I would start with understanding how Archicad is managing the license keys. In most cases the Mac will connect on startup or on application startup (using a license daemon) to a remote server to check if the locally installed license is still valid.Hi. On my MacPro I have a strange behavior that I guess is related to OpenCore. I can't be totally sure, because it's something I don't notice immediately but previously for some months I used Catalina through Dosdudes patcher and didn't notice it (and sure it didn't happen before). What going on? Every time I reboot my MacPro, Archicad says license key is damaged and need to be repaired. This means that I must upload the license on software house server and download it again. Nothing to bud, until key remains reparable and Graphisoft won't ask me way I have corrupted license even more times in a day.
Before I installed OpenCore, this happened only after a system update. Now it happens at every reboot. Is there someone that can figure what can cause this? And is there's something I can do to prevent it?
So I would assume this check does not really work out on boot, possibly because you did not allow a license daemon to work through the security pref pane?
Search the web for Archicad license management....