Ok, question time.
First the background:
I've got a 5.1 Dual proc 3.46 Hex core westimer with 96 GB Ram, 2 internal SSD's on a sonnet card. Have a Radeon 580 installed and have been running Mojave for a long time without any problems.
Back in December, I tracked an album for a band in Logic. I've been a Logic user since it was owned by Emagic, but hadn't used it in some time prior to this album. At the time I tracked the album in December, I downloaded the trial version of the then 13.2 version of Logic Pro just to get the tracks laid down done, figuring I'd buy the upgrade by the time it came to mix it. Band leaves, goes and tracks the rest of the vocals in a different studio and with different software and such for the album and now it's mix time, and I have all the instrument solos still in Logic here.
I fire up Logic, fully expecting the Trial Expired dialog and romped the buy button which took me to the Apple store. Apple store informs me I can't install the *now* current version of Logic (previous install was last December which ran fine on Mojave) unless I have big Sur, and furthermore I can't even BUY it without Big Sur.
Did a bit of research and according to a 2018 Apple Post and if I can buy Logic on ANY box that can run the current OS, then I can cancel the install, go back to the Mojave box, return to the apple store and download the last previous version of Logic which will run on Mojave, which would be fine to finish the album.
However, I don't have ANY Apple hardware that'll run Big Sur.
So I headed here, read the guide, tried the less complicated OpenCore patcher, downloaded 16.7.2 and built the USB Stick and never got the OC BootPicker to show up, just a black screen.
Fixed that by doing the guide here, step by step, and installing that to the EFI Partition on the 2nd SSD which was where I was going to land big sur just to get to the apple store to be able to buy logic, and it gave me grief that there wasn't a hardware partition on the SSD and as a result the installer could not run.
OK fine, so I copied the now WORKING OC install back onto the flash drive I'd originally prepped the 16.7.2 installer that OpenCore Patcher had created and booted off that. That worked fine, boot picker came up and allowed me to run the installer. However the installer got to a reboot, and then rebooted and nothing came back up, and in fact the box shut itself off. Restarts resulted in the same thing.
Ok Fine again, pulled the USB Stick, did a command option PR to reset the Pram, rebooted back into Mojave which is where I'm at now.
I'm guessing its this whole version > 11.2.3 thing I've been reading here (as the OpenCore Patcher pulled down Big Sur 11.5.2 (16.7.2 Installer Version). Further I'm guessing that if I pull down the 11.2.3 thing, rebuild the installer flash drive with the 11.2.3 installer, then recopy my existing OC Install back onto that, that I should be able to at least get 11.2.3 to install.
So here's the questions:
1: Do I need to roll back farther to installer V. 16.4.07 (Big Sur 11.2.2) or are the problems just AFTER 11.2.3, or will 11.2.3 be ok?
2: Will I need to redo my config.plist just because the installer went from 16.7.02 down to 16.4.08?
3. What will I need to do to shut off auto updates to preclude the issue?
Bear in mind I don't need to even RUN big Sur once I get into the App Store to BUY the logic upgrade, I just need to be able to buy it and I HAVE to be running SOME version of Big Sur to do so. After that I can go back to my Mojave boot volume, and go back to the app store to download the last version of Logic that will run on Mojave (if the Apple Tech Tip from 2018 is still correct). I've blown an entire day on this so far and the clock is ticking. None of this would even have been necessary if Apple wouldn't force you to have the latest OS just to buy the damn thing. I don't need the latest and greatest, I just need logic to open the damn projects up and export the regions as Wave files to send them to the mix engineer, and I could care less what version of logic it is, but my older purchased install can't open these because they were tracked in a later version. I hope to hell this isn't too confusing,
Thanks in advance.