Yes, I have all the required files, and I got everything from new. My config is actually what
@cdf posted in the bottom of the page 1 guide.
I upgrade by replacing my current OC (in my EFI volume) with the OC from 0.7.7.
I "move to trash" current 0.7.5 OC file and then copy over the 0.7.7 OC file, similarly with how Martin Lo's "how to upgrade OpenCore" video in post 53 of the AMD thread
Perhaps this is a better question, I was a bit confused on whether the FirmwareFeatures code between
PlatformNVRAM and
SMBIOS should match (searching this thread says they shouldn't, but then again those were specifically discussing Monterey, not Big Sur...)
Does my PlatformInfo code look correct for Big Sur:
also, is my UpdateXxxxx section correct?