 instead of W3530 would still be $2499, the i7 doesn't magically make it cheaper. Besides, then we get driven into the DP issue. i7s cannot be used in dual-processor setups. So, Apple would still be stuck with Xeons in the DP MPs.

The AMD argument is raised up by time to time but seriously, what would AMD do better? Intel dominates the CPU market and that is not a coincidence, their CPUs are the fastest. If Apple went AMD, we might even see a downgrade in terms of performance compared to current gen Mac Pro. Would that be good marketing? AMD's release cycles are also much longer than Intel's. It has been about three years since AMD introduced their latest microarchitecture. Sure, Bulldozer is just around the corner but it has been delayed several times and the reported performance issues sure don't sound promising. Apple also has close relations with Intel so it wouldn't be wise to break them to join rival's camp. While it doesn't necessarily mean something, neither Dell or HP offer workstations with AMD CPUs, they are all Intel.
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If Apple wants to keep the Mac Pro as it is, then Xeons are the only option. If Apple went i7 only or AMD, it would be a totally different machine.

The i7 thing has been explained to you several times, they are not cheaper than their Xeon counterparts. The only minimal price difference would come from the lack of ECC RAM but looking at for instance NewEgg, Apple would save less than $10 if they kept 3x1GB configuration (ECC vs non-ECC). A Mac Pro with i7-930 instead of W3530 would still be $2499, the i7 doesn't magically make it cheaper. Besides, then we get driven into the DP issue. i7s cannot be used in dual-processor setups. So, Apple would still be stuck with Xeons in the DP MPs.

The AMD argument is raised up by time to time but seriously, what would AMD do better? Intel dominates the CPU market and that is not a coincidence, their CPUs are the fastest. If Apple went AMD, we might even see a downgrade in terms of performance compared to current gen Mac Pro. Would that be good marketing? AMD's release cycles are also much longer than Intel's. It has been about three years since AMD introduced their latest microarchitecture. Sure, Bulldozer is just around the corner but it has been delayed several times and the reported performance issues sure don't sound promising. Apple also has close relations with Intel so it wouldn't be wise to break them to join rival's camp. While it doesn't necessarily mean something, neither Dell or HP offer workstations with AMD CPUs, they are all Intel.

Completely agree with everything in this post except for giving Apple's close relationship with Intel as being a reason to stay with them. Steve Jobs would walk off of a keynote presentation together with Paul Otellini, stab him in the side backstage, and watch him slowly die if it meant his products would have better performance or his company would receive better profit margins.
Completely agree with everything in this post except for giving Apple's close relationship with Intel as being a reason to stay with them. Steve Jobs would walk off of a keynote presentation together with Paul Otellini, stab him in the side backstage, and watch him slowly die if it meant his products would have better performance or his company would receive better profit margins.

It was kind of linked to the fact that Intel is the #1 CPU manufacturer in the world and they deliver the fastest CPUs. If the situation was the vice versa and AMD had the fastest CPUs, then I agree with you, there would be nothing stopping Apple from switching the camp, no matter how close their relations were.
It was kind of linked to the fact that Intel is the #1 CPU manufacturer in the world and they deliver the fastest CPUs. If the situation was the vice versa and AMD had the fastest CPUs, then I agree with you, there would be nothing stopping Apple from switching the camp, no matter how close their relations were.

Yes, I knew from reading your very well reasoned and written post. The 'close relationship with Intel' struck me as an additional or secondary point thrown into your proposition.

I had to post about Steve knifing Paul offstage just so I could get that image out of my head.
It seems to me there's an issue with Reading Comprehension, which I suspect is the result of skimming the content, rather than taking enough time to digest the actual meaning.

You're making the same assumption as zephonic; that it's about consumer systems.

I think you are the one who deliberately misread what I stated. I did not talk about consumer systems anywhere.

You stack supposition upon conjecture and back it up with speculation.

That is okay, this is a forum, but your views are just that: your views.

Fact is, as long as we don't know how many MacPros Apple sells, all these numbers and calculations are just a guessing game. I do the same, but since I know I am guessing I don't even bother with the numbers, and still my guess is as good as yours. :cool:

Anyway, we should not be arguing on a Sunday. Peace.
Yeah, I read about the German Tank Problem. I doubt it applies here, though, unless you want to compare the MacPro's indestructibility to that of Hitler's finest. :D And that Macobserver thread is hilarious!

Anyway, my point is you cannot assume that MacPro sales are somehow proportional to OSX ±10% marketshare. Does not compute.
Gates goes off to be the world's biggest philanthropist while Steve Jobs and Apple behave like the biggest corporate bullies in the world.

My take on this is radically different too. I seen Microsoft as a a big bully who used its massive market share to plow under other companies or use it to their advantage. So yeah that is how Bill manages to afford to be a philanthropist. But Microsoft has changed a lot since then and seems to not do that anymore.

I see Apple as a strict parent who calls the shots, but only under their own house. I don't think Apple would have gotten as popular as it has if it let its kids do as they please ( Users ) That's the price for ease of use and a well designed product.
If Apple wants to keep the Mac Pro as it is, then Xeons are the only option. If Apple went i7 only or AMD, it would be a totally different machine.

The i7 thing has been explained to you several times, they are not cheaper than their Xeon counterparts. The only minimal price difference would come from the lack of ECC RAM but looking at for instance NewEgg, Apple would save less than $10 if they kept 3x1GB configuration (ECC vs non-ECC). A Mac Pro with i7-930 instead of W3530 would still be $2499, the i7 doesn't magically make it cheaper. Besides, then we get driven into the DP issue. i7s cannot be used in dual-processor setups. So, Apple would still be stuck with Xeons in the DP MPs.

The AMD argument is raised up by time to time but seriously, what would AMD do better? Intel dominates the CPU market and that is not a coincidence, their CPUs are the fastest. If Apple went AMD, we might even see a downgrade in terms of performance compared to current gen Mac Pro. Would that be good marketing? AMD's release cycles are also much longer than Intel's. It has been about three years since AMD introduced their latest microarchitecture. Sure, Bulldozer is just around the corner but it has been delayed several times and the reported performance issues sure don't sound promising. Apple also has close relations with Intel so it wouldn't be wise to break them to join rival's camp. While it doesn't necessarily mean something, neither Dell or HP offer workstations with AMD CPUs, they are all Intel.

I don't think so. The pro Mac line hasn't always been in the work station market. In the G3/G4 days, they were mid-towers (with optional high end configs), not workstations. The G3 was even sold in consumer configurations. Would it be a different level of machine? Probably. Would many people complain about the Xeon being dropped? Probably not. And adopting the i7 would let Apple reach into the lower speed parts that are much cheaper (whereas the i7 you cited is a higher end i7.)

Plus it would solve the fabled "Apple consumer tower" complaints.

I mean, the alternative being here is Apple cutting the Mac Pro entirely. And we probably can all agree that it would make more sense to change components in the machine than to completely cut it.

DP is an issue though, which is why I'm curious to see if the custom chip rumors are related.
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