Hi everyone!
I could use some help figuring out some issues I'm having...
I have a pretty textbook setup with my cMP 4,1 -> 5,1.
View attachment 1901085
All this, plus...
NVME boot drive with Mojave 10.14.6
OC 0.7.5
Problem 1) With every OC version, when I try to enable HWAccel, whether manually or through Martin Lo's package, it boots up and gets stuck at the apple logo, with no progress bar.
In order to solve it, I have to pull the SSD that has OC on it, boot into mojave normally, and then manually delete all the HWAccel related stuff in the config.plist.
Problem 2) I installed Catalina on another drive, and while it runs smoothly, I've noticed that my Das Keyboard (plugged into the USB hub of my LG Monitor, plugged into the USB 3.0 PCIe card), stops working properly. Namely, whenever I press the caps lock key, it no longer responds. Meanwhile, the usb hub of the keyboard itself is still working, because my mouse is plugged into that.
The only way to get past it would be to plug another keyboard into a built-in usb port and keep typing, OR to unplug the keyboard and plug it back in. But then, sometimes, the strange behaviour comes back.
Obviously, before I load the edited list back in, I verify it every time, and it always says "OK".
Any insight as to what could be causing this?