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My Chase Visa was hit for $12 from Apple...except it's dated yesterday. My order only contained a 3G iPad and a dock (which I already got and was already charged for) I'm not sure why I was only charged $12. Just for the priority shipping maybe?

if it is for priority shipping I would ask apple for it back. Several people have been upgraded at no charge. (and we did not even ask)
Oh yeah - Apple's a blameless little angel. From the Apple iPad site:

Can I use my current iPhone service plan with the iPad?
No. The cellular plan for iPhone is separate from the iPad plan.​

It seems to me if Apple truly was interested, they'd have leveraged AT&T to allow tethering via the phone. There is absolutely nothing but greed I can discern as reason to deny the feature to the iPhone subscribers. The unlimited data plan should include iPad usage. Period. Forgive my angst, but it would not surprise me if Apple inked some deal to receive a percentage of the data plan subscriber fees. :mad:

I don't know that I agree $30 should cover unlimited data on 2 different devices, but I can understand wanting that for sure.

The fact is if Apple had any leveraging pull over AT&T regarding tethering, it would have shown up when Apple included that ability during the 3.0 release. It has been a year and people in other countries can tether with their iPhones because Apple was interested in giving people that option ... meanwhile we in the U.S. cannot and the sole reason is AT&T, not Apple.

Again, Apple is still hammering out the worldwide carrier agreements and we don't know what 4.0 holds for the iPad.
You've got to be kidding. Apple has done everything it can to enable tethering. It works in plenty of countries outside the US. It's AT&T dragging it's feet on that one.

I do agree that AT&T needs to come out with some type of unlimited plan for multiple devices. Gizmodo had a story on this last month I believe. Having a $30 to $60 plan for every device is a great way to watch something fail.

kind of like the "family plan" but for devices. :eek:
if it is for priority shipping I would ask apple for it back. Several people have been upgraded at no charge. (and we did not even ask)

I'm not doing anything to mess with the order at this point. The last thing I want is to end up doing something that will put me at the back of the line.
I got the "late april" e-mail as well (just ordered it last week). Also noticed today they upgraded the shipping to "priority" finally.
iPad 3g Shipping

ipad have to be definetly shipping CC charge just came up China to Memphis via Anchorage

I would suspect delivery via FEDEX wed.
I'm not doing anything to mess with the order at this point. The last thing I want is to end up doing something that will put me at the back of the line.

Yeah that is a good idea. I would not do anything to your order now either.. I was just letting you know... ;)
I'm not doing anything to mess with the order at this point. The last thing I want is to end up doing something that will put me at the back of the line.

That's how I feel. I want to cancel my Apple case order (ships May 5th according to my order) but I'll wait until the iPad ships first.
That's how I feel. I want to cancel my Apple case order (ships May 5th according to my order) but I'll wait until the iPad ships first.

Heck, I am afraid to go into the cite to look at the order details in fear that I might accidentally alter the order some way by some "magical" button and I get the ipad a day later. ;) jk of course... *smiles*
ipad have to be definetly shipping CC charge just came up China to Memphis via Anchorage

I would suspect delivery via FEDEX wed.

Wednesday is way too optimistic. It'll never happen. They haven't even begun shipping yet!
ipad have to be definetly shipping CC charge just came up China to Memphis via Anchorage

I would suspect delivery via FEDEX wed.

Your CC was charged from Memphis to China! Those darn hackers again! :cool:

On a more serious note. Are you saying that you've received a FedEx tracking number?
As someone who foolishly didn't pre-order, I'm starting to get a bad feeling that Best Buy (the closest place I'll be able to get it) isn't going to get these until around May 7th... :confused: Hoping Jobs proves me wrong with an announcement tomorrow... [gulp]
whats worse is that the guy sometimes puts our packages on a cross street's porch. We are 9603 and they are 9603 but a DIFFERENT street. Very frustrating. But I may try your angle this time!! :p

I do this every time for ups shipments. My guy gets here at 7-8 if not. The drivers don't care about policy, custome service does. The drivers just scan it as delivered. My UPS driver thinks I'm always sick for always demanding my "medication" I guess! :)
I do this every time for ups shipments. My guy gets here at 7-8 if not. The drivers don't care about policy, custome service does. The drivers just scan it as delivered. My UPS driver thinks I'm always sick for always demanding my "medication" I guess! :)

I don't know that I agree $30 should cover unlimited data on 2 different devices, but I can understand wanting that for sure.

Say I'm out and about and I am using my 3GS iPhone. Then my husband goes out separately with my, escuse me...with OUR 3G iPad and uses it at the same time.

Is that why they don't want an unlimited combined data package? Because the iPad isn't user specific it can be used by anyone, and it theoretically it could be sold to anyone and the seller could tell the buyer (say a relative or a close friend) "it's covered on my unlimited data plan and we'll just keep it that way--it doesn't bother me."

That could be the reason.
... Don't be such a jerk, man..chill..


I could care less about O2 ... since AT&T is the default iPhone U.S. carrier, thank you. Apple's inaction and ambivalence towards tethering speaks about as loud to me as AT&T's greed. And I'm the jerk? :D

Apple is in a position to influence AT&T and chooses not to. If I am an iPhone subscriber, why should I have to pay twice as much for unlimited data? I certainly wouldn't be using twice the data if I were using the phone to tether the iPad. It makes no sense. :confused:
I dont' mean to be "that guy," but there's a large thread here regarding 3G shipping speculation.

There's definitely a thread for 3G shipping "speculation". But, what about a thread for 3G shipping confirmations so everyone else can get an idea when to expect their iPads?
Say I'm out and about and I am using my 3GS iPhone. Then my husband goes out separately with my, escuse me...with OUR 3G iPad and uses it at the same time.

Is that why they don't want an unlimited combined data package? Because the iPad isn't user specific it can be used by anyone, and it theoretically it could be sold to anyone and the seller could tell the buyer (say a relative or a close friend) "it's covered on my unlimited data plan and we'll just keep it that way--it doesn't bother me."

That could be the reason.

Not really. I don't need to buy the 3G iPad if I can tether the Wi-Fi-only iPad to an iPhone. Buy a 3G iPad and pay for your own plan if you don't have an iPhone or don't care to tether. As for those who already have an iPhone and data plan, your example is moot for the wi-fi-only iPads.
There's definitely a thread for 3G shipping "speculation". But, what about a thread for 3G shipping confirmations so everyone else can get an idea when to expect their iPads?

I'm sure that'll be fine, but the OP didn't include any actual confirmatiion.
Credit cards such as AMEX and others will show tomorrow or the next day. They never show a transaction the day it goes through.

All the debit cards do because they're instantaneous. Notice all the cards that have been hit are debit (mostly all anyway).

Those who put on a credit card, but haven't seen it, dont' worry. It's happened, but it's just not showing.

Well in my case it did show up. I used a Visa Credit Card and it shows a pending charge for my iPad 64GB 3G. My available balance went down too. This all happened just before I rec'd the letter from Apple that I would get it by End of April confirmation. But regards to Debit cards, Apple does not know it is a debit by looking at the number so I really don't follow you. Even Debit cards could get a pre-authorization in my eyes.
I don't know that I agree $30 should cover unlimited data on 2 different devices, but I can understand wanting that for sure.

I'm curious to see whether or not an iPhone SIM will allow data connection from an iPad. If that's the case, I could see many people cutting down their iPhone SIMs to micro-SIM size for use in the iPad, and buying micro-SIM adapters so they can go back in the iPhone. That adapter problem will be alleviated by iPhone HD, which reported will use a micro-SIM.

I'm not sure I see a conceptual problem with SIM swapping like that, but AT&T might. In the meantime, we know that they are checking individual data plans against the IMEA number of the device and automatically tacking $30 data plans on devices that don't have one. Seems to me they would do the same if they found the SIM in an iPad didn't match the device number it was sold for.
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