For the Monterey config - yes; for the Mojave config - no. But what I'm asking given my setup, with Mojave in SATA1, is if I pull the OC USB and boot, whether the cMP will automatically boot Mojave, and not try to boot either Win10 (in SATA2), or Monterey (in NVMe #2). It was my understanding that since the blessed OC USB is absent the NVRAM won't see the stored boot device, and will default to the first bootable OS in the order of Optical>SATA1-4>NVMe>USB>Network.Do you haveas part of your boot-args?Code:-no_compat_check
I'm just trying to eliminate the step of swapping configs in order to boot Mojave and then back to Monterey. If I could boot into Mojave by just pulling the USB, and then boot back to Monterey by reinstalling the USB, that would be a lot simpler.