I've installed Martin's config OC 0.7.0 on both cMP5,1(Mid2012) and Big 11.2.3 w/ Radeon RX580 and a cMP4,1(Early 2009) flashed to 5,1 w/ Radeon HD 7950. Both running gr8.
However, on each Mac I'd like to re-enable SIP. I checked csrutil status and csrutil authenticated-root status and both are disabled.
I booted into Recovery and csrutil enable and csrutil authenticated-root enable...when I boot back it returns
csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
csrutil authenticated-root status
Authenticated Root status: disabled
In Recovery I also tried csrutil clear; then did enable. On normal boot both are still disabled
any ideas, cheers Claudio
This has to do with how SIP is managed in the OpenCore configuration you are using. To be able to manage SIP yourself through recovery like on any supported Mac, you can remove