Figured that out about 2 hours ago. Now I’m up and running with Monterey! Thanks for responding. Should you set it back to the original state after install?Did you enable the VMM flag?
Figured that out about 2 hours ago. Now I’m up and running with Monterey! Thanks for responding. Should you set it back to the original state after install?Did you enable the VMM flag?
Yes, that's the usual procedure. Leaving the VMM flag can lead to performance loss and potential power management issues. Monterey is still a moving target, but it looks like the VMM flag won't be necessary for installations after all:Should you set it back to the original state after install?
I wonder if Windows 11 will still suffer from the occasional hang at the Windows loading screen... If you could keep us posted, that would be great.Sorry if this is an off topic but I just successfully installed Windows 11 on my Mac Pro.
Not until now, everything runs smoothly. After the Windows installation, i downloaded the Boot Camp ESD for the `iMac18,1` model with `brigadier -m iMac18,1` and only installed the missing drivers for Bluetooth and Wifi manually and don't used the Bootcamp installer, because only the missing drivers should be installed. After Wifi was working, Windows downloaded updates for drivers and in general. I installed additionally the drives for the RX 580 from AMD for Windows 11. Now everything is working and the Device Manager shows no unknown devices. Thanks again for the great appendix in post #1.I wonder if Windows 11 will still suffer from the occasional hang at the Windows loading screen... If you could keep us posted, that would be great.
What was the issue? Im experiencing the same thingAfter Step 2, enabling hardware acceleration, I can boot my Mac, choose my boot drive, but after the Apple logo shows and it finishes loading my screen goes black... Any ideas?
Edit: Monitor works when using hdmi cable, anyway to enable Displayport?
Edit: Found an issue in the config file, works now.
Please try thisWhat was the issue? Im experiencing the same thing
The issue is: the config.plist spoofs the Mac Pro (4/5,1) to be an iMac Pro, while it should be spoofing to a MacPro7,1 in order to drive a multimonitor setup.What was the issue? Im experiencing the same thing
The next iteration of the guide here will focus on the latest version of macOS and will therefore use the MacPro7,1 board ID. This spoofing is fine for the latest version of macOS but requires extra settings to boot Mojave and earlier...The issue is: the config.plist spoofs the Mac Pro (4/5,1) to be an iMac Pro, while it should be spoofing to a MacPro7,1 in order to drive a multimonitor setup.
Sorry if this is an off topic but I just successfully installed Windows 11 on my Mac Pro. It is quite easy, instead of downloading the ISO directly, you have to create it with or see for more details. Also the filename under `sources` changed from `install.wim` to `install.esd`. Thats all what changed from the great APPENDIX by @cdf.
Maybe someone else could try this.
Copy /USB/EFI/Microsoft to /Volumes/EFI/EFI
Note that if your Titan Ridge card has been flashed, you should use the Apple version of the driver.I also entirely destroyed my first attempt by installing the Titan Ridge Thunderbolt drivers while having Thunderbolt devices attached. As soon as the driver came to life it froze the whole machine, requiring a full NVRAM and SMC reset before even OpenCore's boot menu would be displayed again.
On my cMP, MacPro7,1 board ID works fine but breaks HEVC & H.264 encode & decode on Mojave & Catalina (specially in FCPX and Quicktime). with iMacPro1,1 board ID, HEVC & H.264 encode & decode works fine.The next iteration of the guide here will focus on the latest version of macOS and will therefore use the MacPro7,1 board ID. This spoofing is fine for the latest version of macOS but requires extra settings to boot Mojave and earlier...
Ooh, good point. I've just used the one from Gigabyte. Would I find this in the iMac18,1 driver package?Note that if your Titan Ridge card has been flashed, you should use the Apple version of the driver.
Can you boot Mojave with minimal spoofing?and will therefore use the MacPro7,1 board ID
How about in Big Sur and Monterey?On my cMP, MacPro7,1 board ID works fine but breaks HEVC & H.264 encode & decode on Mojave & Catalina (specially in FCPX and Quicktime). with iMacPro1,1 board ID, HEVC & H.264 encode & decode works fine.
Yes, with "-no_compat_check" and SecureBootModel set to Disabled. See post #9,120.Can you boot Mojave with minimal spoofing?
I also applied the 0.7.4 package to my MacBook Pro Retina from 2012 to see if I could extend it's lifespan to yet another OS generation. It previously ran Big Sur no problem using the standard 0.7.4 and previous OC packages. It's a bit sluggish with Monterey though. Still runs but won't sleep, hangs a couple of seconds on window close etc.., Any thoughts on any tweaks to the OC package to get it to run smoother? Also it notes the screen as a 48" screen which it isn't (15.2" Retina) making the resolution of the standard MacOS windows small, still useable but small. Any insight would be appreciated.Did you enable the VMM flag?
How about in Big Sur and Monterey?
FCP / Compressor is very picky on using HEVC hardware encoding.The issue is mainly to do with Apple Apps like FCP and Compressor. With Big Sur on FCP 10.5.4, only HEVC Decode and no Encode. 1:26:00 minute Swordsmith clip took 25 minutes to render (4K UHD 10-bit HDR to 4K UHD 8-bit) with most of the Xeon Cores on ~40% loading while RX580 is idle most of the time (except when FCP is decoding).
View attachment 1862490
FCP does use the AMD dGPU for H.264 Encode & Decode and took 2 minutes to render out.
On the other, VideoProc App uses VideoToolBox API and has no problems transcoding HEVC to H.264 in realtime (took less than 2 minutes (~ 32 fps vs 3 fps with FCP).
Not experimented with Monterey yet.
Issue persists with iMacPro1,1 spoofed board-ID with FCP 10.5.4 too. I believe version 10.4.6 did work well under iMacPro1,1. I'll downgrade mine and test with both spoofed ID's.
FCP / Compressor is very picky on using HEVC hardware encoding.
Please follow the exact settings as per this video (e.g. disable "Allow Frame Reordering")
The update should show up if you use hybridization spoofing (in which case, you won't need the VMM flag).I followed the instructions on page 1 and was able to run Big Sur 11.2.3 on my Mac Pro5.1 since several months. Now with OC 0.7.4 and the integration of SurPlus I wanted to update to 11.6, but Software-Update doesn't show the update, it says "you are using the latest version 11.2.3. I have gone through my config file several times but can't find what's wrong. Would be great, if a more clever person could help me out... and yes, the VMM flag is turned ON.