@cdf So I'm stumped....
I followed your guide on page 1 to the "T", but the Windows installer USB will not show up on the OpenCore boot selector.... I've tried playing around with my config.plist, to see if that may change anything, but still no luck.
I started from top to bottom, and did everything that you mentioned in post 1. Any tips?
Offtopic -- I had Windows working perfectly via Bootcamp 6.1 and was on High Sierra for a real long time, but was getting a little bored/tired of the same old thing, and then when I started reading about OC, I got excited!
Anyway, one thing led to another, and after getting Big Sur working on my machine (very flawlessly) and all tests going accordingly (not to mention the posts in this thread and other forums), I decided to try to see if I could just convert my Windows SSD from MBR to GPT, and if the OC bootloader would pick it up..... Unfortunately, ended up screwing up my Windows SSD, so had to reformat, and I lost it all.... but it's ok, trying now with this method.
SO where I currently stand right now is this:
I've got Big Sur running on my machine successfully with OC, and I have my Windows SSD Formatted to ExFAT (GUID partition), with a Windows 10 USB Stick plugged in and ready (following your rsync -r ....) instructions.
When I boot to OC Bootloader, I do NOT see Windows. I also tried holding ALT right after chime/before OC bootloader, but still no Windows stick.
Any help is very much appreciated!