Oh I've given it a try since I connected my cMP 3 weeks ago and the longer I have it the more I realise its not for me.
I've said before I didn't even realise OpenCore was installed until I checked my Boot ROM version hoping to see the latest only to find it reported as 9144. and after researching realised it was spoofing the ROM version.
And simple things like editing the SystemParameters.plist file to change ContinuitySupport from false to true to enable Apple Watch Unlock for the upgraded BCM94360CD Airport card and a few other things like I did on my iMac only the other day are made more complex by OpenCore spoofing the motherboard ID so it is not clear how/which or even if I can modify the plist.
I would at this point in time sacrifice OpenCore completely if it made it straightforward just to modify the entry in the plist above to enable full Continuity/Handoff.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg for me. 10.000 replies in this thread alone means I will never be up to speed on it and thats not including the many thousands more on related subject matter. My Modus Operandi has always been KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid even more so since I turned 60 and am struggling to learn anything new and even printed manuals often don't make much sense to me any more!
That's not to take anything away from those geniuses who figure it out in the first place and share their knowledge with others who in turn share their experiences with the rest of us. I am in awe of the discoveries & workarounds and gladly contribute my own humble experiences when I can.
Things is I don't have any desire to upgrade beyond High Sierra as my 2011 iMac is stuck there for ever and I have held my other Macs on HS as for peace of mind I would prefer them to be all on the same macOS rather than mix 'n match.
Having said that I might be tempted to try Mojave on the cMP if I can safely do so without using OpenCore or any other jiggery pokery and if I like it might install on all but the iMac as although I have been inside to replace a faulty HDD and ended up fitting 2 SSD's and the BCM94360CD Airport card I have no desire to start playing around with graphics cards which could leave me dependant upon OpenCore or other workarounds on that machine.
I'm just waiting to see if by removing OpenCore it might impact anything else on the cMP before I disable it.
Thanks & kind regards,