Why? It simple, they bought Palm, or more specifically, WebOS. Makes much more sense to develop this into a tablet OS and not shoehorn Windows 7 and a janky UI on top of it.
A webOS tablet would be the bee's knees. Beautiful alternative to the iPad.
hahaha i know someone that went to teach english in japan and taught the kids outdated slang like the bees knees. i guess its not so outdated?
A webOS tablet would be the bee's knees. Beautiful alternative to the iPad.
MS Courier was officially cancelled today.
"Fail" can be taken to mean - will not set the market on fire, will not be a beloved item that more than a few people are passionate about, will not be a trendsetter.
Remember, I am guessing here. That's all anybody can do at this point. The product does not exist, I repeat, the product does not exist.
By the time the HP/Palm deal is actually completed, and they develop and then produce a Web OS-based tablet for public consumption, Apple will be so far ahead in mindshare and marketshare that it might all be academic.
Why? It simple, they bought Palm, or more specifically, WebOS. Makes much more sense to develop this into a tablet OS and not shoehorn Windows 7 and a janky UI on top of it.
Indeed, it does not. Oh, they may eventually produce one, after rethinking it. WebOS and an ARM CPU is certainly a step in the right direction (should have better battery life and performance than a Win7/Atom). But then it's competing even more on the same ground as the iPad, which will have a 12-18 month lead and be into its second or third iteration by then.
By the time the HP/Palm deal is actually completed, and they develop and then produce a Web OS-based tablet for public consumption, Apple will be so far ahead in mindshare and marketshare that it might all be academic.
Wow, it's really funny to read the change in tone of all the HP/MS apologists on the Gizmodo comments page about both the cancelled Courier and the Slate.
After months puffed up self righteousness regarding "iPad killer" this and that, these people can all eat a big plate of their words and go home to cry into their netbooks while the rest of us enjoy our iPads that actually do exist.
Even on these forums I have read tons of posts from angry Apple haters who had all but written their checks to HP for a new Slate that now will never be.
You guys thought that vaporware would crush the iPad, did ya'? Your precious Win7 "creation device" with Flash support and USB-who-gives-a-crap, whatever???
Well, HP had actually used that brick they "created," and were at least smart enough to realize that their goose was cooked and it couldn't come close to competing with what Apple has magically produced, so they wisely pulled the plug before letting it loose and embarrassing themselves.
My apologies for the schadenfreude but if you've read the kind of nonsense and vitriol that I have in these forums and others, then you might also feel a tinge of the same at this news...
I agree, windows 7 while not snappy or the right fit now for a tablet, would have kept many people who wanted a tablet away from the iPad. (me included) In the meantime they could have worked on the webos version. Being so open, I could not see why they couldn't release the slate and offer webOS upgrade and have a dual booting system. Dual boot webOS and windows would be interesting.
This is another example of how Apple enters a market and dominates (not guaranteed with the iPad, but possible).
Apple enters the market place with a really good, tangible device. Competitors, instead of innovating, wait to see what Apple does. They realize that what they came up with in vaporware videos won't cut it or isn't possible. So they scramble to match Apple and by the time they finally release a product, they are a full generation behind Apple. The whole time they are playing catchup, and the market share battle is almost lost before it is started.
2) Their figures showed there simply wasn't a big enough market there for this machine.
Personally, I'm going to say the second one is most likely. The Slate really wasn't anything new,
Basically, while it's a little surprising HP got so far along the development path (they must have pretty much finished and been ready to go full scale manufacturing if they were aiming for a June launch?) I'm definitely not surprised to see them back off. It's the same old story from the crowd who complained about the iPad not running 'full' OS X really: what benefits do you get over the equivalent laptop and do they outweigh the compromises? I've never, not once, seen a really solid answer to that question and never ever an answer that would make good solid commercial sense if you were looking to shift hundreds of thousands of units (or more of course).
This coming from a iPad & iPhone lover. But I am an Apple hater. Thier buisness practices are attrocious and thier "we know better then you" attitude discusting.
Yea. Just ignore Android.HP will own Palm by the end of the summer. And that means that they will have the Web OS crown jewel. The Web OS on a tablet is probably the only competition that the iPad will really have.
I think your analysis is WAY off.
I can run MS Office, the gold standard for office productivity.
I can use ANY browser I want(Firefox/chrome/Opera/etc).
I can use Photoshop(albet older versions)
I can use the custom applications written inside my company
I can use Flash
I can run my companys accounting software
I can use Mathcad
I can run JAVA
I can run pretty much any application written for the Windows OS in the last 10 years, except games. And I can write my own. ALL with out Apples approval. No one tells me whats appropriate for my tablet, no one tells me wether I'm allowed to write software for my tablet, and no one tells me there's a life time limit of 2 Slates.
The reality is a GOOD real OS based pad would crush the iPad simpley because it could do so much more then the iPad because it was designed too. Was the Slate that product? Maybe not, but once the market gets rolling I'd say this is one Apple is not a shoe in to dominate long term. They haven't made a significant dent in the personal computer world since the Apple II.
This coming from a iPad & iPhone lover. But I am an Apple hater. Thier buisness practices are attrocious and thier "we know better then you" attitude discusting.
A webOS tablet would be the bee's knees. Beautiful alternative to the iPad.