Ordered mine on May 11th in the afternoon, but it hasn't been changed to "Prepared to Ship"
When did you order yours?
It says on his image, May 10th at 1:30AM PDT.
I ordered my 32GB WiFi on May 9th at 11:39PM PDT and it's still Not Yet Shipped.
That's very strange. I ordered mine at 11:34PM PDT on May 9th (and it's still not yet shipped). Did you receive your order acknowledgment email right away, or later in the day, like around noon (Eastern) on the 10th?
Reading the quotes I can understand people are getting nervous. However be patient.
I ordered one at 9AM pacific time on the 10th. Currently the IPAd is still not prepared for shipment. But it still states a May 28 Delivery date.
Speaking to a mac rep on friday, they mentioned that it is most likely that these orders will not start heading out until tuesday( about 2 or 3 days before delivery). Thus you will not see it early , but on the 28th. (The rep, mentioned that it is highly unlikely that you would receive it before MAy 28)
So hang tight, wait and see.
If it does delay late; work on that wonderful quality of patience.
If they ship out tuesday, then there's a good chance you'll be seeing it early, they'd have to ship international priority just to be sure they hit launch date - thus people in economic centres might see them on thursday
Same just switched to Prepared for Shipment...
Toronto here... if anyone wondering :d
Same just switched to Prepared for Shipment...
Toronto here... if anyone wondering :d
Same just switched to Prepared for Shipment...
Toronto here... if anyone wondering :d
Prepared for shipment - Nova Scotia.