Just the small problem of finding out how to rename the disks in the Boot Picker?
If anyone can shed any light on this i would be very grateful
One way is to create a text file called ".contentDetails" containing the name of the disk you wish and place it the folder /System/Library/CoreServices.
One way to do that is through a terminal command:
sudo echo "My Boot Disk" > /System/Library/CoreServices/.contentDetails
Just replace "My Boot Disk" with whatever you wish.
SIP will need to be disabled to place the .contentDetails file into /System/Library/CoreServices.
Then, in OpenCore config, you need to check the value of
PickerAttributes settings.
PickerAttributes needs to be set.
See the OC manual.
Here's an extract :
Type: plist integer
Failsafe: 0
Description: Sets specific attributes for the OpenCore picker.
Different OpenCore pickers may be configured through the attribute mask containing OpenCore-reserved (BIT0~BIT15) and OEM-specific (BIT16~BIT31) values.
Current OpenCore values include:
• 0x0001 — OC_ATTR_USE_VOLUME_ICON, provides custom icons for boot entries:
OpenCore will attempt loading a volume icon by searching as follows, and will fallback to the default icon on failure:
– .VolumeIcon.icnsfileatPrebootvolumeinper-volumedirectory(/System/Volumes/Preboot/{GUID}/ when mounted at
the default location within macOS) for APFS (if present).
– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the Preboot volume root (/System/Volumes/Preboot/, when mounted at the default location
within macOS) for APFS (otherwise).
– .VolumeIcon.icns file at the volume root for other filesystems.
Note 1: The Apple picker partially supports placing a volume icon file at the operating system’s Data volume root,
/System/Volumes/Data/, when mounted at the default location within macOS. This approach is flawed: the file is
neither accessible to OpenCanopy nor to the Apple picker when FileVault 2, which is meant to be the default choice, is
enabled. Therefore, OpenCanopy does not attempt supporting Apple’s approach. A volume icon file may be placed at
the root of the Preboot volume for compatibility with both OpenCanopy and the Apple picker, or use the Preboot per-
volume location as above with OpenCanopy as a preferred alternative to Apple’s approach.
Note 2: Be aware that using a volume icon on any drive overrides the normal OpenCore picker behaviour for that drive
of selecting the appropriate icon depending on whether the drive is internal or external.
• 0x0002 — OC_ATTR_USE_DISK_LABEL_FILE, provides custom prerendered titles for boot entries from .disk_label
(.disk_label_2x) file next to the bootloader for all filesystems. Prerendered labels can be generated via the disklabel
utility or the bless command. When disabled or missing, label text in (.contentDetails or .disk_label.contentDetails) will
be rendered if present instead, otherwise the entry name itself will be rendered.