Update on my upgrade to Monterey the other day from Big Sur.
I'm feeling the same sluggishness with graphical tasks as I did with Big Sur (GTX680). It was blazing fast under Mojave, I didn't run Catalina, so don't know how that compares.
I realize that this NVidia card is now old and not officially supported on Monterey, but it was on Big Sur and this seems to be the same issue. I could play Borderlands 2 flawlessly on Mojave for example, but it's extremely laggy on Big Sur, I haven't tried it on Monterey, but I suspect the same performance, based on how the system is performing. Everything flies in Windows.
Does anybody know where the graphics driver being used for the NVidia cards is coming from that is being used in OCLP for Monterey? Is it the same one from Big Sur? The only thing that causes me to take pause on that assumption is that both my displays worked right out of the box once the OCLP patcher was run, whereas I didn't have both displays without a funky workaround (boot with HDMI unplugged, plug it back in after login) under Big Sur. It of course worked perfectly in Mojave, so wondering if it might be the Catalina one?
Now is not a great time to be buying a graphics card, so I'd like to continue to use this one for the time being until sanity is returned to that market.