After reading about the RIM Storm and analyzing factors even as an iPhone owner and mac user I conclude that unless Apple greatly improves its software offerings and hardware offerings RIM Storm will take a huge dent in Iphone sales and possible shift the Iphone product cycle analysts have created before. Blackberry in the north american markets is ubiquitous and is known for its high tech high quality phones. With its strong command of the corporate sector markets the blackberry storm is RIMs most successful attempt at making gains in the prosumer market (if you guys don't know what prosumers are I don't have enough energy to explain and just look it up). The iPhone's strength was its all in one platform in hardware and software as well as being an advanced touch screen multimedia device. But as seen we consumers have many complaints, lack of video recording, lack of voice dialing ,poor camera extremely buggy new software, lack of turn by turn gps, an NDA and an arbitrary app approval system. Mac's main problem is that up until now it didn't need to listen to consumers because it was truly the only one of its kind, HTC diamond or samsung instinct are not truly the same style of phones as RIM or apple are due to price range as well as technology factors. RIM has an advanced operating system that is has been with for a long time with already a large base of programmers for it. Now the main thing many mac fans (idiots who don't understand consumer behavior) will say that the hard drive difference makes iphone and storm different and the iphone superior. But honestly most consumers consider these memory cards not that much of a hassle. Apple for awhile has been able to rest on its laurels but now not anymore. Android doesn't have the same competition abilities as RIM due to the fact its at the mercy of phone makers. Blackberry will sell at least 4 million storm in its first year in the US markets alone as now companies can have an executive multimedia phone, outside of the North American Markets 5 million mostly in western Europe and India. Blackberry users who came to the iphone will leave again and people who were turned off by bad press of the iphone will see the storm as better choice. Apple has a choice to compete by improving processor speeds as well as more physical features to compete or it will find itself in 2nd to a well established storm system.