Hi Everyone,
First of all, thank you all for this amazing job keeping good old 4,1 and 5,1 MacPro alive and up to date with new OS.
I'm running studios and the software we use push us to go to Catalina for the beginning of 2022. Thanks to you I was able to install Catalina on the MacPros we have.
I'm posting today because I experience the same problems than
@Dewdman42 with OC 0.7.5+ with Catalina.
By following the guide, I confirm that Catalina does not boot.
Fortunately, I had done the guide a couple of months ago while it was still OC 0.7.4 (and recommendations for Catalina), so i'll just continue to use OC 0.7.4 I have on this drive and duplicate it to the other computers I have.
For records, I follow the actual guide with OC 0.7.6, without installing SurPlus.
Results : while booting in Catalina, progress bar stop at around 90% and the MacPro reboots.
Maybe a disclaimer in the guide saying "Problems with OC 0.7.5 and later were reported for Catalina. If you plan to use Catalina, stock with OC 0.7.4 for the moment.".
I can do few tests if requested to help find the problem with Catalina and OC 0.7.5+.
Thanks again to everybody involve in this project.