@cdf I do seem to be making progress, but still do not have hardware encoding support. I found that under Monterey the GPU (as well as the SATA controller) has a different PCI identifier than under Mojave. When originally building the config.plist file under Mojave the device looked as you have described in the first post:
but under Monterey looks more like this:
(This is not exact because I do not have my cMP in front of me ATM.) Once the new PCI address was put in place, GFX0 was visible in ioreg. A similar thing happened with the SATA controller, and once the controller was correctly identified in config.plist, the SSD showed up as an 'internal' device.
I also found that I needed to set 'rebuild-device-tree' to 1 in config.plist AND put -wegtree in the boot-args to move past a black boot screen.
However none of this has enabled hardware assisted encoding. Even adding the 'pikera' parameter to boot-args did not enable acceleration. So it seems like I am closer to my destination, but still have not arrived yet.